
Chapter 7: Teenage Parties

The next day at school, me and Valery ignored the boys. Not even sparing a glance or batting an eye in their direction. Mike did not seem to mind nor care, but Jason kept casting stares of guilt at each of us the entire day,same happened on the day after that.

Later that day while we were walking out of school, "Avery, are you going to Mikayla's party?" asked Valery. I looked at her and said "I dont think so maybe....why?",

"i think we should go", i raised an eyebrow at her, "Why?" i asked.

She then walked in front of me and stopped, i followed suit, "i know she isnt the most likable person but it might be our last party and chance to have fun before graduation and the school prom and knowing you, you might even ditch the prom too so why not?" she said, both pleading and making a point.

"Valery i-", "pleaaaseee Aveyyyyy, i want to enjoy this party with my best friend in the whole wide world!" she pleaded, grasping both my hands in hers. I reluctantly nodded in agreement and she hugged me.

And thats how i ended up in a party at a mansion Saturday at sunset, i walked in and pushed through the dancing mob of seniors. Getting elbowed here and getting pushed there, i managed to get to the back where some others sat at the sofas while chatting, Valery being amongs them.

She spotted me, waved me over and i walked over to them, "hey Val, hey everyone" i greeted. "Hello Avery very berry, how are you?!" yelled a jolly Jade, smiling joyously as she drank from her blue cup. "Hey Avery" politely greeted Roy, Jade's boyfriend who was sitting right next to her.

Then there was one other guest with them, his name is Brody. He was on his cell phone, ignoring the on going party as if he were home, relaxing on a nice evening alone.

He has friends and he's popular but he is also blunt and known for his arrogance above all. He sat at a single couch his blond hair hanging from his head as he looked down at his phone intently. Noticing my eyes lingering on the blond boy, Valery cut in, snapping me back to reality.

"Dont worry about Brody, he just came and sat down there, hasnt spoke at all tonight" she said while patting the empty space next to her on the her double seater couch, and i walked over and sat down.

"Alright girls! Who wants to play truth or Dare?!!" Jade asked. "Hahaha! Im game and so is ma girl Ave!" said Valery, my breath hitched when i heard those words from her, a bolt of nervousness passing through me, but i nodded in agreement anyway feeling cornered.

"S-sure" i stuttered, then gave an awkward smile and sighed when they stopped staring at me. I honestly did not know how to feel about truth or dare. I do not like playing it at parties or school because it always ends badly with our classmates and friends.

There is always that one dare or truth that causes drama and uncomfortablility on the victim. But i promised Valery so i will uphold that promise, tonight i will try to peek out of my shell.

"Brody, do you wanna play with us?" asked Jade, trying to be inclusive with everyone here, even the boy who prefered to be alone.

Brody looked up from his phone, auburn eyes glancing at Jade, "sure i guess" he answered.

"Woah! Is it new years?! Brody Murphy Playing Games?! Wooooo!-", "Shut it you drunk gang troll, im bored and waiting for my friends, and drop the surprised attitude or ill change my mind" he hissed, slightly glaring at Valery who laughed in return.

"Okay, Okay!, ME FIRST!, Valery, truth or dare?" she asked, lowering her voice to make it seem sinister. "Lets start small, hit me with a truth baby!" Valery replied, "are you or were you ever in a gang?" she asked with the same sinister sounding tone while her lips were between a smile and a smirk.

"No, never been in one but it would be pretty cool i guess haha" Valery answered. "alright my turn, Avery truth or dare?" she asked while grinning ear to ear.

I looked at her face and suddenly felt uneased, she is my best friend the person who knows a lot about me, the truths she may ask make me wonder whether it will be soft or brutal.

The dares i didnt even wanna think about them, by nature she never holds back. I sighed in exasperation, wide and drunk eyes on me i answered "Truth", "Who would you go to prom with in school?" she asked.

And i instantly felt flustered and embarrassed at answering such a question. "I dont really know, never thought about it" i said, with the littlest composure i had in me while i kept my voice as normal as possible.

Valery grinned even more and said "Okaayyyyyyy then who would you take out of all the boys, think about it noooowwwwww",

"Yeaaaaa Averyyyyy who would your date be~?" chimed Jade.

Roy and Brody remained quiet but the curiousity in their eyes showed as they both stared at me. "Fine....i dont know maybe Mike or something?"

"AHHHHHH I KNEW IT!!" squeeeled Valery and Jade, Roy chuckled as if he had the same thoughts as a look of expectance clocked his face and Brody just shrugged and remained quiet.

The squeels soon died down and i was made aware that it was my turn to pick and ask someone. I looked around, at Joy, Roy, Brody and Valery, and finally my eyes focused on Roy.

"Roy, Truth or dare?" i asked, though not having been good with truths or dares, the gears in my head were in motion finding various options for each possible answer.

"hmm, Truth" he said, there was a gentle smile on his face as he looked at me expectingly, still nervous and unable to conclude, i looked at Joy and an idea came, though boring it did come.

"Do you love Joy?" i asked, smile on my face, Valery coooedd while Brody just looked at Roy and Joy leaned her head on his shoulder a blissful smile on her face and her eyes closed showing that to her the answer was clear.

Seconds passed and Roy remained quiet, "uhhh Roy?, answer the question" pushed Val who had a look of suspicion and confusion on her. Both me and Brody looked at him waiting for his answer as well.

Roy remained quiet, Joy opened her eyes as her smile started to fade, she looked at her boyfriend "Come on Babe, tell them" she said, firmly, jokingly, but there was a hint of hurt undenearth.

Roy swallowed hard and looked at me with a forced smile "u-uhm c-can you please ask me another question?" he stammered. "What the hell Roy?! Answer the question!" yelled Joy, his reluctance to answer clearly agitating her.

"Avery change the-", "No! You answer that stupid truth Roy!" yelled Joy, interrupting Roy, her voice slightly breaking, so much so that it screeched and the dancers around us started to stare, one by one, Roy started noticing the other prying eyes "Joy Pleasee, keep it down-", "DONT YOU DARE! JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION ALREADY! DO YOU LOVE ME OR NOT!" she screamed and at that moment the music was cut and the entire party was focused on the scene and also awaiting to hear Roy's answer.

Roy hesitated as he looked at the gawking crowd surrounding us and even Mikayla and Mandy looked down at us from atop the stair case, an air of dominancy surrounding them as if it were royalty watching over the village they ruled.

Roy looked at Joy, he made up his mind, "I like you Joy a lot!" he started, "but?" she asked, tears already welling up in her eyes.He looked down and shut his eyes tightly, "but im not in love with you" he finished.

"We've been dating for 3 years...and your telling me this?, why did you lead me on?" she asked, a tear already streaming down her left eye.

He looked at her in guilt and pitty, fearing that his next words may slice through her like a dagger. "At first, yes, i did love you a lot, but as time went on i found out that its not in that way, i love you as a-", he was cut of by a splash of alchohol on his face, Joy was enraged as she crushed the cup that once held it.

"Go to hell!" she hissed then strutted out of the party, the silence letting her heels click and echo through out the room.

Whispers followed suit as well as stares aimed at Roy, "sorry for ruining the party for you guys" he said as he stood up and left the party. After a while the party continued again as well as the silence at our trio still had, though we tried our best to salvage the night and enjoy the rest of the party.

To be continued...