
Progenitor Sovereign Saga

Looking down upon those Who dare look up to high Is the sin of man When Jason Bloodswrite is taken through trials to become an adventurer for the kingdom at a young age, things start to go awry quickly as all hell breaks loose and the prophecy that was told eons ago starts to happen. Will Jason be able to survive the days until he can carve out a home for himself? Progenitor Sovereign Saga, Blood Feud is the first book in the Progenitor series. Watch as Jason becomes death incarnate and channels his demons into killing all who dare to oppose him reclaiming his rightful place as ruler. This is the first novel I have written, and if you like it you can also check out Summoners Dilemma, another book in a separate series that is also a part of the Progenitor saga. Once the book is finished, I will have the updated version with all errors removed published on Amazon, and will also have concept art added to some chapters, along with quotes for the chapters leading up to chapter 14.

INK_arcerated · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

The Kings Arrival

"Legends Never die, they are written down in eternity" ~~ League of Legends

Graaaah! Jason screamed as he reached up and grasped the mantle that was floating above his head. He could feel it as if it was a physical thing, and it seemed to be sucking in all the ambient power around them and siphoning it into him in the purest of forms, burning him and strengthening his body.

The smell of burnt skin filled the coliseum as Jason finished the changes he was undergoing.

What… happened? It felt like I was dying! Jason wondered to himself as he looked down at his hands. That was when he realized that, even though it felt like he was being burned alive, he looked none the worse, in fact, he felt stronger, and like he had more power contained in his body.

"Your bloodline from a past life has now been awakened, and you have regained in my true strength, my love. Now use my weapon form in battle, and revel in the blood that will pool at your feet. The time that has been foretold ages ago is now, and you are to be the king and ruler of this world. Go now and conquer." The voice said, and I listened with cynical detachment. Focussing back on the battle between Frank, Humphrey, and the mysterious masked demon that had become a hulking behemoth with a greatsword and a twisted mask, I watched as Humphrey was cleaved in too, and a bolt of chaos struck Frank in the chest, turning him… into a chicken.

For some reason, Jason could not feel any emotion though, like his heart had been cut from him like he was created only to kill without remorse. Flipping his sword that had repaired itself backward, he lowered his stance, before launching himself at the demon berserker like the wind itself.

As I approached, it roared and lashed out with its great sword, trying to slice me in half. Instead of it slicing me in half though, My crown lit up with a deep crimson light, and armor made of bone poured down from my head, molding to my body and protecting me from the impact. What should have sent me flying in two pieces, instead only sent me skidding.

"Release your hold on what you believe is real, and bend the world to your will. Only then will you find true freedom" The feminine voice spoke in my head again.

With a burst of power, dark tendrils rippled out from me, stretching the dead bodies of the civilians that were sad casualties of the mayhem, and latched onto them. One by one, the bodies rose back up onto their two feet, and they turned to stare at the berserk demon with cold, lifeless eyes. One by one they began to shuffle toward me, and when one of them got into arm's reach of me, I reached out and pressed a hand to the center of their chest.

"I use my powers now to breath life into your unlife," I said in a voice strained from the magics I was using. The Crimson Crown was in fact flooding my brain with magical information, and that was the only reason that I knew what I was doing.

As the words left my lips, Crimson power wrapped around the undead, and the flesh began to pulse with a red light and knit back together. When the transformation was complete, there was a male human standing there. With a flash of movement, the newly created man knelt down and kneel before me.

"Master, you have given me life, what does thou require of me."

"All that is required of you, all of you, is to fight with all you have. If you succeed you shall be freed and given back your old life"

After that day, Jason had two names, and though both were one person, they had distinguished personalities. Jason Bloodwright of the Bloodswrite bloodline, and then The Bloodswrite Wraith. The Bloodswrite was hailed by many as a god, and hero who saved them from great evil, but to others, he was no god but a devil born to sow chaos and mayhem. Though there were two conflicting views on this man masked in bone, there was one prevailing theory and view of him. He is the child of chaos, and sign of change, and has the power to rewrite life itself…