
Work in Progress

[Hi, readers. Lately this week, I have been quite suffering from coughs and colds that cost me sleepless nights a few days in a row. And today because of that, I can't be able to write an update for now. I did try to write a couple lines, but work is still on progress until tonorrow. For the meantime, let me repeat a chapter and will try to replace it asap. Thanks. :D)


The next day, I woke up due to this ear-splitting sound coming from the alarm clock that stood on my side table.

Still feeling a bit drowsy over here, I stretched one arm and turned off the alarm clock while still closing my eyes. When it finally became quiet, I turned to the other side of the bed and decided to stay like this for a while.

"Just...five...more...minutes," I said in between my yawns.

I tucked the blanket closer to me as I feel myself being transported back to dreamland once again.