
Progenitor's Bloodline

Two battles between progenitors almost destroyed the universe. Both energies was formed from converging power that was capable of splitting the heavens.  Progenitor of bloodlines was the one at the loosing end, while progenitor of darkness seems to be gaining the upper hand. Both wanted to be the supreme power that ruled the universe.  Progenitor of darkness casted a bold look over to progenitor of bloodlines and in an instant, his hand gathered energy that caused both day and night to flicker.  It's intensity cleaved the void in two separate halves.  Progenitor of bloodlines was known as the Master of all bloodlines and the master of all techniques so he was able to discover that this attack was a spiritual attack. Without hesitating, progenitor of bloodlines released his energy… Starburst palm: A palm technique covered an entire dimension, instantly ripping the void in two.  There was a great rumbling caused by both attack and when both collided, there was an intense explosion.  Fire and darkness flickered.  The universe was destroyed one after another. It was said that there's always a universe overlapping another one in an endless succession.  Boom! Boom! Boom!  The void tore, progenitor of darkness was ripped in two. Black blood floated away, being sucked into different dimensions which means, the progenitor of darkness had seemingly left his inheritance before he died.  As for the progenitor of bloodlines, he was almost on the verge of death, and before that he casually waved a hand instantly peeling the universe away which dove him through the river of time and he unleashed his bloodlines where humanity was instantly born.

Spiceking_Peterson · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Honing Skills

18 Years later ~

"Rann! Do not disobey me, get your funny ass downstairs and meet with Silverton." 

Justus screamed.

Rann, who's demeanor showed off the vibes of a calculative scheming young guy walks down the stairs. His long ivory hair poured down his face, his well structured jawline dropped down the minute he saw Justus staring at him with burning rage in his eyes. 


Justus eyes showed a murderous glint. 

"I am not training you for no reason Rann. Silverton here simply wants to make sure your realm increases... no, realms are something you do by yourself. He wants to make sure your bloodline is improved." 

Rann's head lowered as he simply listened. 

"You mustn't run away from hard work and battle. You're still a Lieutenant, I give you before the end of this year to complete your one cycle and breakthrough otherwise I'd disown you!" 

"Silverton, take him away!" 

Rann was a teenager who actually don't like hard work. Hard work is simply something that one need to learn but Rann was just some teenager he didn't believe that he'd really use his strength as a Lieutenant for anything. 

Infact, some of his age mates were currently breaking through the Martial Realm or the Sub-Parallel Realm but he was stuck being a Lieutenant. 

Silverton is simply another person to put into consideration, the man was simply doing his best to make sure Justus doesn't get disappointed but Rann! He wasn't interested. 

Another thing that went through Rann's mind was how he'd steal from those greedy merchants. 

He wanted to deal greatly with them, they simply know how to cheat on their customers in order to gain more.

Besides, the habit of stealing still runs in the blood but... he has a bottom line. He couldn't steal from innocent people. 

Rann had been with Silverton the whole time, but due to some twist of fate, both separated without even knowing how it happened. 

Rann hid behind a large pillar that housed a tall dacon. He was looking at a basket full of essence crystals while angrily staring at the man who was talking with his customer. 

"An essence crystal will cost you ten cubic crystals." The merchant said with a hideous grin on his face.

An essence crystal was worth five cubic crystals but the greedy man still wanted an extra five for himself. The use of cubic crystals was for exchange while essence was for cultivation. 

Rann's frown grew more deeper realizing the kind of deals the merchant was making, deceiving customers so as to earn extra. 

After the customer left, Rann smiled. 

A thousand rivers shifts space: 

The next minute, the battle technique that he had just used caused his energy to converge and his body was replaced in the position of the man while the man was currently hiding behind the pillar. Before he would realize what had happened, Rann had already grabbed the basket of essence crystals and escaped..

"Hey! Get him... he's a thief... he's making away with the essence crystals!"

The word essence crystal was enough to make people start acting. These crystals were the root source of cultivation and if they are stolen how would they improve their strength? 

One man stood in front where Rann was approaching from, he was ready to grab him. When Rann noticed this he was already prepared...

Starburst palm: 

Large palm descended like a shadow and pressed upon the man causing him to collapse in an instant. 

The man was a Martial this had never happened before in all history of cultivation, a Lieutenant defeating a Martial Realm in one attack. 

Rann didn't care, he kept escaping until he was finally out of sight. 

He stared at the basket of essence crystals with joy only for Silverton to tear through the void instantly grabbing Rann and disappearing once again. 

Rann was frightened. 

He had not experienced such terrifying speed in his life, he breathed in and out until he realized that he was no longer in danger. 

"Phew! Uncle you scared me." 


Rann was taken aback.


"I said congratulations." 


"You defeated a Martial despite being a Lieutenant. Justus would be glad to hear this." 

Rann was shocked.

"I defeated a Martial?" 

"Come, we have more skills to learn." 


In Silverton's place Rann was busy eating a piece of cake that was leftover in the fridge with a group of kids stare at him with bloodlust visible in their eyes. 

None of them had ever gotten such special treatment only this kid. Most of them were Martial Realm while few were Lieutenant. And in just a few minutes, all the students under Silverton had developed a keen hatred for Rann. 

"Listen, Rann is a new student he's the son of the only Vanisher here in Zenzi Planet. He's not to he offended!" 

Silverton was a Skymender that was why he had the authority to open a small school to tutor students so that they can be at a level to join the Extreme Academy. Right now, none of them qualify at all not even Rann. 

After Silverton left the kids alone, one of them stood up and stared intently at Rann who didn't even give them face at all. 

All Rann did was; stuffing the last piece of cake into his mouth and then looking around the place with an indifferent expression on his face. 

Suddenly one of the teenager walked up to Rann and said:

"I challenge you to a duel!" 

Rann was slightly taken aback.

"I'm not interested!" 

The teenager known as Jake immediately sneered. 

"Then you're a coward. I'm a Martial you'd have to acknowledge me as your senior sooner or later." 

Rann finally looked.


"Then let's duel..." 

Rann stood up and both of them walked out towards the ruins outside where duels takes place. 

Students gathered chanting Jake's name like he was a god. 

One of the senior student who's combat ability had reached 1,000 was supposed to be the overseer of the duel so that he would prevent something disastrous from happening on the battlefield. 

He prepared energy pills, healing pills and more. 

Then he have his orders:


Jake immediately unleashed his essence energy and they formed chains that wrapped around him. 

A powerful barrier was erected before him and his eyes lock on Rann's.