
Chapter 11:Rain

It was a stormy day in the morning, so stormy and windy even school got cancelled. I mostly stayed up in my room all day and only came out to eat or get snacks. My brother was sticking close to my parents, fearing that the thunder will come get him and he would yelp everytime he heard one go boom. They were so strong that sometimes the house would shake.

I was sitting at my study desk watching movies on my computer when a notification popped up about a group chat request. It was from Valeriegoddess@gmail.com, i recognized it as Val's email so i instantly accepted, then paused my movie to enter the chat. There were two others in it jasondayday12@gmail.com and miketheawesome1000@gmail.com.

Their email names were unexpected i felt myself snort and smile, i greeted and so did Valery who welcomed us warmly the boys started to chat too. And after that we were chatting up about our day and what we have been doing to pass the time.

Then things got a little awkward when Valery went and said "Jason, Mike between me and Avery who are each of you crushing on?" she asked. There was a long pause between our text exchange and finally Jason texted "you guys are my good friends, that's all i can say about that".

Mike followed in his example "both of you are annoying, so none" he texted. Valery sent a gif of a girl feigning to be in pain and texted "so cold, do you think you could fall for one of us in future though?" she asked.

"Valery i dont think we should go there, we're just friends and what happens in the future happens" i texted trying to stop the topic. "No Avery i want to know. So hush little girly" she said and i scrunched my nose feeling a tint of anger and something else i couldnt put my finger on.

Valery was actually younger then me and to call me girly?, thats something she only ever does when she mocks a female bully or someone messing with her, basically bad to be called that by her. She continued with this and trying to pry more info from the boys in the end all 3 of us tried to change the topic as much as we can until she finally relented.

The four of us ended up talking randomly until another question from Valery arose. "Boys, who actually was that guy from yesterday? you guys have another brother?" she asked. Tension stirred in the chat for a few minutes, no one daring to type.

After a few moments 'Jason is typing' appeared at the top of the group chat. "Given the fact he looks like us and all that we can't really deny our relation to him or make up excuses of any sort so yes he's our brother much to our displeasure :-)" Jason said, "Sorry to burst your bubble but that idiot is no brother of mine, I know you girls wanted to be buddy buddy with Jason and I accepted that but if you friend him I'm honestly done with this friendship" retorted Mike.

"Why what exactly happened between you all? And Mike, why does it seem like you hate every look alike of yours that comes here, you even changed you know" said Valery. "Changed? what do you mean changed?" asked Mike, "you used to be the calm kid and mostly kept to yourself, lately you've been getting angrier and more impulsive, you alright dude?" said Valery.

A few moments after her text Mike left the chat without a single response. Jason remained quiet and just like that the chat died. A few moments later when I was planning to just simply study seeing as the conversation had died, Valery suddenly texted me in private messaging.

"Avery, you there?" the message said, I almost immediately responded "yea, is something wrong?" I asked. "No, well yes. Listen I don't know if it bugs ya too or not but thing is I kinda am curious about the boys and their past in general" she started, "look I know this might be a stretch but I feel like their hiding something big from us and you can't tell me your not curious too" she finished.

"Val, I know you get angsty when it comes to things like this and wanting to know things about people but this is their personal stuff and they'll tell us when their ready" I responded. "Fine then, you don't have to get involved but still I just find them a little bit shady, especially when their so-called-brother came around with a body guard and the insta account he used had that many followers yet its new. Girl these boys are shady, just promise me you'll be careful. Alright?:-\" she texted.

While I did feel a little uneasy after hearing her concerns, in the end they're our friends and I believe we should give them the benefit of the doubt and I also feel that their past won't affect us in anyway. That being said to ease her mind, "I promise I will and if I find out anything worth mentioning I'll tell you, okay?" I texted back.

"Thanks Ave, ;-) I appreciate it. Let's do this detective Oxbow!!!" she responded, I giggled at this and smiled. Then put my phone on my study desk and looked towards my window, curtains ajar. The rain was splashing in a furious barrage liquid drops as if trying to break the wall of glass, the harshly blowing wind from outside could be heard, water and wind clashing in mother nature.

A week or so passed. It was a normal morning in school and I was at my locker getting some books, when I felt someone hard sturdy chest press again my back.

I turned around in haste,only to be met by piercing green eyes, his body pressed up closely against mine and our faces not too far from each other,shocked i dropped the book i held in my hand. My heart went into a run,breath caught in my throat, he stared at me intently as if trying to learn every detail about me from just my eyes alone.

Feeling his heat radiating from his body and merging with mine,I took a few steps back trying to put distance between us,only for my back to clash with my locker. Although the distance was small i breathed a sigh of relief as it was just enough.

I looked at his piercing green eyes with a glare, I opened my mouth ready to give him a peace of my mind when he lifted his thin finger and placed it vertically to my lips. I lifted my arm,ready to move his hand, but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pinned my hand against the closed clocked next to mine and with that he inched closer.

Our bodies were again close,chest to chest as my heart panted fast against my chest. He leaned his face closer to mine,still looking square into my eyes, i gripped the sleeves of my shirt with my palms, squeezing tightly,a nervous chill running through my body, he removed his finger from my lips and lowered his hand to my jaw, caressing it gently but holding firmly to restrict my movement.

He leaned closer till our lips were nearly touching and I could feel my face heating up. I closed my eyes,not sure what else to do, two seconds pass and I felt him frozen in place then felt him blow teasingly against my lips and his body heat depart from mine.

I opened my eyes widely, confused and bewildered to see him looking at me with a devilish smirk then hold his stomach and burst into a fit of laughter. I zoned out, processing what had just happened, I looked around us seeing students passing by sharing hushed whispers and giggling while looking at our direction.

Embarrassed I picked up my book,took some other books from my locker, stuffed them in my bag then slung it over my shoulders again before shutting the door loudly and stomping off in a huff,leaving the laughing boy rolling on the ground.

Not a distance away from my locker,he caught up with me with a little jog on his part, still snickering here and there and invited himself to join my silent walk of shame.

"What do you want from me? Just go away" I fumed,speeding up my pace. He chuckled and cooed "awww, did I make Avery angry? sad, but not completely bad, you look so cute when your mad" he teased, reaching over a hand to pinch my cheeks, I pouted and slapped his hand away and kept walking angrily.

"Ohhhh and the principal said you have the esteemed honor or showing I, prince Leon, around this huge school" he said confidently and as though he just remembered. I rolled my eyes "yea right like I believe that, if that were true the principal would've told me. So I don't know what game your playing but leave me alone" I groaned.

He smirked laid an arm around my shoulder and leaned in close to my ear, in a slow and deep voice he said "what's the matter with that?and if you behave like a good little girl I'll think about rewarding you with that kiss you were expecting back there~", my face visibly got heated. He moved away and laughed loudly, I shrugged his arm off of my shoulders and walked faster.

"Aww come on, fine let's go to the principal and she can tell ya,since you won't believe me that is. Jeez lighten up would ya" he said looking at my frown, 'he's so annoying' I thought angrily.

"Lets just go" I groaned and with that we both headed to her office, i walked faster and he followed behind me, smirk gone and replaced by a large smile, his steps seeming to have a little bounce. My hopes for him lying were shattered when we arrived and the principal confirmed, i tried to switch with someone else but she declined. Much to my displeasure I was told to spent the rest of the day taking care of Leon and being his guide.

To be continued....