
Pregnant Man

Synopsis . The boy named David Smith was just a normal worker . That was he thought , until he had a one night stand with his boss , named Daniel Kaleb.

Angel_Estrada_3037 · สมจริง
1 Chs

chapter 0.1

David Smith was busy talking to his client with one of his colleagues tapped his shoulder.

" David are you coming with us ? " His co-worker Michael asked while smiling at him . David looked at him " Where? " he asked. "We have a welcome party . Remember " Michael answered .

David nodded " Yes im coming " He said. " Okay I'll meet you at this place karaoke bar ****** tonight ." Michael said and then after that he left.

David continued at his work , he didn't ate much because of the welcome party .

He opened the door of the room , where's his other co-workers are waiting. " david your here " Michael said while hugging David, David hugged him back too . "Lets drink " Michael murmured .

Everybody is having fun except for him . He looked around and he saw someone talking to a girl. " Is that the ceo ? " he murmured to his self. The ceo caught David looking at him and that's make David embarrassed.

After a minutes . David noticed that the ceo is coming forward to him . " are you David? ... from researchers management? " Daniel asked , David quickly nodded to him . " Don't be shy " Daniel said . He smiled at David and hold Daniel hands for shake hand . "It nice meeting you " .

The two talked and drink until they got drunk. " sir . Daniel i think your drunk " David said while looking at him . " no im not " He answered. "No , you are ... where's your house? I accompany you " David asked . Daniel didn't respond because his already wasted.

David went to hotel with Daniel.