Once Grain had defeated the three beasts, Leon quickly brought him back out of the ChaosCube.
"You did exceptionally," Leon hummed when Grain materialized.
"Yeah," Grain replied. "I feel amazing, I feel even more powerful than before and I can tell this is just the start."
Leon looked over Grain's figure, making grunting noises in agreeance as he examined it.
"It seems like your body is still adjusting." Leon responded. "So ,I would assume you are right."
"Your body still has room to grow, not in a height or size sense, but you will gain more muscle and unlock more levels of strength along with your Dantian."
"You basically now have a body that will grow in strength along with your Dantian. You will be both physically stronger and be able to control mana better, as time goes on."
Grain thought over what he just heard.