

It's a beautiful morning in the peaceful village of Balsal. Raff came a week ago in this village. He is loving the weather here, everything is clean and people looks friendly too. He doesn't know why everyone warn him whole coming here. He was walking around in the village and was thinking about why everyone were afraid of coming here???

While walking around he reached in front of a house that looked different than any house he has even seen. It was sky blue colored and it felt like clouds are flowing around it. it feels like the building is the sky itself. He was going to enter the home and someone blocked his party and say you should consider again before getting in. There is a price for everything and gave a creepy look at Raff. His words made Raff a bit uneasy. He wanted to get in but the creepy look so him from getting in. He returned from there but there was something else in his mind.

At that night he again went to that house and this time there was no one in front of the house. He just got in the house and the for closed behind him. while inside of the house he saw there were nothing in that house it was totally empty but he can't see the end of the room. Does this house has any room at all or there are no rooms and the building is on an infinite field.

Suddenly he heard a sound whispering in his ear to leave but he was too amazed to leave. He thought to himself that it's nothing his mind is playing it in his mind as it's first time for him to see something like this ever. Then a thunder like sound told him"who are you and what price will you pay".

Read didn't get afraid but tried to look for the voice but there was nothing at all. It was an empty field. He murmured who are you? The voice replied to get the answer you have to pay the price. What price so you pay? Raff replied a didn't bring any money with me as I was just roaming around the village. The voice answered everything has its price. You want answer and I need company as many days have passed and no one came to here. I can answer some of your questions in return I want your time. You have to stay for at least an hour. Raff had n nothing to do and he was very interested to know about this strange house too, so he said he will stay and asked who are you? The voice answered I am TYR and who are you? Raff thought to himself TYR is the name of the god of Norse mythology. Raff replied that his name is Raff and he is a normal boring person. TYR replied that you seemed truthful and brave. As a reward I can offer you a life of adventure and excitement. Raff asked how is this possible? TYR replied that I can send you to other world where you can have a different life.

This time around Raff thought that is anyone making fun of him? Is this the guy from before but no one can be seen and he looked around again and there were no one. He asked are you the Norse God TYR? The voice replied once some people did worshipped him but later now there are none like that. Raff asked if I want to go what will I have to do? TYR replied there is price for everything and for going there you have to give me one of your hand. Raff replied that that's a huge price. TYR said if you don't want to go then it's up to you. You want your boring life or an exciting life is fully you're you. This time Raff thought if he loses his hand it really will be a problem but he also wants to go to the other world too. What he should do.

Raff was in deep thought should he sacrifice his hand but he is very curious to go to that place. He wants to know how is that place and if it will be as exciting as TYR said. He wants to go but don't want to lose his hand. From his childhood Raff is interested in mythology as a result he knows a bit why TYR wants his hand as price. TYR sacrificed his right hand to save his world from collapsing. He was the symbol of Justice and righteousness. Suddenly an idea came to Raff's mind. He asked TYR if he can tell anything about the most powerful wolf in that other world. TYR replied with a proud voice that it's name is Fenrir. Now Raff was sure about the world TYR was talking about. Raff said "I don't want to lose my hand but I can offer you something else in return." TYR asked what was the price Raff was offering. Raff replied with confidence "I can help you get your previous position in your world". TYR started to laugh and said who do you think you are? How can you say such words? You have no idea who Oden is and how powerful he is now. Every God in that realm is supporting him. Raff replied I have idea who he is but I also know something about you. I know how you have been framed. I can help you if you send me there.

TYR replied ok then I am accepting your price but before sending you there I have to inform you about that world. You should know that once you reach that realm Oden can see all your moves. He has the all seeing eye in there. He can send Gods after you to finish you. Be aware that if anyone knows about your intensions you will be attacked immediately. I am giving you the 3 things that will help you in you mission. First one is a pair of gloves, second one the lost eye of Oden and the third one is a bottle of Berry juice. You should drink the Berry juice right now as it will give some of my power and with time it will increase.