
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

CHAPTER 10- Working For The Prince

A/N: Hello everyone, alot of activities in the past chapters, I know. Some confusing events. It's time to take it slow now, but definitely enjoyable. 


Have a lovely day,

Please vote and comment😘



One, fix the the slave house.

Two, draw up a warm bath for his highness.

Three, suitable clothes should be readied.

Four, assist the lord in washing up.

Five, prepare his breakfast.

Six, care for his room.

 Have the rest of the day working in the kitchen or beating the linens.

"Madam Orga went through this stress to help you understand your duties." The young girl beside me said, not bothering to conceal her contempt.

Let me get this straight, it's barely an hour since I found out I have thirteen freaking days to live and it is going to be spent as a maid for this prince. 

"Why am I to do all this? Aren't I to be locked away or something?"

"Yes you are, but the prince said to make you suffer."

"Then I'll work some place else. Call this madam Orga."

The girl's expression become more unsightly at my words,"The space which you now occupy belongs to the prince personal maid. Me" no wonder, "You occupy the room, shoulder the responsibility." At this she turns and leaves.

I go through the list and heavens know this is going to be one hell of a job. 

Assist the lord in washing up

Oh please!!

I leave my quarters and walk around the room. It has this unique flair, rare but oddly comfortable.

Its walls were painted black entirely. I spot the stuffed head of a bear above the fire place, it gave me goosebumps and an unwanted shiver down my spine.

Quiet. Too quiet. 

The room, despite looking so beautiful, and made for comfort, it seems lonely, cold.

It feels like there was no warmth. The warmth you'd find in a household filled with energy isn't there.

I hate to admit it. But it suits him. It is sad but it is true.

Going to another corner of the room, a sturdy, wooden door stands. I open it and I'm surprised to see a closet. It is huge, spacious, bigger than any other closet I've ever had.

At the other end of the room, the door to the bathroom stood. The room was twice as big as any room I've ever seen. It even had a room where the cauldron was kept. I guess that's what I am to use in boiling water. The spaciousness makes it feel easy to breathe.

Beside the bed is a large window. A window which also serves as a door which leads to the balcony.

I walk towards it and open it gently. The view from the balcony is overwhelmingly beautiful, breathtaking in fact. 

No doubt, the room was a perfect depiction of the owner, of wealth, solemnity, calmness, quietness...but also coldness, emotionlessness.


Funny enough, it looks like my life. Sitting on one of the chairs I stare at the endless mist, "So this is where I end?" I say to myself.

Thinking about it, my life has been so erratic. First I was trying to be the best daughter, but father chose Emilia and I couldn't be more happy. Then I concentrated on being an obedient princess, a good sister for her, but she was murdered. I became intrepid just to get my revenge. I got it. I am speculated to be non human, a maid, worse a prisoner set to die in thirteen days in a totally different world from what I know. A dry laugh leaves my lips as I wipe away involuntary tears.

Leaving the balcony I go back to my room, immediately my back feels the softness of the bed, I black out.



"Wake up bitch"


And I'm soaked. 

"What the hell?" 

"It's morning already, time to get to work." The girl from yesterday says acting like nothing happened.

"Couldn't you have said that like a normal person," I ask trying to control my anger.

She flicks her hand like I am an insect she needs to shoo away.

Hell no

"Lest I forget you are not normal, none of you are and looks who calls the other a bitch, you look like a sack of soured potatoes." 

"Watch your mouth human." She says glaring at me. 

"Watch your mouth creature" and then using all the grace in me I move closer to her, touch her skin and move back.

"Decayed skin." 

She seethes and I see her fangs coming out, "bite me and die, be my guest." I tell her with a full haughty smirk on my face.

"You will regret this" she says and leaves, it does feel nice to put people in their place. No one messy with a princess.

"Don't you feel good"

Well apart from the owner of that voice.

 I turn and and an involuntary gasp leave my lips. The prince at the door, his glorious body on display with his usual expression, cold as ever, and that's when I notice, this room has two doors one connected to the outer Castle and the other to the prince's room. 

I smile at him, "yes, I do feel good. She was getting on my nerves, and look how I'm dripping." He keeps looking at me and I begin to feel uncomfortable. Silent staring continues and I break the silence seeing that he wouldn't. "Okay, time to work."

He hums a response and walks out, following behind, I couldn't look away as he sits on the bed.


To not admire his taut muscles and broad chest is a battle I am woefully losing. Who walks around half naked his room?

"When you are done staring you can begin your work."

Kill me!

He noticed 

Mentally scolding myself for gawking at his body I duck back to my room to begin my task for the day.

Clear the slave room; Well a better term could be used instead of slave but whatever. 

Just the window's a little dusty, so it is really easy. Cleaning it, I clear the desk, raising the heavy wet matrass inwardly cursing the creature girl I put it up against the wall. Stopping to inspect the work I've done and fatigue kicks in. this is the most work I've done on my own in ages. I miss my girls once more but nevertheless I have to be doughty in other to survive. I will survive. never shall I go down weak. I am not just going to die like that. Breathing once more, I get up to my next task.

