
President On The Wheels

PRESIDENT, GENERAL, Nikator Alexio wishes to fulfill both his parents and his search for a perfect woman. At now his age agency the need to settle down and with a few glance towards his employee 'Ciara', he then attach his ring to her fingers. Doesn't cognize about love but he knew for a fact she was perfect, without any flaws. Yet, he brings upon himself a burden to clear the air with "Ciara sister", Annika. ************** Chanced with the opportunity to meet a man she was supposed to work under, yet miraculously she's turned into a sister in law to Nikator. Some secret to which is yet to be found, an unfortunate accident which is yet to be notified, can Annika 'put up' with the fact of her brother in law necessitate for her neck. With the lies been told, she still stood by him when he encountered an unfortunate fortunity. Will this two learn to accept each other flaws and flow along with both hungering feelings?. _______- This book is an Original book and not a translation. This novel belongs to the WEB NOVEL.COM *Instagram- https://www.Instagram.com/Mysteriousshopper22 *Wattpad- https://www.wattpad.com/CharlieX46.

Angelina_2020 · LGBT+
12 Chs

Chapter Six: Performer & Foe

'Most of our decisions are based on experience. More experience on something equals quick decisions. Less knowledge means fearful judgements'

––––––"Mwanandeke Kindembo"


"Miss Smith, there was a slight problem with the reception hall, but it's been taken care of"the wedding planner said, trying with all her strength to give at least a small smile.

Why was it difficult for that?

"I don't need any mistake, my soon to be husband and I expect perfection. We didn't hire you just to have mistake miss..... what's your name again?"she asked boredly.

"Jennie"she replied with a forced smile. If it wasn't for the good pay and the fact it was for Mr Alexio, she would quit without thinking of the repercussions.

"Yeah whatever. Do your job well, because I won't tolerate such complain or mistake again"she spat and walked out of the living room. Immediately she was engaged to Nikator, it was more suitable in her view to live with Nikator.

All the workers do fear for there jobs because of the person she's. Whatever minor error, then it's bye bye to that job. The only conclusion they could come up with is that, she'll make there lives a living hell. When she complains to Nike about them, he gives command to be let go. Ciara felt like the queen, even when she isn't yet. This was what she longed for and it'll stay like that.

"Nikator"she smiled has she walked into his office. He wasn't leaving the house because of the wedding around the corner, and also to spend time with Ciara. She was just too perfect in his eyes and no mistake can been pointed in her direction.

Although he see a little flaws in her and a bit strict, he still over looked it because she was going to be the Mistress of this Mansion.

"You over work yourself baby"she sighed and pushed all the documents to the side of the desk and moved around the table and settled her butt on his lap. She rubbed his head and pecked his lips.

"Why don't I relieve your stress"she purred seductively, and with the beautiful smile on her face she captured his red lips. The kiss was slow and sexual, it's like encountering a whole new taste of jelly and it was too addictive. Nikator took over the situation with a little more aggressively, with his hand wrapped around the back of her neck, making her tilt it in other to savour more from him. The moment was getting too intense, with the fustration of been sexually neglected....he had to stop because it wasn't all too right.

"We need to stop babe"he whispered to her lips but she wasn't having it. She had the goal of bedding with him today but it was way too hard to seduce him.

"But baby"she whined, refusing to pull away until he kissed her temple.

He smirked at her beautiful pouting lips and rubbed her waist.

"Let it be special. I don't want your first time to be unromantic"he teased and chuckle at the way she folded her arms and turned away. With the only tactics, tickle were mastered around her body giving the room a light of lifeness in it.

"Stop it"she yelled and quickly got loosed from his tight grip. Escaping through the doors to her room and made sure to lock it behind her.

Settling down on her bed, she scoffed at the words back in his office. 'My first time' more like my sixth time. It came to her attention that her soon to be mother in law, see no flaws in her. Expecting her to still be a virgin and innocent. She liked Nikator ever since she got a glimpse of him through a seminar back when she was in college. The news reported all about him and how he doesn't do with the idea of relationship.

Working in his company was all due to her cleverness. Through the interview was the position to be given to her darling ugly sister but with few words and connection....'a change was made' . Eyes, ears were on his movement and activities, angered of his previous flings, sad about his departure to another country. What info wasn't documented?. She has him wrapped around her fingers and very soon a ring will be placed. Everything was falling into places and she just can't wait.

