
#project alpha 1

Raj2133 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
8 Chs

chapter 48

Chapter 48: Mixing with the Elite

Kahn took a deep breath and entered the large hall. Although he was feeling awkward a bit inside, he still maintained his confident look and looked approachable.

He grabbed a glass of wine and greeted the organizers. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered and started to look around; some of the guests approached him and greeted & formally introduced themselves to Kahn.

Kahn didn't have any problems getting mixed up among these reputed and influential people as one would expect because at the moment, his reputation was at its peak.

"I've long heard the renounced name of yours, mister Kahn. And I hope to cooperate with you on many things in the future if you have time." spoke one of the well-dressed guests who displayed proper etiquette and demeanor of a well-mannered individual.

"Pleased to meet you as well. And I do appreciate you being direct about it than beating around the bush. I like such type of person the most." joked Kahn and started a friendly conversation.

As a grain of sugar was in front of them, many of the guests started swarming like a group of ants towards Kahn and tried to make his acquaintance before others had a chance.

Soon, there was one side of the hall that was filled with dozens of people making pleasant and praising remarks to Kahn while he greeted them politely and replied with utmost respect like someone belonging to an Aristocrat background.

But to some younger men in the crowd, the sight was displeasing because who didn't like attention and gain recognition of the masses. Especially for the ones belonging to the upper class of society. Something such as power, reputation and respect is what they yearned for most.

The nail hit the coffin when many young and beautiful girls and some extremely gentle looking women adorned in lavish clothes started paying attention to Kahn and even gave occasional flirting remarks, praising his extremely masculine body and handsome face.. This even made Kahn feel shy occasionally because who didn't appreciate compliments from the opposite gender?

Kahn kept a polite smile on his face and laughed in response, showing a welcoming attitude to these young and gorgeous women.

"Eh, what's so good about killing a bunch of braindead monsters? And since when can a Commoner be better than those from Noble clans?" spoke a young and round-faced man among the guests. His voice was was loud enough to reach every corner of the hall.

"Yes. I believe he didn't even kill those minotaurs by himself and had help from others. All those rumors seem like nothing but a sham to me." complained another noble heir among this crowd, adding fuel to the fire.

But unlike some Beta main character, Kahn wasn't the type of guy who'd allow others to talk down on him or let such remarks slide if somebody specifically targeted him.

"I feel like if you gentlemen have some misgivings about me.. May I know why?" asked Kahn in response, his voice was loud enough to reach everyone's ears.

"Ah, don't mind us. We just don't fit in well with posers and lowlifes." spoke a slim man from this group with condescending eyes.

"Then why do I see a bunch standing in the middle of this hall?" replied Kahn as he sipped his wine elegantly.


Suddenly the entire hall went silent as multiple gasps and shocked whispers were heard. Kahn's remark was targeted towards this group of young nobles who were standing exactly in the middle of this hall at this moment.

This was no different than declaring this bunch as useless and incapable through that retort.

"You! What did you say?! Do you know who I am?" spoke a grumpy guy from the group, totally enraged after Kahn's banter.

"No, I don't. And I don't care.." declared Kahn in a nonchalant voice.

Why should he swallow down an insult just because he was surrounded by a bunch of upper-class people? None of them were related to him or had any friendship so why would he shut up and not respond in the same way as the other party.

Trying to control this situation calmly would only make him look weak and a conman. Who would take him seriously if he didn't retort back in an authoritative tone?

"You lowlife scum! You dare insult us?! Are you tired of living?" shouted the first round-faced young man.

Kahn walked in front of the group of people that were surrounding him. He placed the wine glass on a table and folded his arms. He raised an eyebrow and replied in a dejected tone.

"Why would I feel threatened by a bunch of weaklings?"

The crowd went into disarray as soon as Kahn's last remark was heard.. Kahn had called these group of young heirs as weaklings.. Like he had no fear of the consequences and didn't fear the ire of these noble families at all.

Some found his attitude extremely brave while the majority of the nobles present there found his words extremely arrogant. This was a society of Elitism after all. A no-name coming in their circle and calling their young-ins as weaklings was no different than a slap in their face.

"You ignorant cretin! You dare fight me?!" shouted a young guy who was around the same age as Kahn.

"Yes! Do you dare fight us, young filthy commoner!" replied a Tigerkin young man from the noble group.

Although Rakos Empire wasn't run by a Royal family and worked more like a Democratic country, there existed a class of people who had a say in running this Empire. So definitely they had their sense of superiority and elitism.

"Even if I accept your challenge, I don't think it's appropriate to cause a fight here in front of all these people. It'll ruin this pleasant gathering." replied Kahn in a carefree tone.

"I'll allow it."

Suddenly an old Lionkin amongst the crowd who was surrounded by many old age people who were wearing extremely expensive clothes spoke in a soft tone. But his voice spread across the hall regardless and everyone in the hall turned silent the next second.

Unlike the other lionkin Kahn had seen, the old man in front of him wasn't excessively tall or had any muscular built. But from the looks of it, he held immense power and authority.

"Let me introduce myself.. I'm Gravis Kenthaar, the Magistrate of the Flavot city." spoke the old man as he walked towards Kahn and tried to shake his hand.

Kahn shook the hand in response and spoke "Pleased to meet you, honorable magistrate. Apologies for not recognizing you and greeting you when I came. I simply hadn't had a chance to meet your grand figure before." Kahn spoke with a calm demeanor, looking completely unaffected by the magistrate's regal appearance.

"I too wished to meet such a promising talent such as you, mister Kahn. Your grand and heroic deeds have reached my ears as well." replied the old man with a benign smile on his face.

At this moment, a middle-aged man and a brunette woman dressed in formal military clothes walked and stood behind the old magistrate. They were none other than captain Nordak and lieutenant Beatrice. Yet none of them spoke a word and simply looked at Kahn with discerning eyes.

"Since there seem to be some misunderstandings between you and these young men.. Why don't you display some of your skills to all of us? I'm certain that many of us would like to see them as well. Am I right everyone?" spoke the magistrate and looked around the hall.

"Yes, yes. We would love to see some entertainment as well." spoke a noble from the present guests and soon many others followed him. Some of the noble heirs belonged to the families of these nobles and Kahn calling them weaklings was also a disrespect towards their entire clan. So they too wanted to see him beaten and asking for forgiveness.

"Sure, let's take it to open space. It will give everyone a proper view as well." said Kahn.

Soon he and the group of noble heirs went outside in an open garden, followed by all the attendees.

Kahn stood on one side and the group of 8 heirs on the other side. They all took out their weapons, all of them seemed to be sword users for some reason.

Kahn found it reasonable as swords were the most glorified weapons for the noble class and military ranks.

