
Destination 4

Nati felt immensely satisfied by Visha's response. Afterall, she was a thousand year old Yakshini. Small fry like that isn't worth her attention. Even if this one attacked while she was sleeping, she still wouldn't have to lift a finger to send that one to her impending doom. She hmphed and turned her gaze away. Looking at such an ugly one felt disgusting to her. Visha chuckled at her childish reaction. She could obviously sense the disdain Nati felt for Trisha. To her it was amusing and nothing more. As long as Nati was with her, she didn't need to worry about someone like Trisha. And she had the perfect way of making her stay. A cunning smile hung on her lips which she hid immediately. If Nati found out that a con had been conned, all hell would break loose.

One of the Gandharvas came forward and stood in front of Visha, "Regardless of the reason, I, Mahitya, owe you my life and shall escort you back to safety at all costs. Consider this my gratitude." With that he gave a sincere bow to all of them. The other three Gandharvas came forward and bowed as well. They seemed somewhat younger than Mahitya and perhaps that's why always followed behind him. Priest Dravya came forward with a huge smile as he thanked them for their consideration. Their protection meant a lot and it would make things somewhat easier to have more helping hands.

Gandharvas were only supposed to take them to the cave, they believed Drona must have been hiding in. They knew exactly what that cave was, there could be no other place he must have holed up at.

"Are you really sincere about that gratitude?" Visha asked. Mahitya immediately nodded his head with great determination. He was ready to offer whatever help the witches needed.

"Then there might be a safe passage to the cave." Visha said as she gave Mahitya a satisfied smile. He didn't know why but that smile made him feel as if he had just signed his own death warrant.


Ashwin forced his eyes open and stared down at the glowing flame spells around them. And then at the Gandharva he was riding. His brown feathered wings looked majestic as they flew above the forest. Most of the cold wind was blocked by the Gandharva and Danish but he could still hear the loud gushing sound. He tapped on Danish's shoulder who was sitting in front of him. Danish turned his head slightly and yelled, "What?" Even though he had yelled he was still barely audible. They were too high and too fast to let any voice reach through clearly.

"Where is she?" Ashwin yelled back. He looked around horrified as he tried to search for some other flame spells in the darkness.

Ashwin was about to ask more when someone passed by them in great speed. All he could catch a glimpse of was caramel fur and bandages. That must have been Mahitya carrying Priest Dharma and the swan. Obviously he was the fastest as he was carrying only one person. Behind him on a dark brown Gandharva was Shaurya and Trisha followed by another one carrying Dravya and Laksh.

The last thing Ashwin remembered was that Visha had proposed the idea of them being carried by Gandharvas as there won't be any Soul Trappers in the air. It would be the safest way. Since Priest Dharma was injured, he wouldn't be able to travel with anyone. Trisha was the first one to step back and team up with Shaurya as her travelling partner. Danish couldn't help but feel a tinge of hatred for her selfishness. She was the most selfish bitch he had ever seen. Visha then told them to go on with Gandharvas' help while she travelled on foot. Danish and Shaurya refused to let her take the risk as they had already seen the vicious Soul Trapper. Visha reassured them saying she was more aware of the Soul Mastery magic than any of them and hence stood the best chance. Priest Dharma argued to be left behind as he was injured anyway and so did Laksh. He couldn't bear to see Visha in danger. The first time with the Gajakesari was more than enough. She cannot keep risking her life for them. They already owed her a lot, they couldn't possibly let this happen. None of them were ready to let her go on foot. Who knew what other dangerous traps laid in there and how many more Soul Trappers. Visha then turned to them chanting something and they all fell unconscious on the spot.

Ashwin looked down at the overwhelming darkness. He couldn't even see faint outlines of tress down there. Will Visha really be okay travelling by herself down there? His heart immediately filled with guilt as he clenched his fists. He looked up to see the same expression in Danish's eyes. He could tell that Danish was weighed down by it more than anyone else. If history were to repeat itself, Danish may not be able to take it this time.

Ashwin averted his gaze before Danish noticed him. He tapped on the Gandharva, "We were unconscious but how could you guys let it happen? You were stuck in that bog, you know better than any of us how dangerous it is down there, then how could you?" Ashwin tried hard but it wasn't difficult to notice the frustration in his tone.

The Gandharva sighed before replying, "Your friend was very stubborn." that's all he wanted to say. He remembered being shocked as everyone fell unconscious back then. He looked up to see a pair of cold eyes that didn't even flinch.

Mahitya stepped forward, "I can carry three people. You don't have to do this."

"There is space for only two, we both know that. You need not worry about me just repay the gratitude, you promised. I will meet you at the cave." with that she vanished into the dark forest ahead before he could utter another word.
