
Pregnant for My Brother-in-law

Entry for WPC #271 {Please, do vote.} » WARNING: MATURE CONTENT « When Lilian Marries a billionaire Martinez Adenuga her father's business partner. She didn't expect to fall in love with him neither did she expect to fall in love at first sight with her Brother-in-law on her wedding day! With an unexpected turn of events, Will this marriage based on lies and deceit work out? ... Lilian never knew what it meant to be brave till the day of her wedding. Being brought up by a strict Dad whose law was ; TO OBEY BEFORE COMPLAIN. An Arranged marriage that could be the saving grace for the Ejiofor's Financial crisis. A Love Story that can be wrong in so many ways... Read to find out More. Don't Forget to Vote and Comment.

NollaWrites · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter 3**


When other Guests had gone home, some of the Groomsmen Still lingered behind in a small room. The atmosphere was cheery as they sat surrounding the table full of Champagne and several other expensive wine.

"Congratulations, Boss!"

"Congrats Man."

"Welcome to the Married men's Club."

Everyone raised their glasses for a toast. Martinez had a slight smile on his face, gazing at his Groomsmen, he let out a chuckle. He looked completely different from how he looked at work.


Everyone echoed.

And the chattering, continued.

Except the Man who was seated in an isolated area. His face was hidden from the dim light that was illuminated the small room. Twirling the glass of wine in his hand without taking a sip. He was the most relaxed as he sat with his eyes closed, resting his head on the leather seat.

It was getting very late and the guys decided it was time to go and bid them goodbye. They started leaving one by one until it was just Martinez and the man who was resting at the corner.

The man stood up walking towards the door, when his name was called. "Williams."

Martinez called out, walking up towards his brother. His gaze never leaving him as he stopped beside him. "You've been silent, are thinking of backing out?" His gaze were trained on Williams's face trying to see a glimpse of his thoughts on his expression but Williams just stood there stoically, not affected by his prodding gaze at all.

Instead he asked; "You sure don't want to rethink this? Once it is done, there is no going back you know?" His hands shoved into his pockets gazing deeply at his senior brother.

Martinez turned serious at the question. "No, I don't think I will regret this."

"And what about your wife?"

"I'll make it up to her by being a good husband." Martinez simply said looking at Williams seriously as they gazed at each other.

"Fine, then." Williams snorted and left directly, removing his shoved hands from his pants pockets.

Martinez watched his brother's back as he left, without looking back.

Both of them lost in their own thoughts. Suddenly a loud ringing sound came from his right pocket. Martinez took out the phone glancing at the name on the screen with a frown. He picked up the call with his Assistant on the other end, " Hello, Okay. I'll be there."


Back in the Suite.

A figure stood beside the bed, looking at the small person on the bed. Her beautiful face scrunched up to a frown as he carried her from the awkward position and laid her well. His hands traced her face; from her eyebrows slowly down to her cheeks, the nose and then her luscious lips.

Very soon, his hands were replaced with his lips. The man's hands started moving, tracing the curves of her body---her waist, her butt, her back and then---- her breast.

Every inch of her body that was being touched by his hands started burning.

A few seconds later, Lilian felt a sudden change and the weight on her. Her moist eyes flustered open, still drowsy from sleep. Her nightwear had already been pushed down by the man hovering over her body.

The room was dark and she couldn't see the person's face.

"Who.." her hand reached out to switch the lamp by the side but was soon caught in a large one. His grip was light but firm, "It's Me."

Her eyes widened at the familiar voice. Of course who could it be, other than her husband? Her face flushed and she appeared flustered in the dark. "Martinez.." she'd whispered but her lips were suddenly sealed by his Cold ones.

She let out a gasp and his hot tongue proceeds inside her mouth, taking control and showing his dominance.

She let out a moan and tried to push the man that was currently eating her up but instead got more fiery kisses. His kisses were hot, wet and sensual, Lighting up every cell in her body.

She pushed again but he did not stop, his hands were moving fast and she couldn't suppress the loud moan that came out.

Horrified by her shameless moan, she tried hiding her face in the crook of his neck as his hands continued his luscious attacks on her body.