Kahn took out a wooden sword from his space ring.

"Why aren't you using a real weapon? Are you afraid of something?" asked one of the heirs.

"Yes, I'm afraid... Afraid that I might end up injuring you lot." replied Kahn with an expressionless face.

"You! Let me go first. I'm going to teach this filthy scum some manners!" roared a man and walked ahead of the group.

"Wait!.." spoke Kahn and put his left hand in the left pocket of his trousers while he pointed the wooden sword in the right hand at the group of young nobles.

"I don't have all night. Let's finish it in one go." Kahn said.

"What do you mean?" asked the man who was about to fight Kahn.

Kahn simply let out a smirk and replied.

"Come at me.. All at once."

Chapter 49: The Difference in Skills

Total silence.. Whether it was the group of Noble heirs, the guests or even the security personnel.. Everyone stood rooted to their spot after Kahn's declaration..

All at once? Was he looking down on the opponents too much? Mainly the heirs of the noble clans who had years of training in fighting by professional teachers were not even worth his time?

"Impudence!! This young man is acting too shamelessly. Acting as if he is the only strongest person in the room. This is an insult to our families and name!" shouted one of the enraged old noble snakekin who was part of the elderly crowd that was talking with the old magistrate previously.

"There's a limit to how much one can be ignorant and not know their place." spoke another demonkin noble as he gave a disgusted look to Kahn.

"Oh, Is that so? Then how about this.. You all attack me together and if I get injured or even die.. none of you will be held accountable. How does that sound?" spoke Kahn in his usual carefree tone.

"Courting death!" shouted a young heir.

"Yes.. What glory is there to gang up on an opponent?" asked the tigerkin young man.

"You lot truly overestimate yourselves, don't you? Compared to the type of monsters I've fought and killed.. I wouldn't even consider any of you a threat."

Another insult!

Kahn was outright insulting the group of Noble heirs.. Well, not just them but also their clans indirectly.

"Do it! Teach this lowly baffoon some manners and show him his place! He's asking for it!" shouted an elderly nobleman.

"Fine. Don't regret your words you lowly commoner. It was your fortune to even be allowed to enter this banquet.. But doesn't mean you can get away with insulting our noble clans." replied the round-faced young man and the group of young noble heirs took their attacking stands.

Kahn didn't take any form of stand and remained aloof with the wooden sword in his right hand.

"Prepare yourself!" shouted the guy in the front as the group of young noble heirs charged at Kahn together.

"Power slash!" shouted the first guy.

"Ripple stab!" shouted the second guy.

"Tornado swing!" roared the third guy.

One by one, the heirs shouted some preposterous names and swung their swords at him.

Kahn rolled his eyes and quickly reacted in a nanosecond..

He sidestepped and slapped his wooden sword on the neck of the first guy, pointed and stabbed the second guy on the heart and simply parried the third guy's horizontal swing.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Kahn quickly walked from his initial position to the end of this group and made swift attacks and incapacitated every single one of the heirs.. His movements were so fast that all everyone saw was a black streak passing through the group of young noble heirs and in just 5 seconds, he was already at the end of their side.

Thud! Crack! Chink!

The onlookers finally registered the sounds of slapping, stabbing, parrying, swinging, breaking, and clanging.

"Argh!" groaned many of these young men in pain as they dropped on the ground one by one.

"Ah!.. My neck!" spoke the tigerkin man as he almost felt like choking on his saliva from the swelling he had on his throat.

Kahn who still had his left hand in the pocket was at the other end where the group previously stood, he gave out a bored and lifeless look on his face instead.

He was thoroughly disappointed in these young men. Even though they were nearly as same age as him.. In his mind, he was still the 30 years old Elric from his previous life.

"Amateurs!" shouted Kahn as he walked towards the young men who were now dirtied in the grass after they fell. Embarrassing themselves in front of dozens of these noble and influential figures.

"Did you people even train properly till now? You, round face, you're full of openings! The demonkin, you're charging too fast without maintaining a proper footing." spoke Kahn.

"The tigerkin, your attacks have force but no form. The elf, your build is not made for swords, use a spear or halberd instead!" he admonished the heirs and started pointing out their mistakes in stances, fighting techniques, forms and timing.

"And most importantly.. Which idiot told you to shout the names of your attacks loudly?! Do you want to alert your enemies and help them counter you instead?!" roared Kahn as he was utterly stupefied by these morons in front of him.

"Not a single one of you knows how to actually use a sword. It's nothing but fancy moves with no technique and skill behind it. If this was a real battle, all of you would be lying dead on the ground." his voice thundered and even gave a sense of fear to all the onlookers.

The group of noble heirs however felt chills in their spine and felt like a giant predator was about to tear them alive.

"If this is all the new generation of this city can offer.. Then I only see a bleak future for this city and our Empire!" complained Kahn as if he belonged to the upper class of society even above all the people present here.

He slightly let out his aura and let everyone including the crowd feel this pressure of authority and dominance.

As for why someone as calculative as Kahn was causing such a commotion, even going as far as directly insulting these noble heirs and their families..

It was because he wanted everyone to feel that he wasn't someone they could afford to mess with and should be dealt carefully. But at the end of the day, he was just one man.

But if a young, talented and strong person such as Kahn were to act as if he came from a bigger background.. People would at least try to investigate deep into it than having beef with him just because of few provocative words. That's why Kahn faked his background right on the spot and gave a sense of mysterious heritage through his words.

They would naturally feel the need to know the extent of the power that stood behind this man.

The nobles who played the power game in their sleep easily took this hint and stopped themselves from retorting despite his haughty and disrespectful words.

Kahn put his wooden sword back in his space ring.. In reality, he didn't even use a single skill or ability when fighting this group. It was basically his physical strength, reaction speed and reflexes doing all the work along with the techniques that were now ingrained in his subconscious mind after raising their mastery to 100%.

Kahn was indeed a bonafide peak master rank fighter now. And to take this bunch of amateurs.. He didn't even need to use half his strength or any skill.

He picked up a glass of wine and walked away from the group lying on the ground and towards the old magistrate.

"Apologies for my rude behavior, honorable magistrate. It's just that I lose my temper whenever I see someone making a joke out of swordsmanship with their faulty and meager mastery." said Kahn in a loud tone that reached the ears of all the guests.

With those words alone, they could no longer retort as who would try to pick a fight with someone when their own offsprings were at fault.. That would look as nothing but incorrigible and unfitting conduct for someone belonging to the noble clans.

If any of them did, it would be considered a petty behavior and others will use that to talk down on them. That's how the facade of the upper class worked.

"It's understandable mister Kahn. And thank you for gracing us with your impeccable display of mastery." spoke the old magistrate.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Spoken like a true warrior!"

