
Pride : A God's Descendant

Centuries before the story began the world was an entirely different place, Ninja hadn't existed yet, Ninjutsu was barely on the cusp of creation, Military might and mercenaries were the main forms of power, Here is a Demi God making his way, Here is Pride. - Note I didn't make naruto, this is will start as a completely different story, I will be combining elements of the game shindo to this, in the sense of dark jokei being his byakugan so Yami byakugan, it will become a Tenseigan also. I also dont own the pic.

DemonataWI · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs


- P.O.V Change Narrator to Gindō -

'Hmm, so I'm finally leaving the hyuga clan location, I doubt I could relax my chosen behaviour to others as the military likely has both files on the other members being sent out now, due to agreements, me included and also other members of the clan who I had spent time with will be confused and likely target me.' These are my thoughts as me an 10 others, 5 hyuga. 2 children picked up from alternate locations, 2 carriage men and 1 high tier 2 for protection, are travelling in a carriage to our first military bases, of course I'm being happy go lucky in these times and bouncing around to keep my cover on.

" WOW this is soo cool, I've never been in a carriage before "

" I know right "

" I wonder how life is going to be at the base "

" These seats are really comfortable "

Etcetera, other bullshit.

After around five hours we arrive at the base, after what we were told were bumps on the road, obviously being bandit attacks taken down by the tier 2 on the roof, as he gets on and off, and finding out information about each person here, the 5 hyuga other than myself are high tier 1's, so average, they only know what is taught to us hyuga,

however the other 2 are Heian clan members, who apparently have ties to the ancient Ryūmyaku when it was still a physical being, in the form of a dragon, although these seem like snot nosed brats, simply put, they have no real bulk to them needed on a soldier, or compact muscle, for higher speed, they are just flabby, they aren't the Akimichi who can utilise that with their techniques that they made a few years back, they are Heian clan members, who are most powerful at chakra techniques, but even with my Byakugan I can only see an average amount of chakra and some residue in the eyes, meaning they focus their powers there.

They will likely die off with so much commitment to them, even the uchiha known for their arrogance train everything, even us the hyuga who consider themselves untouchable train physical and other aspects, I would hope that we aren't put on the same team as one seems like an arrogant prick, and the other is fawning other her. Tch.

The carriage drivers are just some low level civilians, likely base tier 1 with minimal training, and the soldier protecting us as I previously thought is a high tier 2, but is only here because he has an injury and is an old man based on when I spotted from the carriage.

We disembark to head to our next positions, likely to become foot soldiers, or more likely due to our eye prowess, guards and trackers, maybe scouts, but only if we are strong enough, so none of us, as I dont show my abilities and the rest are garbage.

Sure enough we are directed to the general of the base, us being at the front with around 4269 other people excluding our little group of 11, were she calls out to line up based on who she calls into which group A,B,C,D not too creative, but it will stop us from assuming, then she pulls out the idiocy card and mentions A,B,C,D to be Foot soldier, Guard soldier, Tracking soldier and finally, Scout soldier, allowing me to realise any geniuses are late or came already for their squads, my disappointment is immeasurable, but I understand.

Anyway names fly by then Amaya Heien is called for group B, obviously the arrogant shit from the carriage as from next to me her sla- I mean 'friend' calls out.

"How dare you Amaya-sama is the best here! How could you put herndfTEebtB$jsk- " as I place my hand over his mouth shutting him up to tell him.

"Shut up, she is the most powerful person nearby she can kill you for that and would have" in a whisper.

Then the General speaks towards me "Thank you for that … Hyuga Gindō-san, I wasn't appreciating that rabble, I assume not even Heien Amaya-san here was either" Who I see is fuming… at the General, is Heien an idiot, I think she is… anyway General-sama continues "Either way I think it would be necessary to place you three on the same team, as they have not been chosen yet in worry of these types of events, and these two would end up dying if they were seperated, due to Heien Shobe-san and his behaviour getting him killed trying to be with her and her… attitude, either way I would need someone to stop the two, but what to do, what to do, you were meant for group D"

As she continues contemplating I notice both this Shobe being unconscious thanks to lack of air, and Amaya coming towards me attempting to be menacing and almost dare me to back out, which I would but it won't fit my character I've had in place since young, Yare Yare Daze.

"Madame General-sama I am personally fine with being on their team" I say saluting and grinning worriedly at the general, although I am now beginning to feel uncomfortable as even more attention is directed towards me due to this debacle, around 3000 stares doesn't feel comfortable.

"Thank you for moving that along then, I can tell you are uncomfortable, so to give you a favour for taking care of these two I will allow you to continue being in group D ... moving on Hayate Ken, go to group B, Komo Tenten, go to group A… etcetera "

And with that I pulled Hobe-beta to group D, as Ayame-bitch walked there as if it were to be expected.

With the night continuing, we are sent to our groups dorms, or at least they call them that now, anyway they send us there, but then Ayame says to me "Th- Thank you"

Now of course I don't care but I pretend to stop. I hate the character I'm playing.