Under the prodding attacks, her desire rushed forth like a tornado and leaving her in a squirming mess.

He kissed every inch of her body moving south, leaving a wet and hot mess everywhere his lips touched.

The moans she tried hard to suppress could not be held in anymore as she felt him at her entrance. Like a fish out of the sea, her breath caught in her throat.

His lips landed in her core, licking and sucking on her essence. She kept trembling, twisting and turning, wiggling like a little worm.

She pleaded, not knowing what exactly she was pleading for.

"Uhhm... Please... please...aahh!"

She clung onto his shoulders, clawing and scratching at it while pulling him closer.

She knew at that moment, she had become high and her senses seemed to have gone for a nap.

She was still feeling high, when he suddenly grabbed her and brought one of her legs over his shoulder and the other wrapped round his hip proceeding to enter her.

He pierced forward with a grunt proceeding into her tight folds.

"Ahhh...it hurts!"

His hand worked on her slits to make her loosen up. Every thrust brought ecstasy, as he continued to plunder her cave, exploring it's hidden secrets.

Time seemed pass very quickly and the two rolling on the bed continued into the late night. It was almost dawn when they fell asleep.


The next day.

Lilian woke up feeling like she's been ran over by a train. Every part of her body ached. She squinted her eyes turning to her left. She could not find anybody there, her husband was not there and the place was cold, like the person had left a long time ago.

Ouch... He could not even wait till she woke up. Where could he have gone to?

She stood up, dragging her trembling legs to the bathroom. Standing under the shower, the memories of last night washed over her and let out a scream in her mind.

Awkward.. awkward...how will she face him now? She yelled inwardly as she gazed at her thoroughly ravished self.

Maybe, she could just pretend and every thing would be fine. She rinsed herself and went out, wrapped in a towel when a knock came on the door. She went straight, covering herself in a bathrobe before opening the door to reveal a Lady who passed a new set of clothes to her.

She took it, since her luggage wasn't present.

She quickly got dressed in the light flowery dress that reached up to her knees, grabbed her things before walking out. The driver was just standing beside her door.

"Madam, I was asked by Mr. Martinez to take you home."

Lilian looks at the Young Man before her before giving a polite nod.

"Where is my husband?" She further asked following the driver to the car.

"There was an urgent matter at the office, so he left earlier." The Young Man answered, politely before they got into the car.

Seeing the young lady looking out the window silently, the driver thought she was sad and wanted to console her. "Madam, Don't Worry. I'm sure, Mr. Martinez did not mean to leave you."

"It's alright. Please can you drop by a pharmacy, I'll like to get something."

"Okay, Ma'am." The driver said glancing at her through the rear mirror.

The car drive to the pharmacy was short, as she quickly went into the store and got several Birth control Pills and bottle water. With the bottle water, she popped in a pill into her mouth before swallowing it with the water. Paying for the things she took, she left and went back into the car.

The driver glanced at her without saying a word, it was not in his place to ask questions.

After 40 minutes, the car arrived in a suburb area, pulling into a Villa.

A middle aged woman who seemed to be the housekeeper, came out to receive her. Seems like she was informed of her arrival.

"Welcome, Mrs. Martinez." The middle aged woman greeted, she looked more or less older than her mother with freckles of gray strands in her hair.

"Hello." She politely greeted back not used to the treatment and her new title. She was a bit nervous but tried to look Calm as she followed the woman into the villa.

Compared to the Classy Outlook, the inside had a homey vibe to it. "Mrs. Martinez, I'll show you to your room."

"Oh, please. Just call me Lilian. I'd love that but please don't call me Mrs Martinez, It makes me feel weird." Lilian quickly stopped her from calling her Mrs. Martinez cause it made her feel older than her age.

The middle aged woman just looked at her and chuckled. She was taking a liking to the Lady who her Boss got married to.

"Fine. Then, I'll call you Lilian. You can call me Mrs Ronké or Aunty Ronké, whichever you prefer. I'll be available, whenever you need my help." The Woman said bringing Lilian to the her room.