Suddenly, a stoic and mature voice came from behind the old magistrate.

It was none other than captain Nordak.

Even Beatrice who was also a swordswoman was elated after watching Kahn's flawless techniques and how he single-handedly defeated 8 people in just 5 seconds.

To many, it looked like swift movements but for someone like Nordak and Beatrice who spent years training their fighting skills and techniques.. It looked like they had witnessed a true master displaying their craft.

This instantly earned their respect for Kahn. Now they even felt wrong for suspecting him to be Azrael.

"In all my years so far.. I've never seen someone so young having reached such a level of expertise in swordsmanship. Mister Kahn, please allow me to thank you for sharing such a beautiful sight in front of us." spoke captain Nordak.

"Unacceptable! He must have cheated!!"

A roar came from one of the noble heirs who couldn't accept his defeat and charged at Kahn with his sword.

Just as the guy was about to come 3 meters near him, Kahn finally used his one ability he never had a chance to use so far...

Executioner's Gaze!

Chapter 50: Gaining Approval

It had been nearly 30 days since created his ability by merging Paralysis Gaze and Predator's Eyes. But he never had a chance to use it in a confrontation because this ability worked only on those who were weaker than him & only at one person or an enemy at a time.

However, this was perfect for this moment. Kahn wasn't going to allow anyone to talk down on him after his awestrucking display of swordsmanship.

Since he couldn't kill the opponent because at the end of the day, the young man charging at him belonged to a noble clan. But there was a better way to do it without dirtying his hands.

"Deamos, no!!" bellowed a middle-aged nobleman who stood amongst the guests.


Kahn's eyes flickered with a yellow spark and met the eyes of the incoming attacker.

But before the attacker's sword could even reach a meter close to Kahn, the young noble heir fell in his charge after getting paralyzed on the spot and his body skidded on the grassy ground, just stopping before Kahn's feet.

Kahn didn't make any remark on this attempted murder.. Rather he maintained his calm and collected demeanor. Not even speaking a word and solemnly looking at the teen who was now close to licking his shoes.

"What's the meaning of this?! You can't even accept your fair defeat and attack someone from the back?!" roared the old lionkin in rage.

This was a banquet hosted by him, and this young heir made an attempt on someone's life right in front of him.. And that too after losing in an overwhelming manner. This was simply a slap in the old magistrate's face.

"Please forgive him.. My son is naive and foolish." the nobleman spoke as he ran towards the young man.. Afraid that the magistrate would order to kill his son on the sight.

"Get him out of here! I better not see him in the city again. Or I will not show any respect to your father or your family!!" spoke the old lionkin in an angry loud voice.

In the end, nobles held some authority but he was the damn magistrate of this city! He was officially chosen as the one to run this city by the government.. Anyone causing such a commotion and going as far as attempting to kill someone in front of him was an outrageous act.

Captain Nordak ordered the nearby guards to pick up this young noble heir who had created a scene and thoroughly shamed his & his clan's name by these actions.

"We apologize again mister Kahn.." spoke Nordak and left him alone.

Kahn's display of strength and dominance had left all the guests and onlookers completely baffled. Especially the old noblemen who thought he was just some nobody who lucked out and got popular. But now they realized that the young man they thought as nobody was actually a Dragon amongst men. They all had no choice but to notice him.

One by one, people started cheering and praising Kahn on his overwhelming and one-sided victory. Especially because he had made some of the noble houses lose their face by beating and admonishing their family heirs. This was soon going to create another storm tomorrow in the entire city.

"Hahaha! That was amazing. Even though swordsmanship isn't my lane.. I'm impressed!"

Suddenly a loud and majestic voice landed on everyone's ears.

A giant blue Tigerkin walked in fully black and white regal clothes. He stood in front of the old lionkin and then stared at Kahn.

The tall 4-meter long figure of a muscular demihuman stood in front of Kahn and reached out a hand to introduce himself.

Everyone else showed utmost respect towards the new addition to this banquet. No different than what they showed in front of the magistrate.

Kahn shook the hand of this tall figure and the next second, he felt an insurmountable pressure landing on him.. Coming from nowhere else but the blue tigerkin.

He felt like his kneecaps were to drop on the ground as he maintained his body to stand properly.


Kahn quickly activated War Dominance aura and broke this invisible pressure in just 2 seconds..

"Huh.. That quickly? I see that I underestimated your strength." spoke the tigerkin and deactivated his aura..

Kahn wasn't a weakling anymore like when he met Arkham, Stragabor and Solomon. His level had risen by nearly 24 levels compared to back then and so did his experience in fighting and Weapon Mastery. Now, he had no problems facing the aura of someone as strong as Solomon. Though in terms of actual combat strenght, his capabilities against them couldn't be decided yet.. Kahn knew he won't have a problem escaping either. He was certainly weaker than the Tigerkin in front of him but he simply didn't care about it. He'd bridge this gap soon.

"You've already met the conditions to become a grandmaster.. Just that something feels missing before you break that threshold. Nevertheless, it's an accomplishment not even millions of people can ever achieve. I'm certain that you'll enter the grandmaster rank in a short time." spoke the muscular tigerkin.

His voice was clear for everyone to hear.

"You're late, Commander Straze." spoke the magistrate.

"My bad.. I took some time choosing clothes. I don't like attending such fancy parties you know. Rather fighting and killing monsters in my thing." said the blue tigerkin and returned to Kahn..

"Straze Boltomir, Commander of the Military Battalions that protect the city. Nice to make your acquaintance." introduced Straze as he shook Kahn's hand promptly, as if trying to check his strength through some pulse or something.

[System, details..] spoke Kahn and ordered the system to scan the demihuman in front of him.

[Scanning Complete.

Name : Straze Boltomir

Species : Nectoral Tigerkin (Rare Species)

Rank : Peak Grandmaster rank Brawler/Warrior (Semi-Saint rank)

Level : 88 ]

Peak Grandmaster rank! And about to enter in the Saint rank as well..

Kahn finally got the idea of this commander's strength.

The tigerkin in front of him was even stronger than Solomon, president of Adventurer Association. By far, the strongest individual Kahn had met in Vantrea.

"So even Commander Straze approves of mister Kahn.." spoke one of the guests..

"He's a true deal. There's no doubt. We must form a good relationship with him no matter what." spoke an elderly noble.

"And he's so strong and handsome! Totally my type!" spoke an old noblewoman who gazed at Kahn's body with covetous eyes.

Kahn suddenly felt a chill under his skin for a second.

The talk between these people continued while Kahn was gossiping with the two of the most powerful & influential people in the entire city.

