
Primed for You (Queen City Series #1)

Your boyfriend whom you just met in college is actually your fiancé whom your family chose for you all along in an arranged marriage. Both of you do not know that you are engaged to each other until a momentous gathering for the elites of the society was arranged. As Chlea Alcala ventures her life as a freshman college student, she gets to know the world more. Away from her family's powerful influence, just the way she is. As other people would want to live the life where one has everything, Chlea longs for something otherwise. She craves to experience ordinary life even for a while. Will she be able to attain it? What will she discover about the world in the process? Will she be able to escape the arranged marriage that has been haunting her all along? Follow her journey as she meets new people who will give her a new perspective in life. This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

mswordsworth · วัยรุ่น
156 Chs

Scary Encounter

Chlea's POV

I got up earlier than usual today as I planned to make my own breakfast. Opening the fridge half asleep, I searched for eggs, tomatoes, and green onions. I have beaten the eggs and added all the ingredients in when Maria suddenly came out of nowhere.

"Madam Chlea! You shouldn't be here, go and wait for me at the dining room. I'll make your breakfast as quickly as I can. I am so sorry for waking up late." I held both of her arms as her knees went weak and almost passed out.

"Why are you so nervous about me being in the kitchen, Maria? I'm trying to cook for myself. Don't worry, I won't set this house on fire." I winked at her to make things feel at ease.

Maria were not able to hold back her tears and sobbed, "I just thought you are like your sister, Madam. The other house maids warned us that you are much worse than Madam Odette."

I listened to her intently while turning on the electric stove, "What's with Odette? What does she do to you?"

Maria went mute for a while. From the looks of it, she holds back from telling me, afraid that I might tell Odette about this.

"Come on Maria, you can tell me. Go and sit down, I'll make breakfast for the both of us and then you can make their breakfasts too." I reassured her.

Maria warily sat down at the counter table, "Madam Odette throws things at us whenever she does not like the food served at the table. She curses us and accuse us of things we'd never do, such as being thieves."

I gasped at how horrible Odette is, "Have you ever told Dad about this, Maria?"

Maria rapidly shook her head eyes tightly closed, "We wouldn't dare, Madam! She threatens us that something bad will definitely happen if we'd report all of her maltreatment practices to Sir Regan."

That spoiled brat! I never knew she'd go this far with her rotten attitude.

It amazes me how much she becomes like Vivienne now that's she is getting older. Odette is just the same old bully like she was.

Maria and I peacefully ate our breakfast. Afterwards, I hurriedly prepared to go to school as I have a 7 AM class today, Readings in Philippine History.

I arrived at the university earlier than I have expected. As usual, Catherine dropped me off a block away from the entrance.

She looked at me worriedly, "Will you really be alright? This street seems to be very dangerous as I see no people roaming around."

I peeked outside and Catherine is right, just as how crowded this area is during midday is just as opposite and isolated at 6 in the morning. I never knew this place would ever be as silent as this.

I let out a sigh, "I'll walk really fast so that I can reach the gate sooner. Don't worry, Cat." I winked at her and then went out.

I knew for myself that this was never a good idea. I should've let Aristle go with us and walk with me since there are not that many people around the campus yet.

The chilling air made my hair rise. This block is typically like those we see in the movies where gruesome theft, murder, and robbery happen. I feel like it's just a matter of time someone is going to pull me into one of the dark alleys and beat the life out of me.

My knees were like trembling and I felt my gut twist as I turned cold. I felt somebody gently opening my backpack while I am walking. Should I turn around and face him? Will he stab me? Should I just pretend he's not there and let him get whatever he needs? Just keep on walking fast? What should I do?!

"Tigilan mo yan!" A man's baritone voice echoed through the empty streets.

Knowing it was a sound of help, I ran as fast as I could to the point that I could barely feel my feet. It was actually running for my life!

I arrived at the university's main entrance. Both of my hands were on my knees, my breathing was rapid that I had a hard time catching it. My heart is pounding thrice my usual heartbeat. I felt my face turn cold.

"Are you alright, Miss?" The security guard asked me in a heavy Filipino accent.

"Ye-...yes. It's just that, somebody tried to open my bag from behind. I was so frightened, Kuya." I said as my lips shivered in fear.

The guard shook his head as he placed his baton on his belt, "Let me guess, that happened in Colon street right? You should not be strolling there alone. Colon is known to be a den of thieves, pickpocketers, scammers, and all bad things you could ever think of. You are surely a good prey since you look like you're new here in Cebu especially at this hour where no one is around this early."

I intently listened to him as I slightly hit my forehead with my right hand, "Thank you, Manong Guard. I'll take note of it. Anyway, I better get ahead now."

Now that I remember, I did not even have the chance to thank the person who called out the thief for me.

Given all the fiasco that has happened, I looked for a nearby bench that is unoccupied. Just a few steps away from where I am, I found the exact bench I sat on last week when Hyolyn fetched me. I instantly sat and took the deepest breath I had and suddenly ...

"Chlea!" A familiar voice shouted from behind that echoed throughout the place.

I immediately looked in his direction, "Hey, Vaughn!" And waved.

He reached the bench quicker than I thought and then sat beside me.

Vaughn is panting and a hint of sweat is coming down from his temples.

"Are you alright?" He then asked.

For a moment, I thought as to what I should say.

I smiled cheerily at him, "Of course."

From a distance, Gayle and Molly are frantically waving at me to come to them. I wonder why, they seem to be very excited and gushing over something.

"Uhm, Vaughn my block mates are waiting for me. I'm so sorry I have to go, see you around." And then I left.

I hurriedly approached them, "Hey girls, what's going on? You seem to be pumped up."

Molly grabbed both of my shoulders tightly and looked at me straight to the eye, "Are you sure you don't know what's going on? You. Really. Don't. Know?" She asked with her suspicious look.

I turned to Gayle and gave her a 'I-have-no-idea-what's-going-on' look. She just gave me a silly smirk and a girly wink. I can't believe it really! What is seriously happening!

"Alright Miss, I don't know what you're talking about and to-..." Molly cut my statement off by putting her pointer finger to my mouth.

"Hush baby girl, let me tell you, are you dating the hottest guy on the campus?" She said once again with her mischievous smile.

My mouth almost went down to the floor.

"What?! I have not even got a boyfriend since birth! You girls." I said as I pouted my mouth remembering my singleness once again.

Gayle slapped my arms, "Seriously Chley, you better check our university's private Facebook page." She said as she giggled.

I quickly reached for my phone and typed in our university name on the search bar.



Oh my gosh. What in the world is this!

827,000 likes and reactions

485,000 plus comments

Over 151,000 shares

Caption, "Could they be our university's newest couple? Relationship goals indeed!"

I nervously looked up and stared at the two with my mouth ajar almost letting go of my phone, it's a picture of me and Vaughn holding hands in the sea of people yesterday.

I'm doomed!