
Pregnant During An Apocalypse [BL]

“Lin Yunfeng! Stop right there!” Lin Yunfeng gazed back at the speeding figure behind him. Heart racing, he picked up speed and ran through the abandoned corridor. “You better stop Yunfeng!!” Ren Muchen growled loudly. The little brat was much faster than he had expected. “This is how you wish to face me after you fucking slept with me? Fine! Run then! Let’s see how long you can last,” Panting Lin Yunfeng looked back in panic. “I’m so sorry, it was a mistake. think of it as Stepping on shit. Please forgive me!” he placed a hand on his lower stomach and ran even faster. “Watch out!” Yunfeng gazed ahead in surprise. a half-rotten corpse stood in his way. He came to a screeching halt but the slippery floor made it hard for him to come to a complete stop. He fell unceremoniously face down on the ground. “Fuck,” The zombie jumped onto him with its mouth wide open. Its bloody saliva dripped onto his face. Yunfeng held his breath. He had read about this before but this was the first time he had actually seen an undead. It petrified him. ‘Is this how I die?’ “Growl,” the beast aimed at his neck precisely, Just as he thought his life was coming to an end, a long axe cut through the decayed neck of the Zombie. The heavy zombie fell right on top of him, oozing blood and puss. A hand grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up. “You are not dying, not today, not anytime soon...” Ren Muchen said with a nasty grin/ Yunfeng gulped. Muchen peered into his trembling black eyes coldly. “You know why?” because we are having a baby.” Yunfeng’s hand reflectively went into his tummy. “h-how do you know?” “You knew?! Yet you ran!” Muchen laughed coldly and shook him like a rattle. “Take responsibility you bastard, we created a life that day! “y-yes, I’ll take responsibility!”

Lullabybao · LGBT+
76 Chs

Chapter 68 - Imagination

Sea water completely soaked him from head to toe. Panting, he watched the man in front of him with a huge grin on his face. Muchen's meticulously styled hair was wet and sticking to his face. This laid-back hairstyle made him look at least a few years younger. He splashed a bit of water onto his face.

"Hey, stop…" Muchen jumped on him and clung to his neck. "Little boy, you think you can escape scot-free…" saying so, the man bit his neck.

Eyes wide open, he gazed at his side only to see a pair of grinning eyes. "Ow, that hurts," he pinched his cheeks.

Muchen let go. "Retribution. Look how badly you've spoiled my hair. In normal days, I would not even let it get wet in the rain." He jumped off him and poutingly adjusted his shaggy wet hair.

"You look good like this," Yunfeng gently combed through his hair strands, pulling his hair onto his forehead. "More casual... and cute."

Muchen chuckled.

Suddenly, a huge wave took them out, and they both ended up on the sandy beach, rolled up like a tumbled-out seaweed.

Yunfeng spat out the sand from his mouth with a grimace. "I think it's time we get out of here."

"Yes, please…" Muchen glaringly pulled out a stick from his hair.

They both plopped on the blanket with matching grins. Muchen hurriedly pulled out their change of clothes. "We forgot to buy towels," he frowned.

"It's okay, we can just air dry it," Yunfeng shook his head, spraying small water droplets around.

"Are you a dog? Here, dry it with my T-shirt," he handed him a brand new T-shirt.

"Nope," Yunfeng laid on the picnic table with a soft grin. "This felt so good... thank you, Muchen."

The said man blushed softly. "T-this is just the beginning. I'll make sure our dates are always fun and to your liking." He cleared his throat and pulled out the boxers from the bag. "We can change in the car…"

"Or we can change here?" Yunfeng playfully winked at him. "There is no one around anyway."

Muchen bit his lips. 'But I'm here...' He was kinda nervous at the prospective thought of seeing Yunfeng naked. But strangely, he felt a sense of anticipation as well. 'It's... it's okay... we are all adults. There is nothing wrong with seeing each other naked... yeah... nothing wrong.'

Yunfeng snapped a finger at his face. "Are you imagining me naked?"

"No!" Muchen quickly leaned away from him. "Here, let's eat." He pulled the picnic basket close and opened it up.

Shao had arranged all the food, so it was a mystery to him as well.

Inside the basket, he found a few small dishes covered in plastic wrapping. Inside, he found cold pasta salad, a few sandwiches, and a cake.

He placed them all on the table and took out the plates and cutlery. "What is your favorite food?"

"Chicken casserole," Yunfeng helped him unwrap. "Yours?"

"Burger," Muchen grinned.

"Oh, your taste is so unhealthy," Muchen rolled his eyes. "It's my favorite, but I'm never allowed to eat it, okay. I was put on a strict diet to help me keep in shape." He helped serve him some cold salad. "Every time I saw a McDonald's commercial, I would salivate like a dog. Damn, it felt pathetic to live like that."

Yunfeng frowned. "That strict?"

"… I gain weight very easily. So Shao had to keep me on a strict diet," Muchen took a bite of the sandwich. "Hmm, this is so good," he licked his lips and chowed down on it.

"Don't take on unhealthy diets. Just eat if you want to. It's okay to be slightly chunky," Yunfeng helped him wipe his mouth with a tissue.

Muchen grinned. "Really? I seriously gain a lot of weight, I swear. Will you not hate me if I blew up like a balloon?"

"I would like you even then," Yunfeng chuckled. "Heck, even if you changed species, I would still like you," he ate his sandwich distractedly.

He couldn't help but imagine Muchen fat, especially with a pot belly. The image made him chuckle, but at the same time, it gave him a strange feeling of satisfaction.

'He would look good even then… Ahhh, god, I think I'm crazy for this man.' He subtly sniffed the scent.

The tantalizing scent of roses became much more concentrated. Even with the heavy salty wind, he could still feel the intense scent lingering around him.

'Too tempting... I just want to take a bite.' He rubbed his neck. The bite mark Muchen had given him was still stinging slightly. 'No... if I do anything, I would lose control, and in the end, I'll end up pregnant… No way… not so soon…'

Strangely, the thought of pregnancy did not seem too repulsive to him now.

He started to anticipate it. The thought of having Muchen's children was exhilarating

"They will be cute like him..."

He could already foresee a young chubby boy with his face.

"Maybe a girl who looks like me... I would really like that..."

He completely immersed himself in his imaginary family.