While Arkham & Solomon held a huge authority through the Association, they were still not officially in command or control of the city.. The two people in front of him were..

The conversation shifted from his training to many other irrelevant things.

But then suddenly, the topic shifted towards one thing Kahn didn't want to talk about..

"So, mister Kahn.. What do you think about this Azrael?" asked the magistrate; captain Nordak and lieutenant Beatrice perked their ears to hear into the conversation.

But unlike what they expected.. Kahn's expression didn't change in the slightest or looked surprised at all.

Because Kahn had already suspected this as one of the two reasons why he was invited to this banquet in the first place.. One was to investigate his prowess while the other was undoubtedly about him being the Azrael.. The most notorious criminal in the Flavot city who has killed more than 40 people now.

Because a sudden emerge of two different and strong fighters doesn't happen by coincidence. Anyone with two brain cells could link the connection.

"Eh, nothing but just a psychopath. At the end of the day.. He is someone doing this for the kinks and using this whole judgment and justice to make himself look good. Because no matter how righteous his cause may seem.. He's nothing but a coward." spoke Kahn without a hitch as if he truly looked down on Azrael.

"Why do you think so mister Kahn?" asked commander Straze.

He simply nodded and replied..

"Because he's simply killing the small-timers.. The ones he can afford to kill without suffering consequences. If he was truly powerful.. He wouldn't kill under the blanket of night and hide behind the shadows." replied Kahn and continued..

"Because if it was me and I had the strength.. I would declare an all out war on everybody instead." said Kahn in his regal tone.

Instantly giving him a tyrant-like appearance.. Especially to lieutenant Beatrice who was already extremely impressed by Kahn's demeanor so far.

"Hahaha! Exactly my thoughts so far! Only a weakling would hide behind the shadows. If he truly had the guts, he would not make these petty killings and try to gut down big fishes instead." spoke commander Straze.

The night continued and Kahn enjoyed the delicious meals and company of many businessmen and nobles who tried to become friends with him.

Just during that time however.. He felt something was odd after he drank a glass of luxurious wine.


Kahn spoke in his mind and the rogue subordinates passed from of his shadow and mixed with the shadow of the servant who just served this wine to Kahn.

Kahn spent the rest of the time enjoying the banquet and finally bid farewell to everyone he came to know today. He was certain that his impression was solid and soon he'd be known amongst the top ranks and creme de la crop.

But as soon as Kahn came few kilometers away from the location of the banquet.. He ordered the carriage driver to take off and entered a dark valley.. His expression turned that of rage and his eyes fumed with anger.

Because during the party as he was merrily chatting and creating connections with the fellow guests..

Kahn was... poisoned!

Chapter 51: Crossing the Line

In the dark alley, stood Kahn as he was trying to comprehend exactly what happened. He hadn't even detected that he was poisoned through the wine he was drinking until the system notified him that he was poisoned..

And to top it.. The Poison was an extremely lethal one. If not for his Grandmaster rank Poison Immunity he got after absorbing the body of the legendary Somir during hunting days in the forest.. Kahn would be either dead or on the verge of it in just a few hours already.

But thanks to that ability, all he felt was losing control over his nerves and balance of his body when he was riding inside the carriage. The poison itself was so potent that even his grandmaster rank immunity took some time to completely process and detoxify his body. Or else, he would've died a painful and pitiful death.

And because of his Eidetic memory, he could remember each of the encounters with other people he had. Mainly when he shook hands with them, when he ate something or when he drank the wine.

Alcohol wasn't his preference so he stuck with wine only. And he had drunk only 3 glasses of wine. He received the notification from the system when he was on the 3rd glass.

"So they took time on deciding how best to poison me without raising suspicion. And only decided on the wine because it was the only beverage I drank throughout the banquet." recounted and summarized Kahn.

Since whoever wanted him dead couldn't just put such a highly lethal poison in food made for the nobles which could lead to a disaster itself and only wanted him dead.. They had to find a sure-shot method that would only get to him and him alone.

"Who could it be?" he thought for a while, trying to decide the most possible culprit.

The nobles had no problems with him before he attended the banquet and beat the heck out of their children.. The security wouldn't dare to do it as it would jeopardize the Magistrate's reputation.. That would bring doom for whoever planned this assassination.

Naturally, no Noble would bring poison to a party that was meant to make themselves able to communicate with other nobles. Even if they had any prior qualms, they would settle it somewhere else.

As for the magistrate himself.. He was only curious about his strength. And commander Straze didn't appear to be someone who'd go for a silent assassination.. Rather he'd kill his opponent with bare hands instead. He looked to have that much pride as a warrior.

Now that left only one person and his only clue.. The servant who brought him the wine.

Kahn quickly activated his Hive Mind ability and linked his mind and vision to Ronin, the Rogue subordinate he had left inside the shadow of that servant.

Kahn had stopped by only after few kilometers away from the magistrate's mansion because this ability had the restriction of working only in the 5 kilometers proximity of Kahn.

Through Ronin's eyes.. He saw the servant cleaning up the dishes along with others and then leave the mansion hurriedly.

While all his subordinates had shadow merge that helped them merge with Kahn's shadow.. Only Ronin had the skills to mix with someone else's shadow as he was created by mixing an Assassin & Thief class corpses when he was created by Kahn when he hunted the Groundhog adventurer team members as part of his contract. So he used Ronin as his tracking device.

Kahn donned his black cloak and followed the servant as he watched him enter a dark alley that was nothing but a desolate area.

The servant knocked on a door of a small rundown house.


The door opened and a black-masked individual let the servant in the house.

"I did it. I finished the job." spoke the servant.

"Are you sure? Did you see him drink the poison with your own eyes?" asked the masked man.

"Yes. You have no idea how dangerous it was. I was surrounded by all those nobles and guards. Thankfully nobody else asked me for a glass of wine. Only this guy was drinking the wine among all the men while the rest were drinking alcohol. So I thought it was the best way to do it by spiking the wine." spoke the servant.

The black-masked figure took out his mask and finally revealed his face.

A demonkin with a long black beard and braided hair.

Kahn who was watching and hearing all of this through Ronin found his facial hair style a bit similar.

"So, when do I get the money you promised?" asked the servent.

"That's the neat part.. You don't."

The bearded demonkin quickly took out a dagger from his back and stabbed the servant in his neck before the man could even react.


The body of the servant fell on the ground as he started choking on his blood and slowly lost his life on the spot.

"Idiot. Did he really think like we'd leave a clue behind? Hahaha" laughed the demonkin as he wiped off the blood from the dagger.

"Shame.. You're still alive." spoke a grim and deathly figure from behind the demonkin's back.

Before the demonkin could even turn his head back, a dagger was placed on his throat.