Draw up a warm bath for highness; Okay! I move to the bathroom I'm glad I took my tour yesterday, finding my way to the boiling room where I saw the cauldron, I move to start the fire. 

Three splinters on different fingers, a burnt thumb, watery eyes, and several minutes later but I do it. I stand up and wipe my eyes, proud that my years of watching the girls paid off. 


How the hell do they put water into this thing?

Caesar's POV 

Watching her confused, I lean back into the bed, slightly impressed that she could start the fire. I could feel every stab of pain the fire caused her and now she is anxious and I feel it.

I feel her. 

 Once again confusion sets in, why? I stop questioning when I feel magic presence.

 Cunning bastard

Bend the pot, pour water in on one side and set it back up till its full" she gawks at me.

"How'd you know I needed that."

"You've stared at the fire for five minutes now." yeah, that obvious, "be fast, I've got meeting to attend. She nods and turns on the tap following my instructions. 

Refusing the toughts on my mind i...


And I'm there, my hand between her head and the tiled grounds, 

"You saved me" she croaks and I nod, I used my speed to save her, her scream tore at me. Something I couldn't ignore, again why? Raising her up I motion to her.


With wide eyes she answers distortedly,"It was an accident I was slipping,I...…I…held the pot and all the water poured on me." realizing something she stands "oh no, I'm soaked, and the fire is out." 

She looks as if she's going to cry any moment and I help myself and stare her body the clothes cling to every curve and nipples. And there this sudden urge to breed her "Your eyes" she croaks and I release her. 

"Leave, to what more you have to do I'll bathe with the normal water." 

Elilia's POV

Okay, so task two was a total disaster. Putting my mind off the recent disaster, I move on to three.

Prepare clothes for his highness. Easy. I open his closet and stare at the all black robes neatly hanged another compartment filled with boots and the other casual clothes....all black. After some time I choose a black jean trousers, and a robe with red dragon embroideries, and a pair of boots. I sit quietly on the bed waiting for him to come out of the bathroom.

Minutes later the tap off, indicating that he's done. I stand up clueless on what to do next. He does out and once again his body....



Foolish girl, control yourself 

"Your clothes are still wet. Change." 

"I have nothing to change into."

"Then remain this way, but don't wet my floors it irritates me." Nodding I set his clothes on the dresser, the prince uses a big black towel to dry up and I try to straight any wrinkles before heading for my room.

"Where are you going?" 

"Uh, um, you need to get dressed", I answer shyly. He starts staring again and it unnerves me.

"Dress me"


That was not written down!

"Are you deaf?"


The look he gives me sends shivers down my spines and I dare not ask again,


Heavens help me…..

With fidgeting hands, I move to take the towel from him, suddenly, he drops the towel from his waist and I turn so fast my waist cracks. 

Shocked, I shout, "you are fucking naked!" 

He laughs and I'm stunned for some moments, the sound washes over me causing me to smile also.

Beautiful sound it is

"That's an unlikely word for a princess" he says chuckling, "you cursed."

"Well you forced me to, you just went naked on me. What was I supposed to do?" 

"You can turn now"




"T U. R. N."

"I don't trust you"

"Then I'll come in front of you."

"I'll close my eyes"

"I'm dressed little one." 

That did it. I turn.

"Excuse me." I say in a brat tone, "did you just call me little one?" I puff my cheeks and continue, "I will have you know that I am well over twen….."

"I am two hundred and seventy nine years old" he replies and my mouth falls open,

"Um…..sorry you said.. what?!"

"I repeat I am two hundred and seventy nine years old."

"You are crazy!!!" I exclaim, flabbergasted "How the hell are you over thirty? Like have you seen yourself, you fucking look like sex on a stick!"

"Sex on a stick..." he hums and a sly smirk graces his face 

Oh no

Caesar POV 

"Sex on a stick hmm…." 

The red cheeks and the surprised look in her eyes warms me and I feel a smile on my face.

What is she? 

"Uh, um..." looking at the floor she trys to explain, 

"sex on a stick is a kind of metaphor we use in my world…ehn?"

She looks up, hoping I'd believe her ridiculous answer and I couldn't help the laughing

"Really…." I ask between huffs.

"I'm sorry" she squeaks, batting her lashes.

She's beautiful

"No need to apologize I like the new name….. Sex on a stick….." I grin

 She sighs exasperatedly and giggles looking down, she's happy, and once more I feel it. 

Demons come closer and my demeanor changes instantly. She feels it, looking up unsure. Magic rears its head again and I walk away. Going to the closet I pull out a gown for her. 

 "Take this change now" I throw it at her and she looks at me with apprehension,

"Really?" I nod 

"Thank you."

"Hmmm." She quickly goes to change and I wear my robe and letting it take control, my eyes turn dark red before I jump out the window. 


"Start talking, you know why I am here. Your minions have been disturbing me for days. I desire nothing more than to send them to the spires."

I swirl my hands and show her the bundles of light surrounded by ring

s of fire.

"Don't hurt my babies."


"Release them and sit let's talk. Prince, I've been waiting for you. But firstly no magic is allowed her."

I release the swirls of magic in my possession and she steps out of the shadows. 

"Welcome dear prince."