
Prince of harvest

This is the story of a boy named Jessup Grove. Jessup was born as the grandson of King Grove but Jessup has a secret, he is not from this world, but rather from a dystopian version of earth. His greatest fear is being found out and cast away or even executed for stealing the body of an innocent baby buy. Unlike most stories of the protagonist being reborn to be on top Jessup has to come to terms with the fact that his own grandfather is the immortal King progenitor and he will never have the potential of rising to the top. Will he become a victim to his families wrath or will his grandfather put him on his own path to being a king of a new land.

DragonMasta · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs


Chapter 10: Drowning

My father stood there for a second while I could only pray in silence to a greedy little god. Then, we begin to move forward step by step, and through the barrier.

'We're alive. Of course we are, I haven't even met the old fart. Why would he kill me now?'

'He might want to do it personally… Baby heads are pretty soft, you know. It would take no effort whatsoever.'

Of course Pilf needs to rain on my parade. I guess we can only see what happens from here. Father walks on top of the black ink underneath him, it's almost like there is a barrier under his feet. I wonder what would happen if he touched it personally?

No, I need to stay focused, we're now only a few feet away from my grandfather. Now that I look at him closely he looks more human than I was expecting. He was no longer covered in ink and was sporting what looked like a blue and gold loose fitting kimono now without a single stain.

That wasn't what was remarkable though. The most remarkable thing is how young he looks. He looks like he can be my mothers little brother. This man had 2 kids?

'Remember kid, this isn't your world. He's a high ranking super, his life span is much longer than-' 

"Who dares interrupt family matters? Dredan, take care of him."

'Wha- GUAH! What?! Who-' 

'Pilf? Pilfer! What's-'

"Now we have some privacy." This man. What did he do?

My father looked up in confusion for a second but chose to ignore it and keep walking forward. Then he stopped and bent his head down to listen.

As I thought he was going to strike us down, my grandfather did something else instead. He spoke to my father like they were the only ones in the room. 

"Agro, you are here because you have interfered with my daughter's mission. You cost her the lives of her men and worse than that. Her confidence, you have taken her ability to trust herself, and this affects me and my kingdom. Leaving her with a child without a father. This is unmistakable and irredeemable. Just know that I'm not punishing you for your evil nature, I'm punishing you because you crossed me AND my daughter. Whether you meant to or not. Do you have anything to say?"

"Yes, you're majesty. I have dishonored you and my wife, your daughter. My actions are as you said, irredeemable and I accept my sentence in full." My father had his head down the whole time. He didn't dare look up.

I couldn't help but look down when the king glanced at me. I thought this was the right thing to do but when I looked back up I saw a hand extend in my direction. I looked up in surprise and fear when I was suddenly picked up and held by the scruff of my neck. 

Who carries a baby like this?! What is wrong with this guy? Fortunately he's holding my clothes but this still feels wrong. 

"You make such strange faces. Most children would be crying their eyes out by now. Either you're just stupid or…" I looked back at this sadistic lunatic almost getting angry, "Hmm, I made him angry."

This lunatic looked back at my father, almost starting to laugh while he could only look worried for his son, "I think I get it now… I'm going to talk to your father for a minute, okay? I need you to breathe in as deep as you can. Good just like that."

I followed his advice despite knowing that I just gave myself away. I was worried about what was going to happen next, but it didn't seem like I had to wait long before he tossed me away into the deep black ink.

He threw me! What the hell? What kind of psychopath tries to throw a baby in a boiling lake of silver? I remember what he said about breathing in and immediately hold my breath in even more before preparing to boil alive.


Crap! Crap! It hurts! I let out a small breath of air and immediately covered my mouth to hold everything in while withstanding the searing pain of boiling silver. My eyes opened for a second and I felt like they were going to burst.



I felt like I heard something but I was too distracted by all the crazy sensations happening to me. I thought it couldn't get any worse than this but I was very wrong. Very soon, I felt unbelievably itchy and it got worse as it invaded my eyes, bones and muscles. 

On top of all this I had been holding my breath for what felt like an eternity. I soon let out all the air in my lungs and out of pure instinct began to drink the boiling metal, after the second gulp and what felt like a stomach ulcer I couldn't help but drift away into a coma. I think I give up, I don't think I can get out of this. The metal is so thick that it's hard to even move around in, much less swim up to breathe for air.

Just as I was about to give up, I felt something grab the back of my neck. I was quickly grabbed and I felt something smack my back until I threw up a bunch of black silver.

"Good, you're alive. I would hate to explain that you were possessed or something to your mother. Regardless, you did good. Welcome to the family."

I'm still coughing up black silver but at least I can breathe again. I'm furious at this old man but I know there's nothing I can do about it right now… Or maybe I can?

This old man is hunched over right now standing in this cursed stuff, but there is one thing I can do. I reach out my hand to touch the metal and… Poof, it's gone. 

Hahaha! The Black Star Silver is now mine! I don't know what it is, but clearly if a powerhouse like you was using it, it must be valuable.

"Hmm. I was planning to give that to your mother, but oh well. Consider this as a late gift for your baby shower"

Seriously? Isn't he a bit shameless? You're acting like you just gave it to me.


[Heart of a demon god: Devouring this heart can turn anyone who eats it into a high ranking demon. Alternatively, this heart can be used for anything involving the dark arts.]


Pilfer is dead? 

Oh well. He was a great customer. R.I.P. 

"Hmm? Dredan, you didn't kill the intruder did you? Hmm, ok good. Don't worry kid, your little godling is safe and sound. No need to thank me, and you even managed to get yourself a god's heart. Aren't you a lucky one."

Pilfer is alive? Yaaay. Wait, how is he alive? He had his heart ripped out right? Is it because he's a god? If that's the case why isn't he saying anything? Oh right, he's a coward. 

"Let's go, it's time to let your mother know about your father, or did you forget about that?"

Huh? I looked around me in confusion and realized we were the only ones here. Even the barrier was gone. So was my father, Agro. I think that's what his name was. It's a shame but again I never really saw him as my father in the first place. Heck I don't consider anyone here family. It's just easier to call them that, but now that the king knows my secret I guess there's no point in calling them that anymore.

I wonder what he plans to do? At the moment he's just carrying me like a purse instead of a baby, but at least I'm alive. I looked up at the old fart and he just waved his hand like he was trying to swat a fly and then a portal opened up. I guess Samantha and Amelia were portaled away while I was fighting for my life.

It seems a bit obvious at this point but I guess he's the one responsible for those portal rings? As soon as we walked through and out of the portal the first people to welcome us were Amelia and Samantha. 

Samantha noticed how I was being carried, and she wasn't surprised at all.

"Father, we really have to get you to stop carrying kids like this. You did this to the both of us until we were tall enough to stand." 

"I still have your harness too. I'm surprised the handle hasn't fallen off. Looks like I'll have to put it back into service real soon."

He's done this before?! This is humiliating! He really is a bastard, I swear I'm going to hit him one of these days. 

"Oh sister! Look, he's crying. I've never seen him cry." I'm not crying! I'm just sweating from my eyes. 

"Lord Father… Is it done?" Instead of answering Samantha all he had to say was, "Catch." 

I couldn't help but sigh as I knew what was about to come, and on cue the first thing this man did was toss me to his daughter.

I wonder if he has accidently killed his own kids in the past acting like this. 

Samantha catches me quickly and the king just opens another portal to walk away, but before he does he throws one more bomb before he leaves. 

"Oh right. In three years I want this kid as my student." Before anyone could ask any questions the king walked through the portal and disappeared. Leaving us all alone.