
02. The three myths and the evil

The aura pheonix has wishpered ,whom it suspected they saved it life ,then it diceded to give something to them ,then it closed it eyes , suddenly a light appearing started in front of three creatures.

Then that light divided in to three balls of light , the Phoenix sayings as "the creature which uses it strength to protect me is governs the matter of this world form today onwards and it is called as "PRUDVI" ".

As per the second it started to say as " the creature which uses it's cosmic and divine light to protect me from today onwards you will be the one who governs the energy of creation and you will be called as "NAKSHTRA"".

As per the third it started to say as" the creature which uses it's speed to protect me from today onwards you will be the one who governs this vast space and time and you will be called as "RUDRA"".

when the Phoenix completed saying the each light is circling each creature ,the Phoenix starts saying as "you three will be the protectors of my creation ,and who help to defeat "YAKSHA", who borned from my fear, the governs the world In wrong path".

Then the three creatures bowed to Phoenix and they sayed as "we by the order of creator, protect everything that exist in a right manner , and combinly we called by the name of "three myths" ,the three myths started to go search the YAKSHA but the shield created by Phoenix is still there, but the YAKSHA stared turning in to fearful creature which now consuming each and every part of darkness ,and then suddenly fusing them together in to a point.

Now a ball of darkness appeared in the hand of YAKSHA and he becomes more and more angry then YAKSHA thrown the ball in the direction of three myths the ball gone through the shield and exploded , a mist of darkness formed as nebula, but it consuming YAKSHA then,he started turning in to some kind of weird creature, without hesitation the myths used there power to destroy the YAKSHA , then a lightning bolt and a ray and a sword appeared out of nowhere, and they fusued together and become a sword and gone through the nebula as cutting it into two half's, and cut through YAKSHAs stomach, then YAKSHA stomach sliced into two parts but it regenerated as normal then myths used there power to create a dimension portal to block him,from the creation , so they created a dimension of light where YAKSHA can't resist , in that dimension YAKSHA is roaring as a Sonic beam, but no use for him.

As per the myths they have no other options except going back and ask the Phoenix what to do?.

the YAKSHA becoming more and more angry then he decided to destroy everything that they protecting,so clamly focused on increasing his powers.

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adisuryananicreators' thoughts