
Primeval Anomaly

[ Hidden conditions achieved ] [Unsealing new talent features ] [ Your memories are eternal ] [ Your memories will be sent back in time by consuming your remaining power. Estimated time reversal: ~17 Years ] "'Fuck this shit!!! This talent finally responds when I'm at death's door!' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Felix trudged through the VR game "Etheria" for 7 years with his joke of an "SSS" rank 'initial talent', "Eternal Scribe" - The talent's only use for him was to remember everything, just a higher level of photographic memory. Life had its highs and lows but he fought through trying to leave his mark but what was thought to be a mere VR world, left a deep, irreversible mark on the real World instead, the two worlds converged. Chaos ensued, people were granted powers from their "Game Characters" and brought to the frontlines to defend what was left of humanity. Eric was naturally there, trying to survive but alas two years after the Convergence he succumbed and died. (The novel will have a lot of adventuring, a lot of smut, minimal guild wars and a very OP MC who is not an idiot. If you like the combo then consider giving it a try. P.S. The starting prep arc is a bit long, but bare with it. A lot of info is spread out throughout the arc. Most importantly, all the really important Characters are fleshed out in that arc.)

PinkPencil · แฟนตาซี
38 Chs

Primeval Dragon's Bloodline

Ch 34: Primeval Dragon's Bloodline

(Huhu, a day's break did wonders for me. Maybe I should consider taking a day off every Sunday or something like that.

Let me know if you guys are okay with that.

I had a goal of making these chapters shorter now but still made this one 3200+ words long…

Don't get giddy! The next one is gonna be shorter… for sure… I think…)


Felix's POV


'I'm so fucked…'

My thoughts were going haywire but I didn't even get the time to mull over them.

[Initializing Talent Assimilation]

I felt my whole body start to tingle slightly. The same mysterious feeling that I have been experiencing for years now, started to surface again, too.

The tingles slowly started to increase in intensity and my body started to shudder.

'What?! This has never happened before!'

The assimilation process was supposed to be completely unfeeling, but I felt as if electricity was coursing through every cell in my body.

The tingles got worse and worse.

I started to feel slight pain from my depths.


[Warning: User's Talent is getting out of System's bounds!]

[Warning: Awakening Assistance SEVERED!]

[Warning: User's Talent is Autonomously Assimilating!]

The pain started to shoot up. Every cell in my body was screaming. I couldn't even bother to focus on the system.

I had extreme tolerance to pain because of my past life's experience, but this was something completely different.

I felt as if my soul was churning inside me.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Trying my best to weather through this.

But then, the violet clouds and the tiny stars in the surroundings started to come closer towards me.

After reaching a certain distance, they suddenly accelerated and shot into my body.


It felt as if I was turned inside out.

Each cloud that was absorbed into my body felt like Napalm scorching me from the inside to the outside.

Each star that struck me felt like someone was gouging out my body and soul, piece by piece.

They no longer felt like mere projections.


I was going mad from the torture. My mental state was worse than the time I died in the last timeline.

I wanted to bang my head, but there was no ground here, just me floating in this violet space.

I wanted to tear apart my own skin, but I barely had the strength to even scream.

I could only assume a fetal position, my body floating among these harrowing clouds and stars.

But I didn't find solace even then.

*Kuduk* *kuduk* *kuduk*

As if all that wasn't enough, I suddenly started to feel as if my bones were breaking down and pulverizing.

*Glub* *Thhissshh* *Glub*

Then I felt my organs and muscles turning into paste under my skin.

My whole body loosened up like a ragdoll.

I couldn't even sob, let alone scream at this point.

Tears pooled in my eyes.

I had never been through something this torturous in both of my lives.

I wish I could pass out, but my consciousness never left me. Making me experience every ounce of this agony.





I don't know how long I've been here, but this torture didn't end, even now.


Suddenly, I heard a deep sound. Then I felt the clouds and stars torturing me less and less.

I steeled myself with whatever power I had left and barely opened one of my eyes.

I saw the clouds and stars mysteriously getting pulled away and getting farther and farther away from me. It was clearly done by an external force.

Those harrowing clouds and stars were finally gone, no longer torturing me.

But before I could feel relieved…

*Lub Dub* *Lub Dub* *Lub Dub*

My heart (my only intact internal organ) started to drum inside my chest with force. Each beat sent severely painful pulses throughout what was left of my body.

