
Primordial Ascendance

A battle was so fierce it rippled through galaxies, The creator versus his creation- The first man. Although the first man attained great power beyond comprehension, he was defeated and sealed by the creator, but it came with a price. The creator was weakened beyond comprehension making him fall into a deep slumber, only his will remained to guard the world. Over five thousand years have passed and the world has evolved, animals have gained intelligence, new races have emerged and some have fallen. Races have found a way to tap into an already existing energy- ether, making them physically stronger, faster, and performing unimaginable feats.

TobbyBrahm · แฟนตาซี
118 Chs

The demon generals

Licht sat in silence and then told Midas about an old legend. It was the legend of the demon king.

Several millennia ago, in the land of beings more attuned to darkness, war, and bloodshed, they were called demons due to how they looked. They had tattoo-like markings, some had scales, others had tails, some with horns, and others with weird protrusions. They had a king who did not look like any of them, in fact, he looked holy and divine, the opposite of such baleful existences. With his silver hair and eyes, he was like a god amongst men. However, the demons did not seem to mind how he looked because he got there with his strength and abilities. He was called the demon king.

What people did not know is that the reason why he ever challenged the previous demon king was due to the fact that he was bored and looking for excitement and then he heard that demons craved bloodshed and battles. So he went to challenge the strongest of them all but he turned out to be weaker than he thought because the battle did not last more than five minutes till he accidentally killed the previous demon king by punching his head off.

Since then, he had taken the responsibility of governing the demons. The demon king had a battalion of war-ready soldiers and they were all under seven generals he called the seven deadly sins. They were the strongest demons after the previous demon king, all handpicked by the demon king himself. They were strong but not strong enough for the current demon king to bother fighting them.

Under the rule of the current demon king, the demons were unstoppable, every war they fought ended in their victory and people were afraid of them and demons were even used to scare children straight when they were being naughty. They called it the era of demons but after a while, the demon king got bored and left without telling anybody. The demon generals were distraught and saddened but since the demon king left, they chose to retreat into solitude till he one day came back, people thought since the demon king left the demons would be weakened, they were highly mistaken for everyone had improved under the leadership of the demon king, since then no one chose to face the demons and the demons chose to stay in solitary but the seven generals formed the demon council to govern and teach later generations about their strongest demon king in history.

Over five thousand years have passed, and the demon clan does not exist in the Gregorian continent so Licht was not sure if they has been wiped out or if they were on another continent and still in solitary. In Matthews memories, there are tales of beings with horns and tattoos all over their bodies but that's all they are: tales.

As Midas listened to the tales, he was inspired to make his own demon generals, the seven deadly sins, and make sure they were as powerful or even more powerful than their predecessors.

Then all of a sudden, Midas remembered when his master told him he was only a couple millennia old. He then looked at his master with an odd look and then he asked "Master, by any chance, were you the person in the legend you just spoke about?"

Licht smiled and said "Looks who's getting smarter"

Midas was now sure his master was not joking about being over a thousand years old. "Master, how is it possible for a human to be alive after thousands of years?"

"With every level up, our vitality improves also letting our longevity increase. As a blue-ranked being, you can live for over 300 years. There are some races that naturally have a long lifespan like the dragon race and the demon race. It is rumored the demon race cannot die of old age but I doubt it is like that cause no one has ever outlived a demon, except dragons and phoenixes." Licht replied

Midas was shocked that he had such a long time ahead of him and looked at his master in reverence as right now, Licht was akin to a god.

"So Master, are you saying somewhere, that the seven demon generals are still alive awaiting your return after several millennia has passed?" Midas inquired.

Licht paused and thought about it slowly then just shrugged "Maybe"

"Master, there is also a race that is said to be immortal and would not die of old age," Midas thought and said

"Licht looked up at him and said, "Which is?"

"Vampires" Midas replied

Licht sat back and thought about it and nodded "Yes, you are right. Vampires are immortal as far as they have a steady supply of blood."

As Licht spoke, he recalled the female that aided him against the old geezer. "I remember she was a vampire and she seemed to use the natural abilities of blood that a vampire would have and also lightning which she coated in Chaos making it dark lightning. If she did not die and was sealed like me then she is most likely in the vampire's castle but the vampire clan here moved from a different continent so I doubt she would be with a branch clan but I would still check when I have the time, the vampires are in the kingdom of half-kins"

Midas just watched his master ponder silently then he continue to cultivate to consolidate his foundation.

"I can sense at least three of my fragments in this continent and some others really far away. Hopefully on the other continents or on an island and not in the middle of the sea because that might be troublesome to collect" Licht was still pondering.

He looked out of the carriage and asked a guard that was around, how long it would take before reaching the Chrysler clan. The guard replied in about 5 hours they would reach the Chrysler clan.

Licht nodded and chose to sleep while waiting.