
Primal Dragon With Multiversal Banking System

In the multiverse an almost impossible event happens. An egg, a system, and a dead soul fragment coincidentally collide while traveling through the multiverse. What will be the result of this combination? .... Follow the adventure of our protagonist as he ventures into an infinite multiverse full of possibilities to become the greatest banker who ever existed with an enviable treasure! disclaimer: The image used on the cover was randomly found on google, if the author wants the credits or removal, just get in touch

23 Chs

Important warning

I received a very good review and I was thinking.... My native language is Brazilian Portuguese and I translate my story with GPT chat and my intermediate English, but I myself am not satisfied with it.

So I'm here to warn everyone who likes this story that I'm going to stop posting.

I'm going to start posting only in my native language and when I finish redoing the story, maybe I'll lower the standards of the protagonist's parents and remove the different skills.

My goal for this year is to continue posting the reformulated story, but in my native language while I improve my English to see if I can translate the chapters myself, ensuring a better job.

I'm going to reformulate it and maybe at the beginning of February I'll post the first chapter of the story, for anyone who wants to follow the story with the help of Google Translate I invite you to continue following me, when I redo everything I'll come back here to let you know the new title of the work.