
Power of creation

A boy by the name Chris get a System one day the system destroys the universe And Chris has to rebuild it or make whatever he wants

Red_Mind_god · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

In the beginning

A boy was walking down the street after school, heading home.

"Oh man, more homework! The teacher won't give us a break, seriously. Why can't we have just one day or two days without homework? But no, the teacher has to give more," he complained.

The boy finally arrived home and placed his backpack on a chair. He then went to the kitchen to grab some snacks before heading to his room. His mom and dad were at work.

"Okay, I need to do my homework," he reminded himself.

After completing his homework, the boy's head began to ache.

"I've been using my brain too much. It's starting to hurt," he thought.

His headache persisted, and then suddenly, something unexpected happened.


System loading...

System loading...

System finished loading...

Showing status...




Name: Chris

Title: None

Strength: 4

Speed: 3

Agility: 3

Affinity: Dark, Light, Fire, Wind, Earth, Water, Chaos, Absolute Creation

Skill: None


Chris: "What is happening?!" Chris exclaimed in shock.