I felt the mysterious feeling inside me intensify exponentially.

I felt the mush of organs, muscles, and bones under my skin, churning. My soul, tearing apart and pulverizing.

Just as the external agony ended, an internal one began.

I wanted to open my mouth to scream, but I had no facial muscles or lungs to support the action.

My eyes also started to liquefy and turn into mush. The same with my auditory organs too.

I could no longer see or hear anything. It felt like the time I had died.

Ironically, the only thing that told me that I was still alive was the pain I was going through.

*Lub! Dub!* *Lub! Dub!* *Lub! Dub!*

I couldn't hear my heartbeat but I felt it beating harder and harder. Sending agonizing, visceral pulses throughout my whole being.

It felt like my heart was at its last leg too. I could feel it slowly tearing apart.


My heartbeat increased to an impossible intensity. The hellish pulses echoed and resonated throughout my body and soul.


My heart couldn't support itself anymore and burst apart. It sent one last shockwave of pure agony and finally died down.

After the pulses died down, my consciousness started to go hazy.

Rather than being worried, I was relieved.

The torture was finally ending.

'I'm sure my people will do well even without me… I just wish that I could see them one last time… I hope they don't get too sa-…'


What I believed to be my last thoughts, were cut short by a deep, visceral growl.

I had no sensory organs anymore but the growl resonated with my soul, letting me hear and feel it.

It felt different but similar to the mysterious feeling I had. Like they shared the same origin.

Perhaps that was why I could somehow, instinctively understand what it meant.

{So its generosity ends here? No matter, the Cub has already awakened. My little Cub, you did well.}

I didn't have the time or the energy to process those words.

My mind went blank and I passed out.


Third Person's POV


The violet clouds and stars had already receded quite a distance, looking like a galaxy far away.

It shed dim light on Felix's body, or what was left of it.

He looked like a human-shaped bag of skin with liquid churning inside. Even his dick and balls were in the same condition…

The only thing intact was his skull, but even that was barely in a semi-solid state.

Suddenly his pores started to release a dense crimson gas. Its color, even deeper than blood.

It slowly covered his whole body and started to take the shape of a cocoon.

As soon as the crimson gas came out, the violet 'galaxy', far away, started to churn and 'tremble'. Its stars started to twinkle wildly.

The clouds and the stars started to make their way towards Felix again, but suddenly halted and retreated to their original position.

[No you don't. You have already taken more than enough.]

An emotionless and neutral voice rang out.

It didn't speak more than that.

It was completely quiet now, with only the presence of the crimson cocoon and the violet 'galaxy'.









Felix's POV


'Huh?... Am I not dead? Did I regress again?'

My consciousness came back at some point.

The pain was no more but I couldn't feel my body, either.

Just for the sake of it, I tried to open my eyes, but as expected, it didn't work.

The black space was all I could 'see'.







I don't know how long it has been, but I started to sense some changes in me at some point.

More specifically, I felt as if my soul was changing on a fundamental level.

It felt weird but natural at the same time. As if this is what I was supposed to be from the beginning. I didn't want to fight this change at all.

The feeling that I thought was mysterious for so many years wasn't mysterious to me anymore. I finally knew where they came from. These were the feelings hidden deep inside my bloodline. They had always been my own feelings.

Pride, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, and Lust, all were amplified in me.

Especially my Pride and Lust.

My Pride, made me feel disdain towards my weakness. It was similar to the feeling that conjured within me whenever I made out with my girlfriends.

My lust made me feel like wanting to fuck even the void in front of me…

I was pent up for years, alright??? This is a natural consequence….

But what could I even do with these feelings…

I was merely a thought at this point, totally disconnected from my body…







More time passed. It was inconclusive if mere hours had passed or even years.

Even with my eternal memories, I couldn't keep any track of time here.

But there was some good news.

Although I still couldn't control my body, I did start to feel a bit more energetic now.

I knew I was making progress now.

It gave me the motivation I dearly needed.







*Drum* *Drum* *Drum* *Drum*

I felt it!

I felt a heartbeat, my heartbeat!

It felt weirder than a normal heartbeat, but I was gonna take anything at this point.







