
Princess of The Sand Village

This version of Princess of the Sand is strictly how Sakura (NOT HARUNO) is born in the village hidden in the sand falls in love at first with Gaara, but as soon as he hurts her she fears him and Kankuro vows to protect her and keeps her safe. She falls in love with Kankuro and they become a Puppet Master Duo

SakuraGibson · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

Chapter 17: The Demon Desert

The next day, Sakura's fatigue from the previous night was quite evident. She moved with a noticeable limp, her hair disheveled, and her body aching. Without exchanging words with anyone, she headed for the bathroom, where the others watched and shared playful giggles.

Temari couldn't resist a teasing remark, "Long night, Kankuro?"

A hint of irritation crossed Kankuro's face as he replied, "Shut up, Temari. I have needs."

Gathering in the dining room, the family waited for Sakura to return. She joined them and began eating the egg sandwiches without the crust that Temari had prepared.

Gaara decided to share the plan, "We've decided that you should spend the night with the other Genin at the resort by the Demon Desert to ensure you're better prepared for tomorrow's round two of the exam."

Sakura shrugged and sighed, reluctantly agreeing, "I shouldn't have to, but if that's what you truly want, then I won't argue."

With a sly smile, Temari added, "You'll also be having dinner with them."

Sakura's reaction was a heavy sigh, "Are you kidding?"

Temari waved her hand dismissively and replied, "Think of it as another opportunity to assess your opponents. It's good to know what you're up against."

Resigned to the fact that she wasn't going to win the argument, Sakura grumbled and pushed away from the table. She took her time to prepare, walking for hours until she reached the border of Sunagakure. As she finally spotted the gathering Genin, she continued on her path, approaching the gates of the welcoming structure reserved for visiting guests.

Once inside, she discovered a beautiful, manufactured oasis in the compound's courtyard. Sakura approached the check-in desk for the exams, where she was handed a key. As she climbed the stairs to her room, she couldn't help but glance out the window and see other Genin arriving. Taking a deep breath, she tried to maintain her composure, even though she had no desire to be there. She had the distinct feeling that the sand siblings relished this situation more than she was.

Sakura was startled by a sudden knock on her door. With caution, she approached and slowly opened the door to find a male Suna Jonin she didn't recognize. He handed her a scroll, bowed respectfully, and departed without speaking. Sakura, her curiosity piqued, gingerly unfurled the scroll to reveal a letter inside.

Sakura held the letter close to her heart and exclaimed, "Kankuro sent me a letter. How sweet."

In the letter, Kankuro mentioned that he would join her later in the night after dinner, which filled her with anticipation for a pleasant evening.

Over the building's speakers, a message summoned the Genin to assemble for dinner in the third-floor banquet room. Sakura reluctantly left her room, but she was relieved that she wasn't the only Sunagakure Shinobi. Mikoshi entered and greeted her, prompting Sakura to hug him and express her relief, saying, "I'm so glad you're okay. You had me worried all night."

Mikoshi reassured her, "Yukata took care of me, so I was healed in time to continue participating."

Sakura and the Sunagakure Genin gathered at a table on the right end, observing everyone in the room as potential adversaries.

 A lavish spread in the center of the room featured an array of meats, fish, and vegetables, catering to various dietary preferences. On the other side, the Konoha Genin occupied their own space.

Kiba scrutinized the Suna Shinobi, his brows furrowing, and commented, "The sand Genin are quite the intimidating bunch."

Tenten playfully teased Kiba, pointing out, "You're not exactly a teddy bear with those fangs of yours."

Kiba scratched his head in response, conceding, "Well, you've got a point."

A heavily sweating Genin, who resembled the size of a Sumo wrestler, laboriously rose from his seat and laboriously shuffled toward the table. Sakura recalled his name, Burami. He was a portly man with a rotund build. He sports two tufts of jet-black hair at the front of his head, while the back is cleanly shaven. His small, dark eyes peer out from beneath a prominent brow. His attire consists of an open red vest paired with matching pants, and he often goes barefoot.

Interestingly, he wears dual forehead protectors from Kusagakure, one worn conventionally and the other secured at the back of his head. 

Additionally, he has six standard hip pouches fastened on his posterior. His excessive sweating left his skin glistening like he had emerged from a pool. It became apparent that if he continued, he would ruin the food. Reacting swiftly, the Konoha Genin leaped from their chairs to apprehend the enormous man.

