
Prince of war, is in love!

As they said, "You have three lives in this life of yours, of a universe in your lifetime." Lin Che who was on the verge of taking her cheater of a fiancé's head, it all went back fired. Transporting on her past life hundred of years ago, she was given with two tasks she have to accomplish. That is... Changing her past for a better future and must find her true love for a better and happy ending.

Flowers_Bloom_5649 · ย้อนยุค
20 Chs

Know your place

General Lin's Manor: Lin Gong's Chamber

Lin Gong unsteadily pick up his wine cup and gulp it in one go. He reach out for the wine jar and find it all empty. "Huh?"

"It's... empty...?"

Lin Gong heard the door creaked open and Lin Cang walks in. "Why are you this drunk?"

"Get out."

Lin Cang ignored him and about to move forward, when Lin Gong spoke, stopping her.

"I said get out. What part of the easy words that you don't get?"

Lin Cang purse her lips. "But..."

"Lin Cang! One word, okay? Stop acting like a child when in fact you're older. I don't want anymore drama tonight."

Lin Cang frowned and shouted back. "What's gotten in you? I'm here to ask you nicely."

Lin Gong let out a cold laugh.

"You're being nice? Sorry but that doesn't seems to... and I don't need it unless you change your clothes."

He said as her clothes are still yellow in color. "Why? Do you... love that child that much...? Are you even willing to devote your life for her...?"

Lin Gong froze before looking at her scornfully.

"Why else should I be away for years to fight? Of course I love her."

As he watched Lin Cang's reaction, had his smirk to deepen. "After all... my precious Che'er... She is the proof of Ah Lin and I's love for each other."

Lin Cang gritted her teeth and finally snapped.

"So what?! That bitch's dead so did that ugly thing! You have nothing but me and Lin Fang. Just... move on, okay?"

Lin Gong's face turned black.

He stood up drunkenly unsteady knocking vases and wine jars and cups. Lin Gong walk up to her as she back out in fear, when she sense his mood and aura become more dark and dangerous.


He asked expressionless. "Did you just call her that? And what ugly thing again? Then what about you?"

Lin Gong chuckled darkly. "I guess the reminder last time didn't worked... so listen here. For me dog dressed better than you. At least they have their fur. That title suited you and only for you."

"General Lin! I'm still your wife... please, at least show some respect!"

Lin Cang said clenching her fist.

"Wife? Respect?" Lin Gong pinched, Lin Cang's chin hard and said coyly.

"Firstly, remember the name of my wife... It's Leng Lin, second daughter of Prime Minister Leng, while you, you're just a mistake mistress."

"Secondly, you didn't respect my wife and daughter, why? Do you think you're more special and important than them?"

He let her go, letting her to fall on the floor.

"I trusted you... Leng Cang... After your sister's death... You suggested me to marriage and the naïve me here... accepted it to protect my daughter you say. However..."

"What have you done?!" Lin Gong turned around clenching his fist.

"How could you let me daughter in the cold palace without anyone informing me?! if you should've just treated her better and nicely, she should've been alive by now! Defending you... which you didn't appreciate..."

He clutched his left chest painfully and left her there dumbfounded.

Lin Cang watched his back disappearing and turned the room into a disaster. "They deserved it! Lin Gong, you were mine at first! That bitch steal me away from you!"


Lin Gong look up at the sky and clutched his left chest tightly again, starting to cry.

"Why... Why did... you two let me...?" He force on smiling as he continued.

"Ah Lin... Are you... happy...? Seeing me like this... Do you forgive me...?" He asked helplessly.

"Che'er... Why did you leave, dad... Are... you also mad at me...?" He asked sobbing. "I- I'm deeply... sorry..."

As he said that, his eyes continued on dropping until he falls asleep.

Lin Fang suddenly appeared in front of him and made a disgusted face, tsking. "Like mother, like daughter. You really like them, huh? Why don't you follow?"

With dark expression, she was about to hit Lin Gong with the thick stick she's holding, when another hand stop her, a few inches away from Lin Gong's back head.

"What... do... you... think you're doing? Touching him with your dirty and filthy hands...?"

Lin Fang froze hearing a familiar voice and unsteadily titled her head. Lin Che look down to her with her usual cold expression.

"I'm asking you."

Lin Che's eyes widen and her pupils dilated, which made Lin Fang scared a second. "W- Who the hell are you? Do I even know you...? Mind your own."

[Is this woman stupid or something? She really is the Lin Fang, I know. Good at nothing but seducing.]

Lin Che thought and twitched her lips through the veil on half of her face.

"Are you an idiot?"

She went closer to Lin Fang and whispered. "Of course... to... destroy you." Lin Che raise her hand and hit Lin Fang's neck knocking her out and let her fall.

"Know your place." She said emotionless and helped Lin Gong to one of the guest room whispering. 'Sorry dad... Once I'm dad... We'll reunite once again. That's a promise...'