
Chapter 16: The Emerald Queen

We walked into the spacious room, it was filled with crates and boxes filled with oranges, trinkets, jewels and others that all seemed to be offerings. I looked ahead and saw a few paces away a man and a woman sitting on two very distinct and beautiful chairs, thrones fit for a king and queen. Behind them was a ginormous stained-glass window showing a collage split into 14 parts, each showcasing different people, their names just below each of their pictures. Only the older-looking man who seemed to be in his early 40s with a crown on his head didn't have the signature green eyes encrusted into the fragile portraits of the others in the picture, his were brown and his hair black while the eldest woman, who I assumed was his wife, the queen had the brightest green eyes amongst them all and the purest looking locks of platinum hair.