"Who sent you?" asked the figure under the black cloak..

"Who are you?!" asked the bearded demonkin in a ghastly voice as he was nearly scared to death after this sudden emergence of this hooded person.

"I'm the one asking questions! Who sent you? And who ordered you mix the poison in the banquet?" spoke the grim person.

The demonkin turned and tried to stab the hooded man in the stomach, but just then.. A spray of acid was thrown at that hand that held the dagger.

"Arghh! My hand!!" roared the man as his hand started to melt away and his bones were put on a display among that mangled flesh.

"Answer! Or the next stream goes in your head!" ordered the hooded figure and revealed his face..

"You!.. Impossible! This guy said he saw you drink the poison."

It was none other than Kahn..

He pointed his hand towards the head of this demonkin as if he was to release the acid again..

"No! Wait.. It was the Sigurd family's first young master.. Stragabor Sigurd!" shouted the demonkin who felt like he'd lose his life if he tried to keep his client's identity a secret.

"I see." spoke Kahn solemnly and released another spray of Poison Acid and melted the demonkin in front of him.. The man didn't even get a chance to scream before his head and face was melted away.

"Till now.. It was only because of the contract that involved me killing people related to him.. I had no actual enmity with him. But this is crossing the line. Those who try to kill me.." spoke Kahn and put the entire house on fire with fireball skill and walked out..

"Should prepare for their deaths instead."








Author : Daily two chapters starting from today.

Chapter 52: Under the Moonlight

The midnight moon shone brighter and covered the entire city under its serene and peaceful light.. The blissful air slithered across the city as the chilling breeze complimented the moonlight.


A small shadow flickered amongst the city buildings and passed by and ran through the shadows of one building through another.. Completely passing through the eyes of hundreds of people, not even one of them sensing any presence from this shadow.

This shadow was none other than Kahn using the Shadow Walk skill and traveling through the city. This is exactly how he hunted and killed those criminals ever since he started acting as Azrael.

Kahn stood atop a tall building and gazed at the humongous mansion in front of him that stretched for around 3 kilometers in length and breadth..

What made it different that it had layers of buildings, the normal buildings on the borders of the site while after a gap of few hundred meters, there were more well designed and decorated houses. And in the third inner layer, lied an extremely exquisite and well carved wooden building.

Kahn was instantly reminded of how those Sects in Cultivation stories were created in this same style. Where the normal servants and disciples lived in outermost parts and the truly important people with a position or importance in the innermost parts.

Kahn's vengeful eyes landed on this site as he continued to slither through the shadows walked right through the main gate of the mansion.. The guards on duty didn't even notice that someone had passed by them.


Suddenly a guard felt pain in the back of his neck but before he could even register what happened, his head was severed from the body and landed on the ground.. The man saw his own headless body fall before him as he drifted into eternal sleep.

Kahn already had the idea that in the entire family, only Stragobor had reached the grandmaster rank..

Even his father, the current head of this noble clan was an Intermediate Master rank fighter at best.

One by one.. Bodies dropped as Kahn and Ronin passed through the shadows and killed the guards without making a single mistake.

If Omega was Kahn's battle partner, then Ronin was his assassination buddy. They had already mastered their coordination a long time ago. And using Hive Mind skill he created using Synthesis, it was like two different Kahn were doing the assassinations.

Today, Kahn was truly pissed off. Because for the first time, he had let his guard down ever since he came into this world called Vantrea. In the grand display of his craft at the banquet.. He let a simple servant poison him.

This irked him to the core because if not for the grandmaster rank Poison Immunity skill he had gotten by luck.. He'd be a dead man and lose his second chance at life. It was much different than someone far stronger than him killing in a battle..

To Kahn, it was more like training yourself to fight a Dragon but getting killed by a Chicken instead.

This was a thorough insult to him and exactly hit on his nerves.

[Never again!] spoke Kahn to himself as he vowed to never leave his guard down.

As for Stragobor.. Who the fuck cared if he was a grandmaster rank fighter or his family had a huge background.. He had made an attempt on Kahn's life so he had to pay the price.

He already killed Stragobor's younger brother because they tried to set an ambush and kill him over a small quarrel.. And now the elder brother followed the footsteps of the younger one who was already sent to hell by Kahn.

Normally, Kahn would mind his business and do things that would be beneficial to him alone. But he never got picked a fight with random strangers..

And now with his current strength, he had a simple rule.. He won't mess with the passerby. But if someone threw stones at him..

He would throw a fucking mountain at them!

One by one, the dead bodies piled up in this mansion. As per his information, this was a private property where only the core clan members lived.

Majority of the women and children lived in a different property, only those who had considerable strength and authority in the clan were allowed to live in this ancestral site.

This made things easier for Kahn as he wasn't a heartless monster to kill innocent women & children.

In just 40 minutes, Kahn and Ronin had killed more than 30 guards and the first layer of defense was already broken. He reached the inner parts of the mansion after silently killing through guards and taking out everyone in his wake. Because there wasn't any need to spare any life here.

Swish! Swish! Kacha! Kacha!

Kahn made sure that everyone he killed didn't drop on the ground or made any noise, he carefully put them down including their weapons and used the dark corners inside the mansion to kill out everyone awake and sleeping.

He didn't mind killing the females in the mansion either. As the servants would not be allowed to sleep under the same roof as the main family members, he wasn't afraid of killing someone he shouldn't have.

Finally, after he reached the third and the last mansion, he took out the guards on the duty and ordered Ceril to come out.

"Cast the Silence Barrier." Kahn ordered and the Enchanter subordinate created a silencing barrier and covered the entire building.

Ronin went silently and returned with a head of an old man and a woman. Ceril then deactivated the barrier.

Kahn went and kicked the main door and broke it in half with a single kick.

"Who is it?!" shouted a burly bear-like tall man and woke up from his sleep after he sensed a killing intent. He quickly grabbed the giant Battleaxe that was kept on the left of his bed and ran down to the main hall of this building.

"I told your brother that if you came looking for trouble.. I'd send you to meet him in the afterlife." spoke the hooded figure.

Kahn revealed his face to this bearded man.

"You! You're still alive!" shouted Stragabor in disbelief.

"Why so surprised? Oh anyways, I come bearing gifts." spoke Kahn and threw two heads towards Stragabor's feet.

"You bastard!!" roared Stragobor as he quickly recognized the two heads.. These belonged to none other than his parents.

"Don't worry.. I'll send you to meet them soon." spoke Kahn expressionlessly.

"You forgot who you're fighting against. I'm a grandmaster rank fighter.. And I'm going to make you beg for death!" bellowed Stragabor as he brandished his powerful weapon that was glowing yellow.