Slumping down on her bed and giving a swing from side to side, giggling about the wedding night to come, thinking about the future that was very certain for her. She has dreamt of living big without worries, now she as it all. Nothing was going to get in her way.

Nikator smiled at her retreating form and with a few shake of the head, he resumed back to his work. It was normal for him to be in the study by this time because a lot which was been ignored due to his other responsibilities, needed is utmost attention.

"Nikator"he snapped his head to the now opened door, looking at the motherly figure stationed on the door frame, with an unusual expression on her beautiful, glorious face.

"What you doing?"she demanded, while strolling into the room more. He knew what was to come. Nagging about the wedding coming soon, keeping yourself health.

"Mother am very busy"he mumbled has he went back to reading some file. On those file lays illegal dealing of the Lincoln's and with a direct answer that partnership with them was negative, even the first time. Based on their recent activities, he wasn't going to be involved in there affairs. Even has an army general, there are some ways to conduct Infos and intros. He wasn't going to bring more enemies to his back because has far as he knew, they was plenty enough filling everyday to his damn limit.

"Busy is your middle name boy. Two days away before your wedding and you're preparing to look like a zombie on that day. Those dark circles are enough to scare a child because you refused to be responsible to your wellness".

"As your mother, it's my duty to reprimand you for some wrongs. Also my duty to disband you from work duties for a month"she claimed with her hands placed on her hips.

"Why a month?"

"Lord, give my son some knowledge, because he's losing it this days"she looked to the ceiling dramatically.

With a roll of his eyes, he stood up and matched to his mother. Dragging her to the couch to settle on. Knowing that she has the ability and power to speak for an hour while standing, the only remedy is to settle her down.

"Fine. I won't touch anything related to work....after today"he said sternly with his deep tone.

"Okay"she nods and looked around.

"Where's Ciara?".

"She's up in her room, probably resting"he replied while going back around his desk to complete some work.

"She needs it. The poor girl has been up and running making sure all is fixed without error. Oh Nikator, you've made me proud and your papa, bringing such respected girl to our family as filled me whole. Finding such girl's are hard this days but you've been able to pull it, with luck by your side son"she sighed in contentment, looking up dreamily.

"The thought of her make me miss her presence and our talks"she claimed and yelped off the couch and moved out of the room. Nikator gave a smile at his mom's retreating form, with Ciara able to capture everyone's heart.... he's too overwhelmed.

Rosie went direct to her room and gave a knock, immediately the door was opened and came to view her beautiful daughter in law face.

"Hope am not disturbing you?"she frowned.

"Of course not mother. Do come in"she gestured and both walked direct to the big balcony in her room. The view was spectacular, the air was refreshing, the calmness was enlightened and a perfect time to talk...more like gossip.

"Hope there isn't a problem?".

"Of course not dear. I just wanted to see you and see how you fairing with the whole wedding planning"she patted her cheek.

"Everything is running smoothly, nothing is missing out. The rings, the gown and suit, the reception hall, the guest, family.... everything is set"she smiled with her white teeth in display for California.

"Yeah, speaking about family. I heard you have a sister but come to think of it, I haven't had the privilege in meeting her"she asked with worry.

"That dead weight"she mumbled but Rosie heard loud and clear.

"What do you mean?".

"Annika isn't very socialist and tends to interrupt happy occasions. She all different from us, her way of behavior is strange, the pranks she pulls her inexplicable"she ranted with so much anger.

"She sure a problematic child"Rosie concluded.

"Yeah. Once was she send all the way to Spain because of her unexplainable actions"she said.

"Seeing my sister leave, watching the ways she causes such pain to my parents, seeing how unhappy she's about my wedding coming up makes me feel sad. I invited her but she said so much cruel words to me"she cried lightly.

Rosie simply patted her back, with wonders about how such a matured young lady could be this roughshod.

"All is going to be fine. You don't need her because you have us"she reassured the crying Ciara.

"I don't know, but to see my sister angry with me, to see such hate because of my wedding is heartbreaking"she cried dramatically.

What a performance she was pulling?.

If perhaps she did show up at the wedding, there wasn't any innocent to show to the family because she has successfully ruined her image.

Through the lurking shadow, he pulled out his phone and spoke to the receiver.

"I want information about a lady named Annika Smith"he informed because he wasn't going to let her of, for making his soon to be wife pensive.


Seems like Annika is going to have some issues with her brother in law.

Thanks for reading.

Bye for now.