
The castle

Liam found her expression funny. But he noticed she was uncomfortable so he ignored the commotion.

Noah rarely heard vida's voice but he stilled a smile at how she spoke out her frustration in one go.

He continued his strides following Ben who was uninterested in their drama.

Liam shakes his head and followed suit.

"Whatever" she was glaring holes into Noah's back.

Obviously he felt her glare but still choose to ignore her.

"Let's go, stop the drama" Andrea interfere almost stifling a laugh, vida doesn't talk much at times so Katie know how to rile her up.

"I see the little humans are making themselves comfortable already" Alex Devon said jolting the girls alert

Andrea paused and squinted her eyes to the throne in the castle and saw a man who dressed like a general. She was rendered speechless.

"Grandfather." Ben walked up to him.

"My grandson is cruel, you finally decided to show up with your brothers." He mocked.

"What should I say father, being here is quite boring" he lazily replied with sarcasm in his tone.

"Hey Grandfather, you still look as agile as when we last saw you" Noah commented giving his grandfather a sly smile.

"I don't know why you boys always stick to Ben, you three a polar opposite."

"Grandfather we are not boys, but gentle men" Liam comments almost immediately.

calling them a boy in front of the ladies unacceptable!!

"Ok, young ladies you are?" He asked.

"Am vida Royce" vida bowed slightly, guessing he most be a royalty.

"Katie sharp" kater said shyly somehiw their aura they give off kid of make her uneasy. Only Liam is warm in her own perspective.

"The name is Andrea Miller, nice to meet you grandpa Devon" with her head high she answered.

"Wow ladies different personalities, interesting......" He was thinking of something before he was interrupted by Ben.

"The maid will show you to your new Chambers, so I will be out for a while."


"Hm......?" They looked at him.

"Where to son? It's hasn't been up to one hour and you want to go somewhere? " Grandpa Devon asked slightly upset.

He ignored all of them and continued in his steps.

"Tch how rude" Liam comments not surprised at his character one bit.

"Come on girls how hungry are you? " Grandpa asked motioning them to follow him.

" Am eighty percent hungry" vida replied quicker than all of them.

".......?" Noah was shocked.

"...ok, let's head to the great Hall for dinner" Grandpa was happy to see the girls are not scared of him at all despite the new location.

Katie felt Liam's gaze on her making her face slightly red. She kept on walking besides vida without looking behind her.

"I will be back in a jiffy." Andrea said to them and sauntered off to the same direction, Ben took few seconds ago.


Like a ninja she kept glancing front and back for any signs of him.

' How can he leave without telling me where his going?'

She saw him talking to a guard and instead of approaching him like a normal human she decided to do something else. She pulls off her hair pin and swing it to his direction.

Like though he was on cue he caught the tiny hair clip and looked at her direction. His eyebrows drew together seeing her.

She was the last person he was expecting to do that. Off course no one has dared to throw anything on him. 'She sure is something.'

His face contorted when she walked towards him.

"Are you ill?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"Where are you off to?" ignoring his question she probed.

"It's none of your business." He was already walking ahead.

"Hey, you don't ignore my question" she puts her hand on her waist trying to intimidate him back with her glare.

She felt the angry chills emanating from him but she isn't going to let him intimidate her today she won't allow it.

Ben stopped and turned around he was suprise as he saw her angry glare but what amused him was how he saw her trying to intimidate him. It really made him snicker.

' what is she trying to do?'

he walked towards her in slow steps trying to to frighten her but she isn't bulging. An idea popped into his mind and he gave her a sly smile.

Her challenging gaze trembled at his Dominance.

her pride won't let her back down. Never.

She tilted her head higher to Meet his scrutinizing gaze.

'not backing down are you' he smirked and brought his face closer like though he was about to kiss her lips.

' oh gosh, he keeps coming nearer.' she tilts her neck backwards to avoid his on time.

Her eyes caught sight of his black Raven hair.

He brought his lips down to her ear lobe and whispered.

"If I tell you are you going to kiss me?, Am your bethrothed right?" His voice penetrating into her ear, carried with it an air of intimacy.

Just like that, her fair skin turned red instantly, she has never been flirted with before.

' is he trying to make me kiss him.' her eyes widened in shock and sudden realization.

"Hmm, what do you say?..." He was teasing her, and trust me he is enjoying every part of it.

She blinked her eyes, her lashes fluttering like that of a butterfly. Making him find her adorable.

She gulped as she felt his steady breathing on her ear making her feel a tingling sensation.

"Umm, I disagree we aren't married or engaged yet, so you can....t de...mand ...that" she was blushing seriously and stammering at the same time.

She pushed him out of embarrassment.

He chuckled loudly, for a very long time, Ben laughed, this human knows how to lighten up his mood.

She felt like running away, how embarrassing...!!

"You three will be visiting the council leaders tomorrow, it is a law any human who came here must get to know them" he said honestly.

Her face was flushed she only nodded her head and sprinted back inside the castle.

"Be careful don't trip" Ben advised still smiling.

'ahhhhhhhh! Ben Devon!.......' she cursed in her heart he was teasing her.

'you will pay for this!!!' she yelled inwardly still running.

Ben shakes his head and continued in his strides his Happy face moments ago replaced by that of ferocity and dangerous aura .


She catches her breath as she reached the others.

Vida look at the approaching lady who was obviously flustered based on her expression.

"Where did you go to?" She squinted her eyes expecting an answer.

"To Ben perhaps" she replied shly sitting on the long dinner table whis had so many kind of dishes.

"The food is tasty the cooks here knows how to make a yummy meal," Andrea comments still eating her food like a royalty.

"I was gonna say that, " Katie chipped in.

"Yummy, more tastier than the home made dishes in country B"

"You girls are very close, I see" Alexander comment seeing how free they where, apart from the duchess family who visits the castle thrice in a week, these girls act so freely without being intimidated by the kind of aura's his grandsons give off makes him wonder their deal with his so Ben. He has an inkiling that they is something more to this.

"We are from age three." Andrea said with little emotions matching his stare.

'this girl is interesting, answering back to me, and looking at me without being afraid, tch' he wiped his lips the napkin on the table.

"Let's see, what are your parents names." He asked with a little bit of playfulness.

"We aren't that close grandpa Devon, divulging personal name, it sounds a bit suspicious." She said still looking him in the eye.

His playful face became straight as soon as she finished speaking.

'very tough indeed'

"Hmm, okay if you say so" he stood up and went to his room.

Throughout their whole exchange, Liam and Noah felt that they had seen another Ben in a woman form. She doesn't regard anyone despite their position.

'does she has idea that their grandfather was once the king of kastreg?' Liam thought his eyebrows twitch.

'she really is something, talking to grandfather without batting an eyelid ' Noah smirked he Knows that grandfather was using his playful side to get information on them but it seems that she is smarter. He looked at vida to check her expression, he smirked it seems like she didn't really care about what is going on, she was busy with her food while Katie was just poking the meat.

They really know themselves very well. He shrugged since it Ben desicion to bring them directly to the castle he has no say in it.

Liam chuckled earning their attention.