Sweat filled the air as they grappled with him, eventually forcing him to the ground. The room echoed with disgusted screams from the girls. Neji activated his family's jutsu to dispel the sweat, but their efforts were in vain once they realized the damage wrought upon the table. The food and bowls lay scattered across the floor, turning what was once a feast into a chaotic mess.

All the Genin from the Sand Village shot them angry and disdainful looks. Sakura was no exception; she felt a mixture of hunger and rage. As they rose from their seats, tension filled the air.

With his patience at its limit, Mikoshi stood and demanded, "What did you do to our dinner?"

Sakura chimed in, her frustration evident, "What were you thinking?"

The two bulkiest Suna Shinobi stood protectively beside Lady Sakura, ready to defend her if necessary.

Burami's teammate, Kazami, stood up boldly. With a slicked-back pompadour style, his jet-black hair is complemented by small, dark-colored eyes and bold, bushy eyebrows. His attire features a forehead protector from Kusagakure and a distinctive outfit reminiscent of a yakuza member, with metal pauldrons adorning his shoulders. Additionally, he wields an unusual flag-like weapon.

Kazami's voice rang out indignantly, demanding answers, "Why did you attack my friend?"

Rock Lee raised his arms defensively, retorting, "It's not what it seems."

Sakura rose to her feet and gently pushed aside the male Shinobi, who was standing defensively for her. Addressing the Konoha Genin, she remarked, "So, you were planning to save your food while neglecting the rest of us, is that it?"

Unable to hold back, Kiba yelled, "What are you saying? We'd never stoop to something like that. Your suspicion shows that Gaara hasn't trained you right!"

Sakura glared at him and retorted, "Did you just criticize Lord Kazekage after everything he's done for you? That is absolutely unforgivable."

In her frustration, she clenched her fist and punched Kiba's face, sparking a brawl among the Genin. The room quickly filled with aggressive shouts and the sounds of punches and kicks.

Meanwhile, Kazami spotted Burami on the ground, munching on some food, and promptly kicked him. He scolded, "Don't eat off the ground. Muyami, come and lend me a hand."

Muyami, on the other hand, stood apart, distancing himself from the commotion. He leaned against a wall, exuding an introverted aura. His medium-length brown hair was neatly tied into a small ponytail, and some of his bangs partly veiled his Kusagakure forehead protector. With his large black eyes framing his shy countenance, his introverted demeanor was all the more pronounced. He was dressed in a green, long-sleeved shirt and beige shorts, with a few small objects at his side.

He mumbled hesitantly with crossed arms and a timid disposition, "I'll pass... I'm too shy."

While the fight continued, the building suddenly rumbled, and in rolled Fu, who gracefully spread her limbs wide, exclaiming, "Ta-dah! So, the party's already started, guys. I wonder if I can make a hundred friends?"

Tenten, still bewildered, asked, "Who are you?"

With unbridled enthusiasm, Fu introduced herself, "I'm Fuu from the Village Hidden in the Waterfall. I came to the Chunin Exams to make a hundred friends. So, guys, what's the plan after dinner? Cards? Backgammon? Musical chairs? Or how about we all take a bath together?"

Kiba, still perplexed, questioned, "What's with you?"

However, rather than receiving an enthusiastic response, the room's occupants all slumped over, letting out a collective sigh of disappointment as they began to exit the room. Choji joined the dejected chorus, mumbling, "Oh well, so much for dinner... I'm going back..."

Undeterred, Fu placed her hands on her hips and awkwardly said, "Hey, wait! Don't go. Hey, guys, play with me."

Nevertheless, her attempts to engage them were disregarded as everyone continued to walk down the narrow halls, choosing to ignore Fu. Her overwhelming enthusiasm was too much for the other Genin to handle, and nobody wanted to be around her.

Walking down the hall, Sakura caught up to Ino and Sakura Haruno. Waving them down, she apologized, "Hey, guys. I'm sorry about earlier. I was having a bad night. My village still thinks I'm some priceless jewel that needed protecting, and I wanted to prove to them that I don't need it."

Ino and Sakura Haruno smiled sympathetically, with Ino taking Sakura's hand and saying, "It's okay; we're all facing the consequences of our actions. We'll be fine."

