
pride is a everlasting sin

Pride is a  feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.

Rho walks out of the castle and destroys it wanting something more, Rho walks out from the kindom and he walks towards a cave rumoured to have dragons he walks deeper and deeper into the cave but become he can't find them he goes out on a rage screaming " WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU DRAGON'S???" as he did a dragon appeared behind him as he was about to attack the dragon, the dragon breathes fire at Rho and the cave starts to break down.

Rho climes out of the destroyed cave and looked around for the dragon "...." as he looked up the dragon flew from the sky towards Rho attempting to crush him with its heavy fiery breath but sadly for the dragon he doges it.

And Rho passes back a shadowy whip holding the dragon down to the ground and with a click of his finger the whip kills the dragon but something was off about Rho he felt even more rage he wanted somthing even more than this then he realised that there is a top Mage and a knights and with a smile Rho walks way to find a new chance to breath.

as he walked to the capital a man shows up before him " Who are you?" shouts Rho " I am your everything I am your God" said the shadow man "?" with a concerned face Rho looked at It, " you are a failed experience" said the shadow man as he did 30 red cultists appeared behind the trees.

As he opened his mouth to speak small blasts of darkness hit his face "?!" Rho jumps out of the other black beams and whilst he did that four cultists stab Rho back as they did that they turn into blocks of flesh as Rho was cornered by the Red Cultists he uses his trump card " Black doorway " as he said his command he disappears into his darkness and reappears in a totally different place.

as he walked around dripping blood he sees a couple kissing in the alleyway and begins to walk to them as they notice him they shouted " HEY GET OUT OF HERE, IF YOU DON'T MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS" Cried the boy

as he did he turned into stone and as the girl was about to scream she also turned into stone.