
☘️ Romeo, take my hand

🦋"What are you doing, Eva? Did you left your soul somewhere? You looked like zombie,"

🐥"I'm soulless..."

🦋"What is it? Just tell me."

🐥"The problem is..I'm not the female lead of the story,"

🦋"What? Stop with your absurdity. Tell me the truth,"

🐥"Yeah...my life is absurd to begin with...Where is my soul? Where is my love? Is this a foul? Or just a rock to shove?"

🦋"..... Are you possessed by Leonardo Da Virdi?"

🐥"Risa. Marissa. Have you ever think about your future?"

🦋"Just tell me what's your problem to be this weird,"

🐥"My Romeo....hiks. It seems that he couldn't forget his ex-girlfriend. That senior. Is she that pretty? She left him before! Why does she appear again right now??"

🦋"So..They are engaged?"

🐥"NOOO! You don't say!"


🐥"I told him that I like elderly man because I dreamed a marriage at a young age so I can be a friend to my children. And then, I asked him about his life. About how he's end up like this, without a lovely spouse. I even said that I don't like a wishy-washy relationship and just jump to a serious relationship for marriage. And he said..he said...that I'm too young to understand with a sad face. Why?Just why??"

🦋"You crazy alien girl! What did you say?? You.... I regret my consolation before."

🐥"I didn't know that his ex-girlfriend appeared just a moment later right after I told him that! What a joke!"

🦋"What a fate...Marvelous."

🐥"The worst is..They are now engaged and will be married in 3 months and I'm invited as honorable guest. And the worst of the worst is Romeo thanked me! He thanked me for my advice before. He said if it wasn't for my words, he would never know how his ex-girlfriend truly feels."

🦋".... I'm sorry to hear that. Hey, let's go grab some spicy foods! You need to take back your soul."

🐥"Okay..I'll just eat those super extra spicy foods til I die. So I can't attend their wedding."

🦋"Deal! I won't die with you though."


The thing is.. Romeo and I became close after I regularly attend the course every weekend. He said a young dedicated girl like me is rare and he appreciated my hard work.

He called me Eve, and I called him Rome. We were that close to call each other with such nicknames. He helped me a lot at everything. Journals, assignments, lunches, walk me home...and more. At some point, I thought I really have a slight of hope to be together with him. But it turn out like this. I become a matchmaker instead of being a spouse candidate. What's wrong with my scheme?

🥘 "Welcome to Super Spicy Restaurant!"

🦋"We need private room for four people,"

🥘 "Sure! Our waitress will guide you there,"

🦋"Thank you,"

🥘"You're welcome!"

🐥"Four people? Are you inviting more people?"

🦋"Yes. I try to invite your soul."

🍲"This is your room, press the bell here if you are ready to order. I will come right away."

🐥"No, wait a moment. I want this, this, and this. Oh, iced tea too. What about you Risa?"

🦋"Fried rice and Iced tea,"

🍲"Sure. Please wait for 15 minutes for your foods. And here are your appetizers for free. Please enjoy! Call me anytime if you need any assistance."

🐥"Great. Thank you."

I always destroy myself like this. Eating spicy foods when I'm sad or angry. If I cry, that's because of the spicy foods, not my feeling. Risa knew this well. She is my best friend indeed. I stopped crying for my life since my parents divorced. So I always blame spicy foods. At least some tears come out so I don't feel too stuffy inside.

🐥"Risa. Today is my treat."

🦋"No, can't be. It's my treat. Eat to your fullest please. I can't bear to see you like this."

🐥"I'm fine.."

🦋"You are not. You didn't eat your breakfast this morning, right? You didn't eat lunch and just drink your dad's favorite coffee with some choco cookies all day."

🐥"But that's delicious. Coffee and cookies is a match made in heaven. I'm fine, really. But thank you for your treat."


Marissa is the opposite human being of me. She like younger man, she doesn't like spicy foods, she loves knitting, she's always get perfect grade for mathematics and chemistry, she is clumsy enough in front of her crush and always does or says ridiculous things when nervous. She once accidentally tripped off and threw one of her shoes just because she met her crush -a funny senior- by coincidence in front of laboratory before class. Good thing she didn't threw baker glass or others.