Sakura Haruno sighed and cast a concerned glance at Choji, who was intently gazing out the window at the end of the hall. She remarked, "Not all of us can handle it."

Ino approached Choji and inquired, "What are you doing, Choji?"

With a finger pointing to the building across the way, Choji replied, "Hey, Ino, look at that building."

Sakura joined them, moving closer to get a better view. She identified, "That's where all of our Sensei's are staying."

A spark of excitement glistened in Choji's eyes, and he excitedly bounded down the stairs, shouting, "The Senseis?"

Sakura Haruno raised her voice, trying to stop him, "Hey, Choji!"

Undeterred, Choji continued, "I bet they'll give us some food if we go there!"

Sakura from the Sand rushed up the staircase and shouted over the rising storm, "It's not safe to go outside. There's a sandstorm and scorpions the size of buildings out there."

Ino followed closely behind the two girls, and she voiced her concern, "He's so hungry he can't think straight. We have to go after him."

Sakura from the Sand nodded and added, "I agree."

Together, they chased Choji downstairs, heading for the side door. The sandstorm was so thick that they could hardly see anything beyond the round lights of the adjacent building. Ino yelled over the howling wind, "Choji! Where are you?"

Sakura from the Sand sprinted past her fellow Konoha comrades, guided by Choji's desperate screams. The colossal scorpion had trapped them all in its deadly grip, their cries for help echoing in the treacherous storm. Ino and Sakura Haruno made valiant efforts to assist but were caught in the same dire situation.

Sakura from the Sand harnessed her chakra and expelled a massive gust of wind from her mouth, dispersing the choking sand particles that obscured her vision. With clearer sight, she assessed the perilous scene unfolding before her. Above them, Fu descended from a window, her fist extending toward the menacing scorpion. She unleashed her technique, exclaiming, "Hidden Waterfall Hurricane!"

The scorpion writhed and mirrored the screams of its victims, but Fu's final strike with her kunai knife vanquished the colossal beast. The arrival of Tenten, Lee, and Neji from Konoha added further support to their beleaguered team.

Sakura from the Sand promptly rushed to Sakura Haruno, noticing the blood oozing from her wound. Concerned, she turned to Ameno and her team, who had just materialized on the scene. She called out to Ameno, "Ameno, over here."

Ameno rushed to their side and swiftly employed her medical ninjutsu to tend to Sakura Haruno's injury. As the evening sun cast long shadows and the sandstorm gradually abated, Sakura observed Fu standing triumphantly atop the lifeless scorpion, cheering exuberantly and swaying her body from side to side with an infectious grin. Alongside her, Gaara and Temari, flanked by Kankuro and Konoha Jonin, arrived at the scene.

Might Guy inquire, "What's going on out here?"

Temari explained, "Going outside at night is prohibited. The second exam begins before dawn breaks. Hurry up and return to your quarters."

"Sorry, we were trying to see if you guys had any food since we didn't get to eat dinner," Choji explained sheepishly.

"Missing one meal wouldn't kill you!" remarked Might Guy, offering a small portion of food to Choji, who accepted it happily. With their hunger temporarily appeased, everyone left to return indoors, leaving Sakura behind on the sand, where she observed Fu dancing triumphantly atop the colossal scorpion corpse.

Fu protested, "What? You're all leaving?"

Sakura glared at the exuberant girl and responded, "She jumped through the window and killed it."

Addressing Fu, Gaara inquired, "You're an excellent person to help foes from other villages. If you had ignored them, you would've had fewer rivals."

"I don't care about rivals or allies. I wonder if I can make a hundred friends. Do you want to be friends? Or... Do you want to bathe together?" Fuu replied enthusiastically, leaping down to approach Gaara.

Sakura gasped in shock and irritation, muttering, "Do you know who you're talking to? You're a complete idiot…" She found Fu's behavior unacceptable.

Her teammates took hold of her tank top strings and pulled her away. One of them scolded, "Idiot! That's the Kazekage you're talking to; you can't address him like that!"

"Interesting," Gaara muttered, intrigued by the spirited exchange.

Temari teased, "What's wrong with you? Are you jealous?" She broke into giggles.

Sakura sighed and replied, "No, it's nothing," as she walked alongside Gaara.

"Go back inside; you'll need rest," Gaara advised.

"I'll walk her back to keep her safe," Kankuro declared.

