
Pride : A God's Descendant

Centuries before the story began the world was an entirely different place, Ninja hadn't existed yet, Ninjutsu was barely on the cusp of creation, Military might and mercenaries were the main forms of power, Here is a Demi God making his way, Here is Pride. - Note I didn't make naruto, this is will start as a completely different story, I will be combining elements of the game shindo to this, in the sense of dark jokei being his byakugan so Yami byakugan, it will become a Tenseigan also. I also dont own the pic.

DemonataWI · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


Following the previous events, the three of us end up joining a group of 3 others, two aburame, and an Inuzuka, in some ways this would be perfect, a hyuga, 3 highly renowned tracking type clans, and two dojutsu users.

However…. The dojutsu users behave as though they originally had the ability to get to this group even though they simply hitchhiked and they aren't even that good at using their dojutsu, which is more on the analytical side of things, it is literally designed to increases calculative ability and more powerful users can detect danger… but these two can't detect danger and have to little chakra to use the calculative ability, and even if they could 2x0 is still 0.

At least the rest of our team is calm and capable, the aburame having toad flies - a slightly poisonous species of fly, and as there name would suggest these flies have high agility and strangely have strong power in their legs - these will be incredibly useful for any scouting group due to them not generating visible swarms and being able to maneuver easily through territories of trees, something the lands nearby are notorious for, the future naming sense for this land seeming off.

And the Inuzuka being perfect trackers due to heightened senses and ninken, especially with transformations.

Moving from my analyses, we are at the moment going through training for our scouting abilities and responses, what do you think they'd just let children, teens in this case, go off and do dangerous missions without specific training.

Now the problem here is that the Heien couple tend to try and rile up the rest of us whether they are conscious of it or not, i.e the arrogant remarks, the beta-ness, suddenly picking fights with the inuzuka if he looks at any of the girls or with me trying to prove one of the two is superior, they are still doing it so you know the outcomes.

Either way I can willingly say that by the deadline for knowing this information is over those to are the only ones who might fail at it, like the aburame and inuzuka teach there clan this from birth, so except for tweaks suited to this camp, they are good to go, I on the other hand have more brain cells than the single one the Heien couple share, so I think I can memories this or at least, make it easy to remember before even 2 days have passed.

Moving on to the deadline, they test us from memory on how to react to certain scenarios, how to prepare, and a few more similar topics that would be related to scouting.

And somehow, someway, these two academically and physically inept fools pass the 'exam' leading to them, while still almost having failed, joining this team.

Anyway, we begin our first expedition in a few minutes.

The Inuzuka questions " Am I the only one who is nervous, it's our first expedition, we haven't even worked as a team yet "

The Heien brats try to seem like they are ignoring him, but the male mutters under his breath " It's not like Ayame-san would fail anyway, compared to yo weakli- " he stops as I glare at him, understanding my look as, I got you in this group so who you calling weaklings.

I then turn to the, actually quite powerful Inuzuka, stating " Don't worry, you have great abilities, you and your Inu ( dog ), and even if we aren't all perfect for eachother " looking towards Heien 1 & 2 " We all have abilities which can suit one another, such as your Inu and my Byakugan, for sensing others, the aburame help each other and the heien, well they should be able to see long distance and predict where enemies would be" I emphasize should, gaining giggles from the aburame girls.

With that being said the Inuzuka calms down turning a smile to me.

A few minutes later, we are in the forests surrounding the base, with us going out around 10km from the base, almost reaching borders of other settlements and such, to no avail, as we do not encounter anyone, which remains the same for a few months of the scouting missions.

The great thing about being in the scout group is that we only do that, for a few hours at a time then return to base with as much freedom as we want, within the base that is, so I can spend time training current techniques and seeing if I can get more from others in the base using my current quantity of ryo which is higher than most others thanks to being able to save, other than for food and my higher salary due to the position I am in.

This has allowed me to expand my knowledge on tenketsu, and other organs of the body, although minimal because apparently we haven't looked through the deceased enough, I have also learnt the lightning ninjutsu, a new type of ninshu in development for war, anyway the name is Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique) in which I go through handseals Ram > Dragon > Serpent, causing me to release a small bolts of lightning from my hands, of course it is still only a prototype, so it may not function to well but it is something I have worked on.

Going back to what I spoke of earlier, we have encountered a few sand manipulating soldiers, seemingly of low rank 2 so lower in power than me but above my other teammates.

This will be a challenge.

Seeing that they have already seen me and are beginning to use sand to pierce towards me, Signal my position using the Katon ninshu 'secretly', although more accurately while I am using my Raiton ninjutsu, without saying the name of course 'Raiton: Raikou Boruto no Jutsu '( Lightning Release: Lightning Bolt Technique ) sending bolts of lightning towards both sand and users three in total, with my signal blowing up in the distance, alerting the soldiers in front of me, who pull large spikes of sand from the ground in my direction, to which I respond with turning my Byakugan on and following the chakra to move between where the sand would appear, then using the newly made 'pillars' of sand to maneuver myself at higher speeds towards the sand soldiers. Using this boost in speed and direct trajectory to the sand soldier to the left coating my hand in both wind and lightning chakra for both piercing and higher power towards their throat going right through it, but this gave the other soldier time to attack with a claw of sand….

What will happen to Gindō ?

Find out next time on Pride : AGD