
chapter 3

It had been almost two weeks. A two weeks since Adina's encounter with that man. She didn't feel any better so far. Its like she couldn't get back to her old self. Something always felt like it was missing but she was learning to accept it which so far was far fetched. She pretended to be fine but she was breaking down inside. Why did it have to be a man she didnt know or would never know. No body that connived to have her raped knew it actually happened. Whoever it was they had given the job said they didn't find her on that bed. So nobody really figured out her issue.  Adina was a bit distant. Sinking into herself with every single ,boring and annoying lie she had to listen to. Why did they pretend to worry? Asking if she was fine.  It was all there fault to begin with. She was hurting. Adina was dealing with fresh wounds that were not physical but they were still there. Sleepless night,nightmare and she didn't feel like talking to anyone. The once ever smiley, jovial, happy woman was gone. Swept away on a night that she mistakenly trusted the wrong people.

She had just finished helping a customer out when she saw her boss approaching." Adina can I please talk to you in my office? Now!" Her boss asked out of the blue. That was odd. She hoped there was no probe.

"Is there a problem Sir?" He didn't answer but asked her to follow.

"Adina,have you been doing okay?" Her boss asked once they were seated in his office.

"Yes,I am. Why?" She knew the bags and dark circles under her eyes were already telling a story of how much she was stressed out.

"It's been concerning that you have been more absent-minded that any other day,you look tired ,sick, and like you haven't been getting enough sleep. Is something bothering you?" She would have loved to talk about what was bothering her.she would have wanted to get it off her chest. But how do you tell people that you are a victim of rape and still have hope they won't victimize you. Who would really understand? What hurt most was the fact the whoever that man she was with in bed, didn't have the catasy to actually make sure she was still conscious before stick his dick in her. Or was it the fact she didn't enjoy her first sexual encounter that actually bothered her up. She needed to figure out her feels soon or she was going to start Sinking into depression. Her feelings were getting her dragged down and she needed this job. So she fained sick. "I am sorry sir. I just haven't been feeling well." That had to work. She didn't have to pretend she already looked like hell.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner? You don't really look well and its neither good for business nor for you. I don't want our clients thinking I am mistreating our employees. Take the day off and tomorrow too. Its the weekend after, see you on Monday. I will have someone else cover for you." She needed the money and taking a day off stopped that. But she felt like death had warmed over and really did need a break. She thank him got up to leave. This would do her some good.

"And Adina", she turn to look at him. "This won't be deduced from you salary. We will deduct it from the given sick days you can have per year. Don't forget to go to the hospital. Get better soon."

"Thank you."

Adina walked out of the office and headed to the staff break room to collect her stuff. It was a bit cold so she sure needed a coat. It was not all that fancy but it kept her warm on days like this. "Heading out Adina?" Her nemesis Hellena who she has been practically avoided asks as she pulls on her coat on. Adina nods. "Is everything okay?" There went the fake sympathy and voice. Adina plastered a very fake smile on her face you would notice from miles away. She turned toward her and put it in her fake cheerleader voice," why wouldn't I be okay? I am so okay Hellena. What did you want anyway? Oh sorry can't help. Go talk to the boss he will handle it. I need to leave anyway. It's my day off." Adina picks her bag and moves past Hellena. She had almost made her escape when Hellena caught up with her. "Wait a minute I need to tell you something ." What would she actually tell me that would make me hate her any less.

"What is it?" At this point Adina was so pissed off she was raising her voice. Why was she even talking to her anyways?

"Shh." She says looking around. "Someone is looking for you. waiting for you up front." She points to the guest entrance. Adina kept walking pretending not to know anything. "Then tell whoever it is. It's my day off and they can wait till Monday. Or have someone else handle them and if it's that important have the boss know. He will take care of it. "

"I tried that. The someone else part but he said he only wants to talk to you and you alone. Have you pissed off a client lately? That one looked pissed and rich." Adina sighs. Nice way of turning things to be her fault. Why did she have to deal with this bitch right now. She already have too much in her head already? "Tell the boss to handle it." Adina say and head to the exit. She was almost out when Hellena shouts my name. Well nice way of leaving anonymously. Thanks bitch.

She still doesn't turn but just leaves. She sees someone hurrying her way wearing a suit. Was that a tux? She didn't have time to comprehend because she was beyond any conversation with anybody right now so she did her thing. She ran and took the stairs instead. She did make it out of the building but not long enough to have got a taxi and fled.