Kahn smirked and said "Who said I'm fighting you.."


Suddenly, two giant and tall figures jumped out of his shadow and filled a quarter of this huge and broad room.


Chapter 53: All out War


The wooden wall exploded and a tall body of a man landed on the grounds outside of the building. His clothes completely disheveled as he got up on his feet.


A giant 10 meters tall Lycan landed on the ground.


A giant 12 meter tall human-looking monster who had a giant Battleaxe & a Shield in his hand landed next to this monster.


A young man suddenly appeared with a flicker in front of these two giant figures and stared at the bear-like man in front of him.

"You!.. If you're truly a man, fight me by yourself if you have any honor!" shouted Stargabor at Kahn.

"Eh?! Says the man who had assassins put poison in my drink. Where was your honor back then?" replied Kahn and brandished his sword as he put the daggers in his coat. He put the black cloak in the space ring & was now wearing his normal adventurer gear.

"I don't know what kind of magic you're using. But don't think these summoned monsters will hold me back or stop my people.." spoke Stragabor as multiple footsteps started coming from behind Kahn's back.

These were the clan members and soldiers he hadn't killed before.. They quickly encircled Kahn, Omega and Blackwall, pointing their weapons at the trio. He noticed that there were still around 40 or so hostile opponents.

But neither did he look faltered and nor did he felt a sense of danger.

"You're surrounded by us you fucking bastard! I'm going to skin you alive! I'll break your bones one by one till you scream and regret being born! You killed my brother, my father and my mother! There's no one who can save you now!!" bellowed Stragabor as his axe shone bright and a visible yellow aura started exuding from his body.

This was the full power of a Grandmaster rank fighter!

Even the fellow Sigurd clan members tensed up under this aura. Thankfully it wasn't targeting them but the man in the middle of the circle.

"I've told this to your brother once and I'm telling you this as well... I'm not surrounded by you.."

Swish! Thud! Ding! Pitter!

One by one, dozens of giant black figures jumped out from Kahn's body, 5 more terrifying figures that included the remaining of the Six Generals, more than 20 giant Minotaurs followed by 30 to 40 black spider-like Nymph monsters came out of his shadow and filled the entire ground in a matter of seconds!

Their numbers were twice than of the soldiers that came before.


Kahn released his extremely murderous and chaotic black and red aura on the surrounding area and all of the enemies that had encircled him..

"You're all surrounded by me!"


Roared Omega and commanded Kahn's army of subordinates and they launched waged war on those who surrounded them.

Clang! Shink! Rip!

An intense battle ensued before any of the opponents could understand what was happening.

"Monsters!" shouted one of the clansmen before he was squashed under the wooden club of a minotaur.

"Argh! No!" screamed a man in agony as black crawling nymphs ripped open his stomach and pulled his entrails and innards out.

"Help me!" shouted a woman after she saw a minotaur walking towards her and started running away..


Before she could even run for a few steps, a long and hard pike pierced her head.. The pike arrow came from none other than Oliver who had already positioned himself on the top of the wooden house.

Screams and wails resounded as Ceril burned a group of people alive with his mage spells and killed a few more with frost spikes.

Bodies cut down in half and blood sprayed on the ground as Jugram cleaved through the group of enemies using his axe and a giantsword.. His swings and attacks extremely powerful that even those who had shields couldn't survive a single swing of his weapons.

"Run!" shouted some people and started running from the site but before they could even come close to the gates, a dark shadow passed by them and one by one, many felt a sharp pain in their hearts and necks.. The dark figure emerged from the shadows and stared at the dying people in front of him.. It was Ronin!

The 500 meter long ground was now filled with a gory battle as blood and guts painted the ground red..

"What kind of monster are you?!" shouted Stragabor and charged at Kahn. He swung his battleaxe with extremely fast speed at the man in front of him.


But before the axe could even hit the man, a giant shield took the brunt of the attack and barely moved a step back.. An extremely tall and muscular body fully donned in scaly armor and a battleaxe in other hand growled at Stragabor..

It was none other than Blackwall!

"You shall not pass!" declared Blackwall in his rustic voice.


A horrifyingly loud and deafening roar filled the entire area and the Sigurd clansmen lost the balance of their bodies and were stunned on the spot.

It was Blackwall's Battle Roar that can stun all the enemies in 100 meter radius, the fellow subordinates and Kahn were immune to this skill.

With just this single skill, the state of the battlefield completely shifted towards their side as majority of the enemies were now incapacitated and were just waiting to be killed.

Omega then charged at Stragabor and launched his Shredder claws.. The pure & destructive mana claw ranged attack. Stragabor quickly blocked the attack with his battleaxe but was pushed few steps back and felt his hand going numb.. The attack was just too powerful.

"What are you?" asked Stragabor as he took a defensive stance.. The two opponents were already strong that he couldn't even overwhelm them with his attacks that would normally cut down even a minotaur in half.

Just then, Kahn's majestic voice landed on his ears..

"Someone you shouldn't have messed with."

Chapter 54: The Fall of the Mighty

One by one, the agonizing screams and wails filled the entire inner area of the Sigurd clan houses and buildings.

Under the terrifying onslaught of Kahn's army and his Generals, both men and women from the enemy side fell on the ground and bodies littered the battleground.

At the other end of this battlefield, a man was fighting against 2 giant figures and a human with a sword in his hand.


Kahn launched another ranged sword attack at Stragabor while Blackwall charged with his giant shield.

Ground Shatter!

Blackwall used his skill to shatter the nearby 30 meter surrounding and the ground instantly cracked in this area.

Kahn and Omega had already launched themselves in the air. Using Hive Mind skill, Kahn could order his subordinates to fight and use skills as per his orders and he too would know what was going to happen because of their mind connection.

In other words, their coordination was even better than those who spent years fighting together.

Stragabor was catapulted in the air after the ground split apart and the shockwave lifted his body.


Before his body could even land on the ground again, Kahn's sword tried to cut him in half and he quickly defended against the sword swing using his battleaxe.

Stragabor was thrown 10 meters away as his body was slammed on the ground.. The attack from Kahn was launched with all of his strength..

Just then, Omega ran swiftly from the right side and attacked Stragabor with his claws, making repeated and brutal claw swings at him and pushing him back with each attack.

If it was fighting one strong opponent, he could manage it but there were three of these strong opponents amongst whom, two were comparable to a beginner grandmaster rank fighter.

Stragabor himself was an intermediate grandmaster rank fighter but he would have an advantage in strength only over one newbie grandmaster, not two of them together.

"Don't look down on me!" shouted Stragabor and released a wall of dense mana that shoved Omega back as his axe started condensing a huge amount of energy that burned the ground near him. He launched this devastating axe attack towards Omega and hit the ground in his direction.


