
Powerlifter Isekai'd in ancient greece

Bob gets a second chance by the gods to prove that he is the most powerfull being to ever lived

evilram · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs


At 6 a.m., Bob is awakened by a notification from Mr. Beast's hiring division. It reads:

"You have been invited to be a part of our video: 'The Most Powerful Human vs. a Gorilla.' We will start filming next week and fly you over to Mexico. Lastly, please sign this NDA so we can secure this agreement."

Bob responds without having time to think to himself.

"...Okay... ...send me the time the plane leaves..."

"Holy moly."

Few words can describe the hope that Bob felt all week.

Fast forward.

Moments before leaving, Bob takes with him his favorite book, "12 Rules of Life," so he can read it on his way to the airport. Bob gets out, calls for a cab, and goes.

He steps out of his cab, takes his backpack, and continues to read. Bob is so engrossed in the book that he doesn't hear the honk of the white truck. And just like that, it happens: BAM. Bob's body is so big that it totally deforms the truck, taking the driver's life immediately. Oh, but that didn't kill Bob. He died from his sheer mass; the hit by the truck was what broke the camel's back—his bones couldn't support his weight anymore.

Bob's last words were:

"Who drives this fast on airport roads?"

Bob felt free in those last moments. You should know that Bob could have gone through the right lane, but he chose the laziest option.

A voice is heard:

"Leave me pregnant, and I shall grant you your revenge."

"Leave me pregnant, and I shall grant you your revenge."

"Leave me pregnant, and I shall grant you your revenge."

Bob wakes up screaming.

A hand makes Bob drink a syrup. He sees that it was a silhouette of a female; he couldn't see anything else but whiteness.

Bob whispers:


The voice responds:

"I also loathe for revenge."

Bob asks:

"Why me?"

"You are, were, and will be the most powerful human to ever live," the voice says.

"I was?"

"Yes, I need you to make me happy, Bob."

"But what makes you think that I will cooperate with you?"

"I have seen you from afar for quite some time now, and we both know that revenge is the only thing that keeps you going."

"Who are you?"

"I am Ai, a goddess. I am being held at the top of Mount Olympus."

"We don't have much time now. What you call the word teleported, I have teleported you to a village close to the mountain."

"I will appear in your dreams again, Bob."

Bob screams.