I started to feel my body a bit, though my perception was still really hazy. What I felt the most was…


I felt extremely sore.

But even that was heaven compared to what I had experienced before.

I also noticed that I wasn't breathing at all.

I instinctually wanted to take a deep breath, but I couldn't even move a single strand of muscle in my body.

At least I wasn't dying out of asphyxiation.








I got my sight back.

I still couldn't open my eyes but I started to see extremely dim lights bleeding through my eyelids.









I felt it!

I felt my finger twitch!

Just a bit more!








I started to get the ability to twitch more and more of my appendages.

I didn't feel it before, but as my appendages moved, I noticed that something gooey was covering my whole body. It had the same temperature as my body, making it almost impossible to notice without tactile senses.

Maybe this goo was the reason why I still couldn't open my eyes.








'hooo… Let's do it.'

I used every ounce of my willpower to open my eyes.

I felt my eyelids twitch but the goo made it impossible for them to budge even now.

I could only wait even more…









There was good news… and bad news.

The good news was that I had passed the phase of twitching and was slowly getting the hang of moving my limbs.

However, my limbs did feel a bit weird, as if they had enlarged.

The bad news was that I was hungry.

No, that wouldn't cut it.

I felt like I was gonna die from starvation!








I slowly started to raise my hand towards my face.

It was hard.

Just this simple action was taking a toll on me.

My arm always gave out mid-movement.

But thankfully, the Awakening Chamber was a zero-gravity space.

My progress was always saved and my hand didn't drop down.

It took some time, but my hand finally made it to my face.


I touched the goo and slowly poked my fingers into it. I had clearly underestimated the thickness of it. The goo was at least 2 inches deep.

After some effort, I finally felt my finger touch my eyelid.

I slowly started to push and scrape away the goo around my eye.

More and more light started to bleed through my eyes.

The time finally came, my eyelids trembled and slowly started to open.


Deep Crimson was all I saw…

This dimly glowing Crimson wall seemed to be quite close to my body.

I moved my neck downwards and saw my whole body covered in a mixture of opaque black, puss red, and translucent goo.

It was a really disgusting sight.

I was thankful that I didn't need to breathe in here. I could already imagine how foul this goo was gonna smell.

I did the same procedure to my other eye and finally freed it as well.

My hand moved forward at a snail's pace and made it to the crimson wall.


As soon as I touched it, it started to create humming noises.

Its glow seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.


Fractures started to appear on the wall, and a violet glow seeped out from those fractures.

It was probably the light from the awakening chamber.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The fractures accelerated and covered my whole view.


Then it shattered altogether.

The crimson shards still floated in front of me but I could clearly see the awakening chamber in between them.

Suddenly the shards started to glow even brighter and started to pulverize into glowing crimson particles.

The powder didn't stay in its position for long and directly launched towards my heart.

I flinched and closed my eyes, anticipating a painful experience.

But that didn't happen…

Instead, I felt rejuvenated as soon as it entered my body.

The starvation I was feeling slowly died down and the power in my body started to recover quickly. I felt like I could move at my normal pace in a few moments.

I opened my eyes and saw the last bits of the particles entering my body.


I wanted to relish this feeling a bit longer but I suddenly started to asphyxiate.

I started to tear down all the goo from my face at the fastest speed I could muster.

Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah! Haah!

I could finally breathe, and breathe I did.

I smelled as disgusting as I had expected but I couldn't care less, I had smelled worse.

As my breath normalized, I started to notice how much more powerful I felt compared to my normal human body.

The difference was astounding.

I had grown even larger now, too, as if my current height wasn't big enough.

I raised my eyes and looked around, only to be dumbfounded by the clarity of my vision.

Those fucking violet clouds and stars were quite far from me now, but I could easily make out each and every individual star.

Before I could test more things, system prompts started to rain down on me.

[ Congratulations User! You have successfully Assimilated your Talent!]

[You can now check your Talent Description!]

[Your Talent buffs have been applied!]

[You have gained [Passive Skill: Pain Tolerance]!]

[Your [Passive Skill: Pain Tolerance ] has reached MAX Level!]

This pain tolerance was kind of a given. I was quite satisfied with it.

'System, open the description panel of [Primeval Dragon's Bloodline].'