Temari chuckled and teased, "Oh, of course..."

They quietly entered the side door from which Sakura had previously ventured outside. Together, they ascended the stairs to Sakura's room, and Kankuro courteously opened the door, revealing the decently sized bed meant for two. Sakura couldn't help but giggle, and in a playful move, she pushed Kankuro onto the bed and wrapped her arms around him.

Kankuro held Sakura close, and they lay together until Sakura let out a contented yawn. As she drifted off, she murmured, "I wonder what the exams tomorrow will be like."

"Go back to sleep," Kankuro gently urged, his fingers tenderly brushing through her hair.

"No, you go back to sleep," Sakura countered as her eyelids grew heavy, eventually succumbing to slumber.

Kankuro couldn't help but chuckle as he embraced his beautiful girlfriend. He watched her sleep in the moment's stillness, his thoughts drifting into a peaceful dreamland filled with visions of a happy future together.

As the sun painted the sky with a lighter shade of blue in the early morning darkness, Kankuro awoke to the sound of a knock on the door. He groaned and glanced over to see Sakura tossing and turning in her sleep. Quickly, he shuffled away from his bed and approached the door. A young Jonin awaited him, holding a booklet with details about the Hidden Waterfall Shinobi. They spoke in hushed tones, and Sakura, now awake and feeling a bit queasy, inquired, "What's going on?"

Kankuro closed the door behind him and sat beside her, revealing the hand-crafted notebooks. He explained, "While you raged at Fu last night, Gaara asked me to dig into Fu's past."

"Yeah, and what did you find?" Sakura inquired.

"I haven't found much yet, so I'll need to gather intel while our Shinobi spies on them," Kankuro replied, making notes to request information from the Hidden Waterfall Village regarding Fu.

"Is there anyone we know at the Hidden Waterfall Village?" Sakura asked.

"Hideki is currently on a mission there," Kankuro answered as he jotted down the request for information, which a guard then took to a messenger bird outside.

Sakura pondered, "Why is Gaara so curious about her, anyway?"

Kankuro chuckled and asked, "You don't like her, do you?" He laughed slightly before handing the note to a guard who promptly took it to a messenger bird outside.

"I just don't understand what makes her so special," Sakura explained.

As Sakura began to stand from the bed, she heaved into the small trash can nearby. Kankuro rushed to hold her hair in a bun to assist her and rubbed her back, concerned. He said, "Are you okay? I should take you to the doctor."

"No, I'm fine."

The young couple silently dressed themselves and walked down the stairs to begin their day.

The two strolled outside early to prepare for the second round of the exams. Before Sakura greeted the other two siblings, she hurled her stomach contents by the door frame. 

Temari gasped and yelled to her, "Hey, are you alright?"

"She's had a tough morning," Kankuro replied, patting her back.

"I'm okay. I probably have a stomach bug. I've been nauseous all day, but it's slowing down now. I've been sick since this morning," Sakura said, clutching her stomach.

"You shouldn't continue the exam in your condition," Gaara said.

"No, I'll be fine," Sakura replied.

Temari approached Sakura and wrapped her arms around Sakura's shoulder. She said, "You two go on ahead. I've got her."

Kankuro scowled, "Temari, I can handle her."

"You're a guy; what do you know?" Temari shot back.

Kankuro and Gaara exchanged confused glances at one another as the girls walked inside. They only sought information on how to handle the situation. Temari assisted Sakura to the bathroom and settled her into a chair.

"Is there any chance you could be pregnant? We should probably bring you to the doctor to check if you're okay," Temari inquired.

"I told Kankuro that if this continues after the exam, I'll see a doctor. Right now, my priority is to ensure I pass the exams. We only have a few more days," Sakura explained.

"Fine, but I won't hesitate to tell your team," Temari glared at Sakura.

"Fine," Sakura crossed her arms and pouted. 

At the heart of the Demon Desert, a colossal structure loomed. The Genin and Jonin gathered on the outer walls, each with their designated spot.

The Jonin, in particular, occupied the balcony, from where they peered down at the students who had weathered the first phase of the Chunin Exams. Encircled by their counterparts from Konoha, the Sand Siblings took center stage. Positioned at the forefront, Temari assumed her role as the spokesperson for the occasion.

