
Prehistoric Wizard

A man is given 5 random epic boons from a mysterious vending machine before he is in the prehistoric world of Harry Potter. This is a time before mankind, a time before wizards and Hogwarts, a time before the founders and even Merlin himself. Raw magic power first poured into the world during this age, and this man was here when it happened.

Matheu_DeWitt · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
2 Chs

Spending Fortune in a Dream

In a small US town, a man is dreaming.

This man's name is Melor Green. He is a humble man who seemed to be average in most things. He was 24 years old and he had just graduated from college a year ago. He got a job in management at the Home Depot home office after graduating and had been working there since then. Compared to the rest of the world, Melor had a promising life ahead of him.

But sometimes, our destiny can change at a moment's notice. And this was one of those moments.

Melor had fallen into a deep sleep tonight. He was having a strange dream. In this dream he was standing in front of a giant vending machine, floating in the endless starry sky. He looked at the coin slot on the machine and searched his pockets for coins. And he was not left disappointed, inside his pockets were 5 beautiful platinum coins. On each of the coins, there was an image of himself at different points of his future life.

There was a picture of himself getting married to a beautiful wife.

Another with a picture of him having 3 children.

Another is with him winning second prize in the lottery.

And other such images with significant turning points in his life.

Melor felt himself instantly understand what the coins in his hand were. They were his fortune, his future fate, the parts of him that would help define who he would be. And he felt that spending these coins would be like erasing a part of himself from this world. The entire process of him knowing these things reminded him of a kind of service agreement one might sign when using a service.

He fiddled with a coin in his hands carefully, considering what his current situation meant. He would occasionally glance at the coin slot on the vending machine while he thought. In the end, his curiosity at what the vending machine might give him for spending his fortune gave in. He took out the coin with the picture of him winning second place in the lottery and slid it into the coin slot of the machine.


The machine rumbled and the surrounding space around him quaked as it processed his coin. Melor felt something light, leaving his body as the machine spit out a small token. He took the token and felt it merge into his soul with a flash of light. His body began to grow and change in the dream. He became much bigger in height, changing from his usual 5'10 height to 6'8, while his arms, legs, torso, and back, became bulkier and heavier. The information about the token's effects was reflected in his mind.


Boon of Divine Size

Your physical size grows to match your emerging power. Your body size increases by a fixed amount when gaining this boon.


Melor looked at his hands in surprise. His palms were large enough to grip a basketball single-handedly and his point of view was now looking down at the coin slot he had just used.


[00:05:59 time remaining before transmigration]

A large banner appeared in the night sky along with a loud ding to attract his attention. It would seem that his placing the coin in the machine had triggered some kind of automatic process. Originally, Melor planned to use the coins cautiously since he didn't know if he would be erased from the world or not if he used them all. But now, now he was going to be removed from the world regardless of his choice and it was best to use the rest of them quickly.

He felt slight panic at knowing that he might have done something stupid by inserting the coin. He only had himself to blame for his curiosity. He hurriedly put the rest of the coins into the machine.





He picked up the tokens one at a time from the machine and let them absorb into his soul like before. He felt changes happen to him again with each merge, along with the information about the boons appearing in his mind.


Boon of Undetectability

You can reduce your sense of existence. You can't be detected or targeted by divination magic.



[3rd Level] Boon of Immortality (3rd level boons are like rolling an epic loot on the loot table)

Title Gained: Melor the Immortal (Titles in the magical world have power.)

Your soul is strong beyond mortal standards and is considered a priceless treasure. You don't age. When your body would be killed, it will regenerate after a day so long as you have not been killed more than 3 times in a week.



[3rd Level] Boon of Magic Prodigy

You are a magic prodigy. You can naturally deduce the laws of magic and understand magic, drinking knowledge like water. It takes you 1 month what it would take others to accomplish in 1 year.



Boon of Magic Resistance

You have natural magic resistance to spells and magic. All spells and magic-based effects have their effects or duration halved when targeting you.


Melor felt the bones in his body creak and change, becoming stronger and of a different quality. While his mind and soul felt a fuzzy sensation from the powerful 3rd level Magic Prodigy and Immortality boons. His soul's quality changed and from deep inside himself his original clear white soul became a golden brown color. This change was not just a simple change in size as the soul is an impossibly complex structure.

His soul contained within it, all the virtues necessary for the perfection of the human heart and was filled with a special kind of grace unique to himself. This grace stemmed from around the title [Melor the Immortal], making his will stronger and making his overall demeanor stronger. His body adopted some changes, making his original average appearance become much manlier and making his facial features more prominent and attractive.

His original black hair, now had streaks of gold in it, which came down to his shoulders in length.

Meanwhile, his mind had expanded and his creativity was enhanced based on what he already possessed. It was a strange sensation to describe, but his eyes sparkled with the natural joy of living.

The final change to himself from the boon of undetectability was very minute compared to the others. He only felt that he could lower the sense of his presence at any point if he willed it.

The changes were settled and completed within about 4 minutes, leaving Melor standing at 6'10 in height with a handsome physique and face. He was not ripped or filled with muscles on his body, he just had a natural manly grace and highly handsome features, which couldn't help but draw watchers near him.

Melor glanced at the banner of time in the sky and sat down crosslegged patiently. The countdown continued as Melor closed his eyes calmly. The changes in his body did not make him as curious as before, mostly due to the grace in his soul, filling him with patience and calm.

The countdown finished without Melor even opening his eyes. He disappeared from both the dream and the real world. Nobody in his old world even knew to look for him, because it was as if he had never existed.