The ground was split into two as the destructive wave parted it half and paced towards Omega.


A giant shield clashed with this incoming attack and both Blackwall & Omega were thrown back from the impact. Even though the man was much shorter and smaller than them, his strenght was definitely above both of them.

Stragabor quickly turned around and swung his axe!


Kahn who just attacked from the back was pushed back for 5 meters, his hands nearly losing the grip on his sword. Stragabor was indeed a very strong opponent.

If not for his advantage with numbers and mainly Blackwall efficiently defending against the attacks, Kahn and Omega wouldn't be able to find an opening to attack the man.

Blackwall jumped in the air and used his Axe Splitter skill, a huge amount of condensed mana on his giant battlexe landed on Stragabor's body as the man quickly tried to defend against the brutal and powerful attack.

He barely managed to block it in the last second and was thrown few meters backward.

But before he could even manage his footing, Omega attacked from above his head with his Shredder claws.

"Ah!" screamed Stragabor as he failed to defend against this highly destructive claw attack that hit his body..

"Blergh!" he threw a mouthful of blood and he finally gazed at the other side of the battlefield.. Watching his clansmen and the people he grew up with getting killed by this army of monsters..

"You.. They had nothing to do with this. Why are you killing them?!" asked Stragabor with a vengeful expression while half of his head was covered in blood.

"Are you stupid? If I killed only you, there would be other people coming for me. And I'm not an idiot to leave behind enemies that could come back to kill me. I'd rather root out the cause of the problem itself. Besides, don't act like you wouldn't have done the same." spoke Kahn with an expressionless face. His tone sounding like he didn't feel any remorse for killing the clan members.

"And one more thing.. All of those who made business deals with your family were also killed by me." spoke Kahn in a mocking tone..

"Impossible! They were killed by Azrael!" rebuked Stragabor.

"Take a hint, you moron." smirked Kahn.

"Why? My clan had no rivalry with you before this.. Even after you killed my brother." he spoke as he clutched his hand on the wound that was bleeding.

Kahn, Omega and Blackwall were surrounding him from 3 directions as if he was no different than a prey in their eyes.

"Who do you think hired me?" asked Kahn as he hinted the obvious..

"Those old bastards!!" shouted Stragabor as he finally understood why was his adventurer team and his connections in the city were dropping dead one by one.

"The contract didn't mention killing you.. But since you tried to kill me, I had to take matters in my own hand." replied Kahn and started launching swings after swing, attack after attack on the tall man and forced him from one side towards Blackwall and Omega.

After getting injured earlier, Stragabor could not fight at his full capacity. And soon the frequency of damage he received started increasing. His body received multiple cuts and wounds, bleeding profusely.

At this point, the battle on the other side was already over. All the soldiers and clansmen were lying dead on the ground.

Kahn quickly started launching long-range mage spells from his left hand at the already struggling Stragabor.

Firestorm! Frost pike! Water blade!

Stragabor was baffled after he saw Kahn launching mage spells at him..

[Wasn't he a Swordsman? How is he using magic spells?] asked Stragabor to himself but quickly focused on the attacks coming from the other side.

One by one, Stragabor was getting new injuries, losing his blood and ability to fight.

Because of the constant and well-timed attacks from three different sides, he was exhausted in a matter of minutes.

"Yaaaaaahhg!" wailed Stragabor in pain as Omega cut his right arm with his claws. The man lost his weapon and dropped on the ground.. Unable to endure the pain.

Kahn walked in front of the man and put his sword on Stragabor's neck..

"Any last words?" asked Kahn.

"Fuck you!!" bellowed the tall burly man.


A severed head dropped on the ground followed by a headless body..

Kahn who beheaded the man with his sword looked at the lifeless corpse..

"What a rude guy.. Has no regard for his murderer's feelings."

Chapter 55: The Plunderer

Kahn put his hand on the headless body of Stragabor and used his Ability Absorption divine ability.

Just 20 minutes later, he was finally done. But he didn't bother checking the new abilities. Because soon, the news of the battle will reach many ears and people will come to investigate. His only advantage was that the fight happened in the innermost area of this site so the commotion would be undetected for some time.

But Kahn wasn't an idiot to think that there won't be ways people wouldn't know. Many enemies of the clan or someone who kept an eye on them through a distance would notice something was missing. So Kahn had a small window to act and do what he was about to do next.

"Grab that battleaxe." he commanded Blackwall. This weapon used by his enemy was undoubtedly a rare or even an epic rank weapon given how strong attacks it landed on them and how brightly it glowed during the fight.

He then activated the ripper claw and ripped Stragabor's heart out.. He squashed it and finally felt a golden core..

This was Stragabor's core.. A core of a Grandmaster.

Kahn put some of his Nymphs for surveillance around the property as they were the best sensors he had because these monsters sensed enemies based on their body temperature. He left Oliver, the Ranger subordinate in charge because amongst all of Kahn's subordinates, he had the farthest sight and hunting range after he was mixed with the Nymph floor boss. Except for the 6 Generals, the rest including Omega & Blackwall came back to his shadow and Kahn ran through the main building where Stragabor & his parents lived.

Now there was one and the only thing to do..

Rob all the fortune this Noble clan had amassed together through all these decades.

Not because he was a petty thief.. Because he wanted to safeguard their fortune from the wolves who probably had eyes on it.

Kahn was a saint who was only safekeeping it.

"Did you find the keys?" asked Kahn to Ronin.

The rogue subordinate took out a metal box and opened it..

"So many.." spoke Kahn as he saw numbers of keys inside the box. Many of them were actually very big and heavy.. As if they unlocked some sort of a treasure chest.

"Let's go." he said.

Kahn and the 6 generals quickly searched through various rooms and basement floors to see where was the place that hid all the money.

He went to the family head's office first and opened the safe hidden behind a portrait using one of the keys and found plenty of documents and deeds to the land and businesses.

"Sorry, only hard cash bro.." said Kahn and threw away papers. He only saw a golden space ring in the safe and put it in his pockets without checking its contents.

Armin, the Priest subordinate finally found a giant metal door on the bottom floor of this building while Kahn was searching the main office of the clan head.

"Gotcha!" smirked Kahn as he received the vision from Armin and ran down to the basement of the building along with the rest of the Generals who were searching other places.

He now stood in front of an 8 meter tall metal door and took out the keys from the metal box.

"Huh.. The door has 2 keyholes but there's only one key inside the box that can be used here.." said Kahn and tried to think of possible places where the other key could be..

"The space ring!" said Kahn and took out the golden ring.

Unlike the space ring he used these days, this golden ring didn't have too much space inside it. But it had over 100 A-rank cores, some jewels and most importantly.. A big black key!

