
Princess Vivianne & Juniper the Guard

The Kingdom of Nor is in a state of unrest after it entered a treaty with a neighboring maritime state, accidentally creating a dangerous political climate across the continent. That's why Juno was shocked when he was appointed to guard the youngest Princess Vivianne together with two other ill-fitted individuals, Peony and Mio. The two teenagers also were summoned at the king's notice abruptly. Juno never left the orphanage he grew up at. Instead, she worked for free for Mrs. Reeves, the owner of Sunset Orphanage. He knows nothing about the capital, or how royals act. But what he knows for certain is, if Princess Vivianne gets harmed, he and Mrs. Reeves will be killed.

tired1864 · ย้อนยุค
21 Chs

Rag-tag Team (1)

Vivianne opened the small room next to her chambers. It was a decently sized room previously used as her playroom.

It had an entire wall of windows that let natural light in, just like Vivianne's room. But, tucked into the opposite corner was a tiny room with a sink the size of a closet.

The hardwood flooring was bare and cold against their feet when they stepped in. Pararell to the door lay a fluffy bed with duvets and blankets under the window. They had no nightstand, but the window stand could serve the same purpose.

"You will all share this room; other beds will be arranged if necessary." They all stared at Peony, who looked unbothered but slightly bashful.

Vivianne figured that the staff would pester the other boys, and she opted for keeping them close, so the current arrangement was out of necessity. Still, she thought of ordering a room divider for the girl.

With a flick of her hands, the maids quickly left and returned with two beds without headboards. It was worse than the orphanage's beds; these mattresses were too thin and, oddly enough, too big for the bedframe.

They looked jealous at Peony's bed, designed with comfort and respect. Then, suddenly, Peony didn't look so stiff anymore; she seemed slightly cocky, matter of fact.

Outfits arrived with the kingdom's emblem embroidered into them. Peony got a navy dress with a white apron and dress shoes. The stockings were black, and the headband a pale blue.

The two boys got two navy frock coats, red boots, and simple dress shirts and trousers. Although, being a secretary, Mio got a cape along. Similarly, Juno got a sword of steel, too heavy to wield. He propped it up against the window.

The robes and liveries of servants reflected their employer's wealth and status. Being surrounded by finely dressed servants positively represented their power when seen in public or when hosting guests.

So they quickly turned around to a corner and threw the clothes on. Vivianne was lounging on her cream couch whilst thinking up a storm. She had no idea what she was going to do with those commoners. Soon enough, they'd cause her trouble,

They shuffled out dressed to the top, but it was obvious by their grinning that they were not taught etiquette, slightly shoving at each other.

"First, only come out of the chamber if summoned or for work." Vivianne started to instruct.

They glanced at each other but didn't speak. How would they live if they couldn't come out when they felt like it? Vivianne saw their confusion and resumed her instructions, not paying it any mind.

"During the night, Juniper will guard me; you, too, can sleep as normal and during the morning, you are to attend to your duties. But, of course, the royal knights will guard me during the day, so don't concern yourselves with that."

They nodded; Vivianne felt it was rude but held her tongue.

"We will speak further later on. But, for now, return to your chambers and clean yourselves; we have a tea party to attend. For educational purposes, Juniper, you will join me."

Peony and Juno were to attend the party, but Vivianne promptly locked away Mio, who didn't seem to care, busy arranging his bed. She tucked the key into her dress pocket.

They awkwardly lounged around while the princess was getting her makeup retouched. Juno stared at Peony; her hair was distracting.

"Erm...How did you get here?" Peony whispered discreetly, afraid that the head maid would scold her. She was to observe their work as a formal part of her training, but the old lady was working with her back covering the view.

"A carriage came to the orphanage I was living at. They just took me away." Juno replied, keeping his head lowered. He was not accustomed to being in a woman's chambers; he awkwardly shuffled on his feet. It wasn't what he had expected.

"Well, I was approached while I was working with my dad. I had arranged some bouquets for a funeral when a guard handed my dad a scroll. before I knew it, I was here." Peony explained. She signed defeated.

Vivianne hadn't bothered to change out of her garnets. She was meeting with Viscountess Serena and her daughter Edith, nobody she had to impress.

They had something of value that she needed. She considered leaving Peony and Juno in her chambers, but God knew what they'd steal or break. Besides, they needed to observe the Nobels and learn relatively quickly for them to benefit her.

Outside the palace, a beautifully ornated cartridge arrived with the two guests. A middle-aged woman with chestnut brown eyes and hair and her almost carbon-copy daughter was escorted to the guest room.

The Guest room was not as blinding as Juno expected; it was a soothing foamy blue with sheer curtains that allowed the mid-day sun to spread its natural rays into the room gently. The marble floor was covered in foreign carpets with swirling embroidery in a mossy green colour and a matching sofa with fluffy pillows.

A distinct difference from the rest of the interior of the castle. The two ladies sat near the open balcony, hair flowing from the gentle breeze.

They rose and bowed upon Vivianne's entrance, curiously gazing at the two young workers bowing back. Peony quickly filled everybody's cups with green tea and served out the soft vanilla cake brought out in a cart.

"Ladies, It's a pleasure that you could join me." Vivianne started softly. The conversation quickly derailed into talks of the recent fashion and high society gossip. It was hard not to space out, but Juno kept his ears alert for helpful information.

Peony seemed to be struggling with her high collar. She was used to having a simple tunic on during the warmer parts of the year. The Kingdom of Nor was notorious for its brutal winter but unpleasant summer.

It was early spring, so it was chilly at night but humid during the days when rain was expected.

"Princess, I have heard about your sister's engagement. Send my regards." Viscountess Serene said with a wide smile. Vivianne nodded in confirmation, sipping her tea. It seemed she had had enough of the chitchat as she faced the pair with a serious expression.

"Do you have what I requested?"

They stiffened but nodded; Edith fished a pouch from her sleeve and a sealed letter. Vivianne quickly gathered up the items and resumed her drinking. The conversation once returned to parties and gatherings. Some lady had organized a swinger for singles, and another had gotten into a nasty fight with her husband's consort.

It was mind-numbing.

Outside, the calm weather had turned for the worst, with dark clouds veiling the sky. The two guests rose and bowed farewell, trying to make it home before the storm worsened.