The panel opened and I winced looking at something…

[Status: Partially Unsealed]

'Goddammit, I got another one like my 'Eternal Scribe'. No…no… think positively, there is no mention of a 'hidden condition' this time. That's a positive in my books.'

I stopped dawdling around and finally looked at the whole description.

[Talent: Primeval Dragon's Bloodline

Status: Partially Unsealed

Rank: EX

Type: Bloodline

Effect 1: User's body will slowly adapt and change to conform to a Primeval Dragon's standards.

User's base life force (VIG) x4.

(Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

Reproductive organs are enhanced according to User's gender and initial race.

User will partially have the sensitivity and reaction speed of a Primeval Dragon.

(Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

Able to detect traces from mana, enhanced seven senses. (Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

Effect 2: User's base physical attributes (STR, AGI, END) x2

(Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

Effect 3: Charm(CHR) +40 (Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

Effect 4: User is affected by the Bloodline's values and tendencies. (Degree depends on User's mental strength and acceptance)

Effect 5: User's sexual drive increases greatly.

Effect 6: User's fertility decreases greatly.

Effect 7: User will have 100% compatibility with all attributes and Laws.

Effect 8: User will have the ability to increase Law Proficiency by absorbing Law containing mediums. (User can assess if there are any redundant Laws in the mediums.)

Effect 9: A 'Primeval Dragon Heart' is formed in the User's body and soul. It is physical and ethereal at the same time, an object or concept that can only be understood by those with Primeval Dragon's bloodline.

Users base Mana(MAG)x4

Mana Regen x4.

(Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

User has the ability to generate and store Aether in his/her body. (Upgrades with 'Dragon Heart' tier)

The Primeval Dragon Heart has five tiers, to reach each successive tier, a certain degree of proficiency in the Laws as well as certain materials are needed. The User can instinctively access and view the Dragon Heart inside. User's Bloodline has autonomously created a separate panel pertaining to the information about the 'Primeval Dragon Heart'.

Effect 10: User can bind his partner(s) through a consensual 'Primeval Blood Oath'. User's Bloodline has autonomously created a separate panel pertaining to the information about the 'Primeval Blood Oath'.




(ERROR, User's Talent is blocking further assessment.)

Bloodline Active Skills:

1. Primeval Overdrive(Expand)

2. Primeval Scale(Expand)

(Upgrade the 'Dragon Heart' tier to unlock more)

Chain Talents:

1. Eternal Scribe (Expand)

(Complete Character Advancements to unlock more Chain Talents.)

Description: Primeval Dragons are the earliest and oldest species in this multiverse. They are one of the only 3 species which can be categorized as 'Multiversal Anomalies'.

Primeval Dragons are creatures of Wisdom and Power, but also, Pride and Lust.

They are known to be quite promiscuous and visit other universes often to relieve their Lust. But species like them have extremely low fertility rates and the chances of their progeny awakening their Bloodline, are even lower.

They are beings that even whole Universes try to avoid making enemies out of. Their destructive powers are just that dreadful.

Their Pride never allows them to lower themselves to anyone. And rightfully so. They are the true Nobles of this multiverse and masters of Causality. All beings are considered lower in their eyes unless they earn respect or affection from them. ]

'W-What is this?!!! This Talent is supposed to be Partially Unsealed, right?!!! The description isn't even at World level!!!'

I couldn't get a grip on reality anymore. This was just that absurd…

I pinched myself but the Talent Description didn't change...

If the goo wasn't on me, I would've even poked my eyes just to be sure.

'Hoooo, Felix Hudson, pull yourself together! You're finally getting what you deserve after years of hardships! You can't just deny reality now!'

I was like a beggar in denial of being the sole heir of a billionaire.

But the Pep talk did help a bit.

I took a deep breath and proceeded to the next task.

'Let's see the 'Dragon Heart' thing first. I still can't believe a talent can even escape Akashic Records' bounds…'

But before I could even think about opening it…

[Hello, Felix Hudson.]

An emotionless and neutral voice rang in my head.

I wasn't sure if I was really talking to it.

"Are you the autonomous System or the real deal?"

[We are what you call the Akashic Record.]

'Holy Shit!'

(A/N: Heu! Heu! Heu! Told ya he's gonna be OP.

Leave a power stone if you like my content…and…

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!)

Thank You all for reading this chapter!!!

PinkPencilcreators' thoughts