
Programmable Magic

Our main character, Reo van Dijck, tries to survive in a world where magic-spells are stored in game-like-cartridges. Only a few lucky ones can use them though. These chosen ones are venerated and worshipped like celebrities, unbelievable riches lie only a single dungeon-exploration away for them, they are called Machia. What will happen to our protagonist when he awakens as a Machia and discovers that he can actually program these magic-cartridges?... The Earth also changed drastically since the dungeons appeared, how could it not? These unknown, giant towers suddenly started spewing out hordes of fiends and monstrosities. Only The Machia were able to defend against these attacks on humanity. Countries were destroyed, safe-havens were build and then yet again destroyed. Eventually humanity adapted, like it always does. The economy was rebuild and centered around these new towers, these dungeons, the treasures they hold outweigh their dangers. Life is relatively safe again, for most at least… Read about Reo’s exploits, an immigrant from the Netherlands, as he tries to honor his dead parents and… find love? Establish a Guild?! Live the Ideal Harem life?!! BECOME PIRATE KING?!!! Okay maybe not that last one, but Reo will definitely leave his mark behind on this world full of mystery. This story features romance, comradery, an interesting power system and a post-apocalyptic world with amusing characters, what more do you want?! No seriously, I’m always open to constructive feedback. This story also displays my interpretation of a magic-coding-language (based on JAVA). Although knowledge about coding helps, you can also enjoy the story without it :).

Niku20 · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs


That dinner really was delicious, Juniper sure can cook. There was still a somewhat weird tension between the two girls though… I should organize a dorm event or something, to bring them closer togheter. They can't both be part of my harem- I mean, of this dorm, if they can't stand each other…

Anyways, I finally programmed my new movement-magic cartridge: 'After-Image'! It took me a while, it's actually already midnight, but I finally finished. Time to hit save and look at the stats.



Mana Price: 120 Mana/Use

Hologram duration: 2 seconds




Looks decent to me! I would've liked for the hologram to stick around longer, but that would cost me too much mana, besides, 2 seconds is enough to confuse the enemy.

I hit save again and after a short lightshow, the cartridge is finally programmed.

[Orange Cartridge] AfterImage: see Author's note for code

Alright, let's just sleep for now.

Fuck… I'm too nervous to sleep… The promotion exam is tomorrow…

Maybe Juniper could help me? Purely for sleeping purposes of course, her bed did feel really good after all…

I was right, her bed did sleep really good! Although I probably ended up sleeping less then I would have in my own bed… Whoops.

"Already awake Reo?"

"Yeah, just looking at your cute sleeping face."

"Mhwaah don't tease me like that."

She playfully punches my chest before giving me a kiss on the forehead:

"Good luck on your promotion exam. Some people might doubt your abilities, but at least you have me rooting for you! Now you have to come home with good news."

Juniper gets out of bed first, giving me something very appetizing to look at and leaving me speechless… Those curves…

"Now get ready dummy, I'll make you some breakfast later."

"Yes ma'am!"

I get up and silently head towards my own room to get dressed, I don't want to wake up Sara after all.

After getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I sit down at the dinner-table, where Juniper is already cooking up some eggs. There's a small note on the table which I pick up and look at.

"Oh right, I think Sara left that there before heading out."

"She already left? Did she say something to you Juniper? Is she going to come watch my promotion exam?"

"I don't know, she didn't say."

The note simply read: 'Good luck on your exam, prepare yourself for a delicious dinner tonight <3'.

Guess she won't be able to make it to my mock battle… Oh well, I already have Juniper supporting me. Can't say I'm not disappointed though.

After scarfing down the eggs on toast prepared by Juniper, I pack my stuff and head out. I could easily store everything in my dimensional tattoo, but I don't want to draw any unnecessary attention.

"Break a leg reo! I'll come cheer for you during the mock-battle!"

"Thanks Juniper!"


I give her a kiss on the cheek and head toward the atrium, where the talent-appraisal takes place.

Looks like I'm a bit late, there's already a crowd gathered around an expensive looking gemstone, the size of a small car. There aren't many people, only the wood [I] class is gathered here.

Suddenly the gemstone glows a faint red.


People in the crowd start clapping, so naturally I join them.

"Not bad John, Fire-bishops usually don't have a hard time finding a party that'll take them. The glow of your talent wasn't that bright, but don't let that deter you, with practice you can even become a silver [III] Machia."

"Thanks mister Ito!"

Oh damn this is nerve-wracking, I didn't know the talent-appraisal would be this public.

"Next up: Yuma, get up on stage please."

The boy, who I now know is called Yuma, confidently walks up the stage and places his palm onto the gemstone, which in turn glows a steel-like silver.

"A Blade-knight! Congratulations! Even though the blade element is the most common knight talent, as you probably already know, knight-talents themselves are pretty rare! You'll become an excellent damage-dealer/vanguard Yuma!"

Oh wow, Mr. Ito actually seems quite excited for once, did something good happen to him? Yuma also seems pretty excited and the class is applauding even harder than the previous time. Those knight-talents seem pretty special.

After Yuma the applause somewhat died down, it only came back again for a kid who showed off a holy-rook talent and for some girl with the plant-bishop talent, which apparently were sought after by the bigger guilds.

Finally it was my turn though:

"Reo, get up on stage."

import Magic_Class.Projectile;

import Magic_Class.Illusion;

import Magic_Class.Observer;

import Human_World.Friction;

import Human_World.Math;

import User;

public class AfterImage extends ManaActivity {

private Projectile airPush = new Projectile();

private Illusion hologram = new Illusion();


protected void onActivation() {

boolean active = true;

while(active) {

if (User.Brain.Thought_detection == "Move") {


airPush.shape = "CYLINDER";

airPush.length = 0.5; // In m

airPush.radius = 0.75; // In m

airPush.velocity = 39; // In m/s (would result in an acceleration of around 4 g's which humans can barely survive)

airPush.element = "WIND";

airPush.direction(trackEye()); //Standard value is perpendicular to the starting-point.

airPush.starting_point = User.limbs.torso.back.center_of_gravity; // In m [x,y,z]



//Fire and dissipate the wind projectile


sleep(500); //Rest the program for 500 milisconds or 0.5 second





// Modifier 1: tracking where the eye is currently looking at

public Math.vector trackEye(){

//Initialize observer

Observer eyeTracker = new Observer();

//Create a vector from the direction where your pupils are pointing towards

eyeTracker.observe(User.sensory_organs.eyes.pupil); //Choose observation target

Math.vector lookingAt = (Math.vector) eyeTracker.extrapolate_vector_from(eyeTracker.pointingTowards());

return lookingAt;


// Modifier 2: removing friction from between the feet and the ground

public void makeFeetFrictionless(){

// Remove friction between ground and the soles of your feet or shoes for 1 second, taking the air-friction and mass of the player

// into consideration, it should push the user some 8-15 meters forward.

if(User.Accessories.Shoes() == null && User.Accessories.Socks() == null){

removeFriction(User.limbs.left_foot.sole,"all",1000); // Remove friction between sole of left-foot and everything else for 1 seconds.



else if(User.Accessories.Shoes() != null){




// Modifier 3: Creating the hologram

public void createHologram(){

//Initialize the hologram

hologram.illusion_type = "VISUAL";


hologram.position = User.getPosition();

hologram.charge(20, User); //Take 20 mana from the user

//Activate the hologram




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