Kahn took it out and Ronin grabbed the other one. They both twisted the keys at the same time.


The metal door opened and Kahn pushed it with all his strength.. The door was indeed made to safeguard against highly destructive attacks and even with Omega & Kahn's attacks, it would've taken them half an hour to break it open.

As the door finally opened and banged against the wall.. Kahn finally saw the most glorious sight he had seen in this new life.

Because it wasn't some serene or beautiful scenery of nature.. It was even far more profound and pristine than that.

His eyes shimmered with a golden glow and Kahn almost dropped on the ground as he subconsciously started drooling.

What laid in front of him was a small hill of golden coins.. Cashes filled with rubies and diamonds. On the left of the room, lied dozens of rare and epic class weapons, armors, shields, accessories.. All of which glowed in various colors and were made of extremely high-quality metals and materials. On the right were big wooden chests filled with mana ores, potions and rare herbs.

On the shelves, there were hundreds of magic scrolls and books related to magic. Many of them seemed to be some ancient books that had withered a bit after so many years.

And plenty of magical artifacts at the end of this room.


Kahn started laughing like a maniac.. Like a Demon King who had successfully found the biggest treasure in the world.

His appearance was no different than what you'd call a big mafia boss villain.

Kahn walked towards the small hill of the golden coins and jumped right in the middle. His body swimming through all that gold like Scrooge McDuck.

"I'm rich! I'm fucking rich!" he laughed and kept swimming across the golden river of fortunes..

"I wasted my life slaving for years but never felt the joy of having money.. This on the other hand.. Is too satisfying." said Kahn with a wide grin on his face.

He stopped his little joyous swimming session and started putting all the fortune inside his Space Ring that was no different than a small warehouse. He was lucky that he had a ring this big otherwise there was no way he could store all this wealth.

When Kahn was finally done ransacking the entire fortune of the Sigurd clan.. He decided it was time to leave..

Kahn stopped in his footsteps as another insidious idea popped up in his mind.

"Let's put on some fireworks."

Chapter 56: Sending a Message

Flavot City, which had the population of more than two million people was slumbering under the delicate and soothing moonlight. The serenity of this night even put the most beautiful sunrise to shame.

But under this eloquent scenery, the eastern end of the city suddenly shone bright red, clouds of smoke suddenly filled the ancestral buildings of the Sigurd clan and this sudden heat and brightness awoke many nearby houses that were just a few kilometers away. Small embers of burnt wood reached near these settlings.

Currently, dozens of houses inside the clan premises were lit on fire and among them; the main house of the clan leader burned most brightly.

Kahn hadn't bothered creating new subordinates here or even use Stragabor's body to mix with another subordinate for an Evolution. That would've taken too long and he was certainly short on time.

He and Ceril threw dozens of fire spells at the main house and nearby buildings after Kahn had cleared out the treasury. They put up a grand display that would be known to the entire city by tomorrow morning.

As for why he did it? He had 2 main reasons for doing so. One being using this incident to smother the talk of him beating the noble clan heirs. Because if the news spread too much, many nobles would target him & try to make his life difficult.

It's not like he was afraid of any of them. Just that he didn't want to waste his time on pesky feuds with these people and play the game of the Oppressor & the Oppressed. This wasn't some story about a normal guy getting bullied and harassed by some nobles and aristocrats and how he gains strength and fights off against those who wronged him.

Kahn wasn't some protagonist of those cliche stories made for teenagers who just entered the world of Novels & Mangas. He had many things to do and already a clear goal to accomplish.

The second reason being that he wanted the annihilation of the important members of the Sigurd clan to cause mayhem in the ruling & the most influential powers. Because no way anyone would suspect only one man causing such a massacre and even kill a grandmaster rank fighter.

This would be considered as a work of another noble clan or any of the enemies this clan already had. And that would be more than enough to make these powerful authorities and clans point fingers at each other. And the main culprit would be away from the public eye.

That's exactly why he left Stragabor's body on the ground rather than taking it with him.

Since Kahn didn't leave anything written in blood, no one would link it to Azrael and his own reputation as a peak master rank swordsman won't come under any suspicion either. Because someone who had just returned from the Magistrate's party won't have time to organize and kill so many people by himself. Just him being weaker than Stragabor as per public knowledge would be enough to back up his story if there ever was such an investigation.

Besides, most of them would be busy fighting over the businesses and properties that were under this clan's name. The wealth alone was enough for them to wage a war against each other.

So this fire was more than enough to send a message. As for whatever happens from here wasn't his concern. He would let the vultures tear down each other while they fight over the meat.

Kahn used Shadow Walk and escaped the site before any help came to extinguish the fire.

He stood on top of a tall tower while covering himself under the black cloak again.. Just as he expected, a troop of mages flew from the south of the city and soldiers marched on the city streets.

What Kahn saw was a coordinated effort in putting out the fires. Many of the mages used water and ice spells to put down the burning houses and buildings to avoid the spread of fire that could affect the nearby buildings in the city.

Rather than watching the whole show, Kahn quickly went back to his bungalow using shadow walk and finally had a nice and warm bath.

The past 8 hours drained him out, whether it was the banquet or the massacre.. Kahn had too much for one day. He finally embraced the goodnight's sleep while thousands of people were awake because of the 'fireworks' he put on.

The next morning when he woke up, he was presented with a hearty and delicious breakfast by the chef who for some reason came very early in the morning.

Even Jerome, the housekeeper seemed very cheerful and obedient for no reason.

"You seem pretty happy for some reason, Jerome. Something good happened to you?" asked Kahn.

"Well, the news is indeed a good one. Because last night, the Sigurd clan was massacred!" replied Jerome happily.

"What? How did that happen?" asked Kahn, acting surprised and oblivious to the news.

"Some say it was some other noble clan who did it. Some say it was the military, while others claim it was Azrael.. Well whoever or whatever it was; those bastards had it coming!" said Jerome as a joyful expression appeared on his face.

"Oh by the way.. You've also earned quite the reputation in the city now, sir." Jerome said with a pleasant smile on his face.

"And what did I do?" asked Kahn as he wasn't sure about the exact reason.

"You sure like acting coy, sir. Your act of beating those nobles has spread among the masses already. To many of us, you're no different than our hero." replied Jerome with a prideful sense as if he now worshipped Kahn for some reason.

"Eh.. They picked a fight with me, so I had to teach them some manners. Nothing more than that." said Kahn as he kept enjoying the exquisite meal in front of him. Today, it seemed even more delicious compared to the rest of the days.

Kahn decided to skip on his training and Dungeon visit. Because he was probably going to spend all of his time doing a very important thing today.

Counting all of his money.