
Prince of war, is in love!

As they said, "You have three lives in this life of yours, of a universe in your lifetime." Lin Che who was on the verge of taking her cheater of a fiancé's head, it all went back fired. Transporting on her past life hundred of years ago, she was given with two tasks she have to accomplish. That is... Changing her past for a better future and must find her true love for a better and happy ending.

Flowers_Bloom_5649 · ย้อนยุค
20 Chs

Our past

15 years ago: General Lin's Manor, Pavilion

Nine-year-old, Xu Cheng continue on sobbing as he look around. Suddenly, there was a pat in his shoulder. He turn around to see a girl younger than him by 2-3 years.

"Gege... Are you lost?" *Gege is a term for a boy older than yourself called in chinese.* From that moment, Xu Cheng nodded with tears on his sparkly blue eyes. He notice the girl wearing simple yet expensive dress and asked. "Are you from here?"

The cute little girl nodded cheerfully. "Yeah... I'm Lin Che. Gege is older so you can call me Xiao Che. Nice to meet you."

She said excitedly. "I'm Xu Cheng... Just call me... anything... Nice to meet you too..." Xu Cheng said, avoiding her eye contact, blushing in embarrassment. Lin Che nodded and took his wrist gently yet firm. "Gege must've been hungry. Let's go and get you something to eat." Xu Cheng didn't mind and was curious instead. Usually he was shy around strangers... Why wasn't he now?

When they entered a kitchen without maids, Xu Cheng didn't get a chance to asks something as Lin Che started talking. "Gege. Mom's cooking is one of the kind in the world. It's the best and amazing in the world for you to taste. Mom loved cooking so Dad brought this for her as a gift. Isn't it amazing."

As she spoke her eyes twinkled like a star. Lin Che took a plate and said, pointing at the only table nearby. "Wait there. I'll get you something to eat. Gege, rest and took a seat first for now."

She came back with a plate full of deliciously looking and smelling mooncakes and put it down, while explaining. "Mom is busy with the guests. But she left some mooncakes for me to enjoy while waiting, knowing I hate gathering. Gege try some."

Xu Cheng took one and bite and his eyes immediately widen. "I... Is t- there any... red bean in this...?" Lin Che hearing it immediately frowned. "Is Gege allergic to it? Spit it out!"

"N- No... I..." He lowered his head and tears started to flow in his cheeks. "Gege... I... Sorry..."Lin Che said sincerel;y holding back her tears. "Red bean is-..." [ I should've know this earlier.... Why haven't I notice it....?] He thought sobbing.

Xu Cheng pause and he tilted his head with sparkling eyes. "My favorite, Xiao Che! I did not know your mom cooking really is the best!"He said hurriedly as he continue on eating joyfully.

It was then that Lin Che sighed in relief. Suddenly the door open and Leng Lin, Lin Che's mother barge in. When she saw a young boy next to her daughter, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Mom!"

Lin Che excitedly cling on the beautiful woman, Leng Lin smiled softly and carried her gently. "Che'er... How is the mooncakes I made?"Lin Che smiled and pointed at Xu Cheng.

"It was good! Gege likes it very much." Leng Lin chuckled. "It looks like you made new friends. Can you introduce me to him?" Lin Che nodded joyously and they made yjeir way to Xu Cheng. Xu Cheng stayed still not knowing what to do as they approached him slowly.

"Mom, this is brother Xu Cheng, I just met earlier."She said excitedly. "Gege, this is my mom. My soulmate!"

6 years later: Xu Cheng's Resident

"My lord! Bad news... Lady Leng... She..."Xu Cheng froze and as if he turned deaf, he cannot heart what the butler is reporting. [It can't be... Xiao Che... She must've been framed...!]

A few days later

"My lord, General Lin suddenly brought a woman home... Miss Leng Lin's..."He dismissed the butler and laughed coldly. "Hah. What kind of 'coincidence' was that? It really is a frame. General Lin, Lin Gong huh? I wasn't inform besides that gentle attractive face of your hides something mysterious yet shameless."

To gain more power, he begged his sister, the empress (now empress dowager) to let him join the battle between Qin Kingdom and theirs. A few years later, at the age of 18, he recieve the title of God of War.

At 20, he become the regent, who even the emperor and other officials were scared off. [ Xiao Che... I hope, I didn't let you waited that long. Wait for me a little longer.]

He thought to himself as he recalled Lin Che's toothless cute smiling little face. [Wait for me and we... together we will avenge your mother...] Xu Cheng look at the pendant, Lin Che gave him and clenched it tightly.


"We were friend... remember?" Xu Cheng said as if talking to Lin Che. "I know I'm late... But why... How could you left me here behind... In this cruel meaningless world alone...?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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