"Welcome to the Village Hidden in the Sand. I'll oversee this exam phase. Two scrolls are in this part of the exam: HEAVEN and EARTH. You must retrieve both scrolls and bring them to the designated base within seventy-two hours. This is a survival mission, meaning you must find your food. To the right, below us, there's a tent set up for you to fill out consent forms. There will be, in fact, some casualties.

Furthermore, each team will start from a different location to avoid confusion. So be quick and go to your starting points. You are dismissed," Temari announced.

Sakura gently massaged her chest, noting that she was feeling considerably better. She turned her head toward Mikoshi and said, "Let's pick up the pace."

Right in front of them, seated on chairs, were the vigilant Jonin proctors. Sakura and her team patiently awaited their turn in the extensive line of Genin before them. Finally, their moment arrived. The Jonin distributed three forms for them to sign in unison, followed by a scroll embossed with the word 'HEAVEN' and a detailed map. He leaned in and offered encouragement, "You will be entrusted with the HEAVEN scroll. The map I've provided marks your starting point within the Demon Desert with a distinct red circle. Good luck."

Mikoshi accepted the map and carefully unfurled it away from the prying eyes of the crowd. The team observed the conspicuous red circle denoting their initial location along the demon desert walls.

Sakura pondered momentarily before stating, "That's a considerable distance to cover. We should depart now to allow the exams to begin without delay."

The team nodded in agreement and trailed behind Sakura as they left the central tower. Like their fellow Shinobi, who had already dispersed along the outer wall, they patiently awaited the signal to commence the exam. Silence enveloped Sakura's team as they stood at the precipice of the wall, their gazes fixed upon the vast expanse of the endless desert.

Unable to ignore his concern, Mikoshi turned to Sakura and gently inquired, "Lady Temari mentioned that you were unwell. Are you certain you're up for the exams in your current condition?"

Sakura nodded and responded, "I had a tough morning, but I'm feeling better now."

A red flare soared high above, painting the sky with a vivid hue of crimson and leaving a trail of white smoke. This fiery signal marked the beginning of the exams. Mikoshi vaulted off the massive wall without hesitation, landing gracefully in the soft desert sand. Sakura and Yukata followed suit. As they ventured further, the cacophony of distant explosions and the clashing of kunai knives met their ears. They had been running for miles, yet the horizon remained devoid of other participants. The Demon Desert's vastness made it seem like they were entirely isolated. Unbeknownst to them, Gaara had been silently observing their journey through his third eye.

Several hours later, as they continued to push forward, Sakura's mouth was suddenly overwhelmed by a distasteful fluid. She halted for a moment, her body retching into the sand. Her team gathered around her, watching as she sank to her knees, utterly drained.

Yukata comfortingly rubbed her back and stated, "Mikoshi, she's exhausted."

Mikoshi furrowed his brows in confusion, asking, "How is that possible? I've seen her endure days of strenuous activity without getting this winded."

"We have to pause and find shelter," Yukata insisted. "Pushing Sakura further in her condition won't do her any good."

Mikoshi recognized the situation's urgency and realized that Sakura needed rest and recovery. In the unforgiving Demon Desert, they couldn't afford to be careless or let their guard down. With Sakura still feeling weak, they set out to find shelter as the last light of day faded into a moonlit night.

The trio scoured the surroundings for a concealed spot, away from prying eyes and the dangers of the desert. Eventually, they stumbled upon a large rocky outcrop with natural cover. It was a rocky hollow surrounded by dunes, with a narrow entrance.

Mikoshi observed the shelter and suggested, "We can take refuge here for the night. It should offer us some protection from immediate danger."

Tears welled in Sakura's eyes, and she apologized, "I'm so sorry for causing all this trouble."

Mikoshi sighed as he watched the vast desert and reassured her, "There's no point in placing blame. Our priority is to utilize our limited survival knowledge to find edible plants and scavenge for small animals."

Yukata stated, "I'll stay here to watch over Sakura."

Mikoshi acknowledged her decision and climbed out of the shelter they had discovered. Inside, Sakura grappled with the overwhelming emotions caused by her sudden illness. It wasn't just about her current predicament in the Chunin exams; her mind was haunted by past failures and insecurities festering within her. The desert night remained silent, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

"Are you feeling sick?" Yukata inquired.

"I'm not sure," Sakura responded weakly.

