
Diablo Wake Up

After they waited for another three days, Diablo's black aura finally returned to her body, and they could see her body again, which made the situation in Yunlong Zuzhai calm again.

Unlike before, Diablo's body was no longer that of a little girl; she had become an adult woman with white hair flowing down to her shoulders, and her naked body looked quite sexy with quite large twin peaks; even her curves looked almost perfect.

"Hey, who is that woman?" Lei Qiuling asked Ling Xi who was floating beside her, and Lei Qianyu also kept looking at Diablo curiously.

"Her name is Diablo, and she is the true ruler of the demon realm."

"Huh?" The Lei Sisters gasped in shock after hearing that, especially after they remembered the black aura that had enveloped the residence for an entire week, and Lei Qianyu confusedly asked her. "Aren't the rulers of the demon realm those demon lords?"