
Chapter 56

Anyway, best get going. Thanks for everything, Nessa, you’ve been a real help through this chaos. I’ll let you know how the negotiations about moving go—reckon I should offer driving lessons so he can get up here to visit? Might soften the blow a bit, eh? 28

It was Friday before Dad cracked, and Shane was silently impressed that it took so long. Cornwall was the elephant in the room; nothing had been said, despite the new truce.

But then Shane got home from school on Friday afternoon, and had to lock his bike to the garden fence due to Jason’s battered wreck of a car taking up the leftover space. And Jason never just popped by, not now Chloe almost lived with them.

Shane steeled himself, and slid his phone out of his pocket to text Luke. Will b l8 coming over. Looks like family dinner time x.

The response was quick; Luke would still be on the bus with Rebecca. Kk, we’ll c u l8r babe luv u! xxx.

Shane snorted. Luv u 2 bex!