Yukata couldn't help but gasp as she formulated a guess, "You live with your boyfriend, right? Could you possibly be pregnant?"

Sakura's frown deepened, and she grumbled, "Why is everyone in Suna so invested in my relationship with the sand siblings?"

With an apologetic tone, Yukata replied, "I'm sorry, it's just that your story is quite intriguing."

Sakura sighed, acknowledging the fascination that seemed to surround her. They were cautious not to make a fire, as its light would attract unwanted attention from other participants in the exam. Instead, they huddled together, sharing warmth and hushed conversations as they nibbled on their meal when Mikoshi returned with edible plants.

With only the HEAVEN scroll in their possession, they knew they had to obtain the EARTH scroll to advance in the exams. Time was of the essence, as they had a mere forty hours left to complete this challenging task.

Sakura lay down, her eyes closed as she tried to regain strength. Mikoshi and Yukata took turns keeping watch, ensuring their safety in this harsh desert environment.

The following day, Mikoshi assumed the lead as they ventured deeper into the desert, their determination unwavering as they scoured for a scroll. The arduous journey had taken its toll on Sakura, leaving her exhausted and struggling with bouts of nausea that forced them to make frequent stops. Sakura's frustration grew with every moment, fueled by her misery.

"Where exactly are we going?" Sakura inquired.

Mikoshi replied, "We're making our way to the central tower."

Sakura frowned, concerned. "But why? We still don't have the two scrolls required."

Mikoshi responded, "Think a bit, Sakura. The terrain here plays to our advantage."

Yukata interjected, "Actually, Mikoshi, we only have the HEAVEN scroll, not the EARTH one."

Sakura rolled her eyes, her patience wearing thin as she complained, "Idiot, that's not what he meant."

 Mikoshi brought the group to a brief halt, and they crouched on the sand, awaiting his explanation. With a stick, Mikoshi started drawing a rudimentary map of the Demon Desert, marking it with "x" symbols spread around the map, surrounding the central tower. He began outlining his strategy.

"Teams with both the HEAVEN and EARTH scrolls will be our main competitors," Mikoshi explained. "They'll make a beeline for the central tower. However, the entire area is laden with traps, except for the eastern route."

Sakura questioned, "The eastern route is clear? How can you be so sure?"

Yukata chimed in, "Wouldn't everyone choose that route then?"

Mikoshi responded confidently, "True, the eastern route seems like the obvious choice. But it's filled with hidden quicksand pits. Once you're in, there's no way out. So, we'll take the safer path, reach the central tower before others, and then grab a scroll. What do you think of the plan?"

Yukata, her eyes sparkling, cheered, "Mikoshi, you're brilliant!"

As she crossed her arms, Sakura sighed, a hint of reluctance in her voice. "I'm not sure I like this plan. It feels a bit cowardly."

Mikoshi countered, "Sakura, our goal is to pass the second exam. Sometimes, you have to be strategic and not just rely on brute force."

With a resigned tone, Sakura replied, "Alright, fine."

The team pressed on, but a change in the wind's direction made them uneasy. It was clear that something was amiss. A towering sandstorm loomed on the horizon, approaching them like an unstoppable wave. They anchored their feet into the sand, bracing for the impact before continuing. They had discarded their bags and sand robes to shield themselves from the relentless storm.

Mikoshi, leading the way, tried to motivate the group by saying, "This gives us the home-court advantage."

Struggling to keep the sand out of her eyes, Sakura retorted, "I wouldn't exactly call it an advantage right now..."

Overcome by the storm's fury, Yukata stumbled and muttered, "I can't go on any longer."

Turning back to check on her companions, Mikoshi held his hood tightly over his head and assured them, "Hang in there, we're almost at the central tower."

Skeptical, Sakura asked, "Are you sure about that? You've been saying that for a while, but we haven't reached it yet."

"I'm sure," Mikoshi replied confidently. However, as he took another step forward, the ground beneath him gave way, and he plunged into a hidden quicksand pit. He managed to call out, "Look out, it's quicksand!"

Sakura, panic-stricken, shouted, "This isn't the time to point that out, Mikoshi!"

Sakura and her team spiraled into the depths of the quicksand. Desperate cries for help escaped their lips, but it was a grim realization that they were alone. The relentless sand swallowed them, trapped them in an eerie, suffocating darkness.