"Excuse me miss. Are you Adina?" Someone said stepped in her way. She was still staring at the pavement trying to dig her phone out of her pocket. She slowly looked up from the flashy Italian leather shoes, up a pair of really long legs in a pair of what was probably hand sewn pair of pants judging from how expensive the material looked, to a matching jacket and a chalk white shirt. Were those  cufflinks? Who wore cufflinks unless they were constipated assholes with overzealous egos and think everyone would need to stroke it. Well he was handsome. The square jaw, a nose that went perfectly with his face,blue eyes he had to go ahead and have a pair of gorgeous eyes. His hair which was probably a few hundred dollars for the hair cut. The smile that appeared on his face really did make him look hot. "Are you done drooling? You still haven't answered me. Are you Adina lois Kenan?" He really is cocky. What an asshole. Demanding much.

"Who is asking?" ADINA decided to play coy.

" I am. Do you know who I am?" The fuck is she supposed to know who this asshole was.

"Should I know you."

"You know,you can stop pretending and tell me the price. Everything has a price.How much do you want?"

What the hell was this asshole going on about. How much on what?  Why does he even say she was pretending.  It's not like I have meet this douchebag in my life. Also It's not like he was in the restaurant or ordering something for Adina to figure out what he was really going on about.

"Excuse sir. You are in my way. As you can see I am no my way out so I can't help you out. If you are figuring what you want to eat and still don't know the price the restaurant is right that way." She points behind her with her thumb."They give menus so you won't have to enquire prices from anybody. I have some where I have to be and you are in my way." Adina says try to side step him but the jack kept blocking her way.

" I am Asher Crayson." And? That didn't ring a bell at all.

"And what, I am supposed to know you?"  Adina shakes her head in disbelief.

"Well we did sleep together so you should know who I am." That got her attention quicker than anything could have.

"Look Sir, I don't know what you are getting at but I am tired, stressed and pissed right now. So I not in the mood to play fucking mind games with anyone. I have never seen you in my life. So I don't recognize you." Adina tries sidestepping him again only this time he caught her hand.

"You are Adina. I heard you co worker call you."  He whispered in her ear.

"I am neither agreeing nor refusing. So how may I help you sir? And please get out of my personal space."  She pulls her hand free from his grasp. She raps her arms around herself, not because she was cold but she felt the need to protect herself from whoever this man was.

"You left this at my place. He hands me a shopping bag." He hands her bag she hadn't even noilticed he was holding.Adina looked into the bag and there was the blue dress she was wearing to the party that weekend but where did he find it?

"Why do you have this?" Adina was confused. She had a hunch of who he might be. But she was angry and needed answers.

"Since we have that out of the way. I want you tell me how much. Everyone has a price. "He pulls a check book from his pocket wrote my name and handed it to her. He was avoiding answering her answer but she figured it out.You choose the price. Write how much you want from me I will sign it and you will be a rich woman. I was supposed to come around the beginning of this week but I had something I had to take care of. " Adina thought it was odd. Is he trying to buy her out. Or did he think she wanted to sleep with him and get paid. He really did need a reality check.

"So it was you. You raped me. Do you know what you did? Are you still too arrogant to accept it? You took advantage of someone who was retrailly unconscious. What kind of person are you? You are more messed up that you really look." He laughed at her. Actually did.

" You were the one who was on my bed so stop acting ooh so innocent. You were the one who threw yourself at me so stop pretend. Acting like a victim. So whats your price? A diamond necklace, a house, a trip to wherever you want or money? How much?" He thought just because he was rich that he could buy out anyone. He was definitely was more constipated than she actually thought. She scoffed at the revelation. What the nerve?

Adina wanted to cry, she wanted to break down but she had to hold it for atleast a few more minute until she was done with this pig. She wrote the amount on the check book. Asher smiled. He thought he had her. She tore the check and handed him the check book then the check after. "Here." He was confused at first but then she said," you can buy yourself some manners. Some respect too and maybe find a way to bring down your ego a notch because you are an egomaniac who think the word revolves around him. I don't need your money and if I never have to see you in my life again I would have a peaceful life asshole." She wanted to add more but she didn't think he would understand about. She threw the check at him. She had canceled out her name on that check so it was none an void.

She walked past him not really looking back to see what he was doing or if he had something to say. She felt shaky annoyed but she also felt a relief she hadn't felt in the almost last two weeks.  Atleast her first was no longer a faceless, and nameless stranger.

Adina preferred walking home instead . She needed to clear her head. She needed to rearrange her feelings before she got home and a walk would do exactly that.