
Power Cultivation

That's right...... The legends were never legends to begin with. They appeared all those years ago, they really happened, and the worst part is that, they are still happening. At least 30% of the world's total missing person's cases were their handiwork. A silly little girl who stayed up past her curfew might just be picked up by a handsome stranger with fangs and glowing red eyes. Or a public worker in the sewers could meet with a terrifying snake creature with three heads. Were the howls deep in the forest truly the works of normal wild wolves? Tyler Hale was a half descendant of the Ancient Akuto family. With his parents dead, Clan destroyed and his inability to use Qi due to his incomplete Martial Soul in a world where Humans and monsters duked each other in battles to the death, he was deemed hopeless by all. The only inheritance that his family left for him was ............ A set Of Arm Rings? But when he slays his first vampire, he finally unlocks the true function of this relics ability. With the Immortal Twin Tail Rings, Tyler obtains the ability to devour the Soul force of his dead targets. Immortal Twin tail rings in one hand, Immortal Martial soul in the other. Tyler Hale will leave the earth to become the most frightening existence in this world. Vampires, werewolves, witces

CarsonRome_432 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 2 Reality

The moonlight shone faintly over the city as it reflected the daily lives of the commoners.

The low wage earners who toiled hour by hour for days and even put in extra hours just to earn barely more than they could already obtain.

The same light shone on the rich, the scumbags, and politicians who did whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted, completely at the expense of the minors and laborers under them.

Those embezzling old men in congress and high positions who used their influence to gain more than they already had with almost zero effort.

Their actions seemingly disgusting and no different from internet fraudsters with the inclusion of the fact that they committed their crimes openly and without punishment whatsoever.

Those scheming and arrogant young masters who threw their weight around thanks to their money and backgrounds.

Raped women and sent innocent men to jail at the slightest disagreement with their words.

The same light...... Shone on a young man seemingly in his early twenties with jet black hair, starry eyes and sword shaped eyebrows.

His hands firmly placed in his pockets as his gaze fixated on the floor within the alleyway.

Greeting his sight were four cold corpses with twisted necks sprawled on the cold alley floor.

No...... It should be said that their bodies were still warm indicating that they died not long ago as their faces were twisted in horrible and fear.

One in particular had his eyes so wide, which reflected the silhouette of his body if one looked into them.

His head was separated from his body with a single clean slice, while a circular metal was embedded in the wall right behind him.

Drops of blood fell from the metal disc rather slowly, and the entire alley was soon wafted with the metallic smell.

Looking at the scene in front of him, especially the blood, Tyler's face went momentarily blank for a few seconds.

A dark color appeared in his previously blue irises, as his eyeballs were completely dominated by it.

Faint dark lines appeared under his eyelids and traveled downwards towards his cheeks.

Of course, all this happened in the span of a few seconds, following which, the darkness rapidly shrunk and contracted back until it disappeared completely.

His blank expression was broken, however, even Tyler himself didn't realize that something happened to him.

"Tch.... that was fast".

Tyler said slightly as he turned around and continued his walk. He did not intend to stay in this alley and wait for the bodies to be discovered and branded a serial killer.

His three year 'training' to hone his mind was over, and he did not intend to stay in this city a minute longer than necessary.

Walking out at the other end of the alley, he waved a taxi down and instructed to head to the upper district after taking his seat.

As the car drove towards its destination, Tyler sat leaning towards the window as he stared outside in deep thought.

The scenery and the cars shuttled past him, but his gaze wasn't fixed on any of those anymore, but on the big white object that hovered straight in outer space, miles away from the earth but still big enough for every human being to see.

"It's a full moon tonight, I wonder if some wolves are going crazy right now or being chained to a giant tree or something".

His voice was soft yet filled with curiosity.

"Or maybe they are feasting on some poor, unlucky soul's corpse".

A soft sigh escaped his mouth, and a hint of pity appeared in his eyes. The pity was clearly directed to the hundreds of thousands of people in this city as well as other cities who were practically ignorant.

Ignorant about the real state of affairs. Ignorant that this world they lived in, didn't solely belong to them and humanity wasn't at the top of the food chain.

The danger that lurks around them whenever a creature of darkness gets hungry or thirsty in a human populated area.

Of course, ignorance is bliss.

At least these people wouldn't have to live every single day of their lives on tenterhooks. Live like scurrying rats, always looking over their shoulders.

Instead, some would look forward to seeing their kids, their lovers, their families.

Their friends, their favorite TV shows and whatnot.

Every so often, it's better not to know some things.

For three years, Tyler had been living in this mundane city and spending his days as a commoner like many people.

As for why he had decided to come here..... Well, he was forced.

You see, this world wasn't as simple as it seemed.

What would he say if he told people that there was more to it than meets the eye?

For thousands of years, legends have accompanied humanity from one age to another. All sorts of myths, stories, fantasy, passed down from generation to generation as folklore to the point where it could no longer be forgotten and had gradually integrated itself into society.

Parents told them to their kids as bedtime stories.

Teachers taught them to their students as flaws to be exposed by scientific facts.

Hollywood turned them to movies for entertainment for the public. Web novelists and authors turned them to interesting reads to spice up the life of their readers.

But still, it never changed from what people believed it to be.



Sometimes... Delusions.

That's what people believed them to be and laughed if someone said otherwise.

But in truth, it's more like they didn't dare imagine it to be anything more than that.

Yet, the frightening reality was undoubtedly what almost 98% of the human populace was subconsciously afraid of.

The truth hidden from the public and known only to the 0.001% of humanity.

That's right...... The legends were never legends to begin with. They appeared all those years ago, they really happened, and the worst part is that, they are still happening.

At least 30% of the world's total missing person's cases were their handiwork.

A silly little girl who stayed up past her curfew might just be picked up by a handsome stranger with fangs and glowing red eyes.

Or a public worker in the sewers could meet with a terrifying snake creature with three heads.

Were the howls deep in the forest truly the works of normal wild wolves?

Few knew, and even fewer would actually want to know.

But then again, what does any of that shit have to do with him?

Of course, the answer lay in plain sight.

If the legends were never legends to begin with, then who made them so?

Who suppressed reality and made those dark creatures obscure?

Who turned their names to nothing more than speculations, folklore and bedtime stories?

Who practically turned their horror to nothing more than something for laughs?

Humans of course!

The same humans who had seen it all.

Who had endured their night and calamities during those times?

Who had passed down their legacy and the truth to their descendants and ordered them to do the same?

Their families grew bigger, and etched their roots in history while remaining obscure

Secretly guarding mankind from the shadows.

Tyler was exactly from one of those ancient legacies.

And as one of it descendants, he was naturally made privy to the secrets of this world.

More than that, he had suffered from it firsthand, and this 'three years training' was more to it than simply experiencing the mortal world.

"We are here!"

Presently, the voice of the Cab driver sounded in his ears. He had been so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn't notice that they had already arrived at the final location.

The Upper district.

"The secrets of the world can wait. For now…. Let's deal with my cheating slut of a fiancée".

Tyler muttered with cold eyes. He stepped out of the cab and walked towards the the gates that houses the estate where the Richardsons reside.

The upper district was a vast contrast from the lower district. All the houses in this area were top-notch with fine architectural structures and designs.

The road itself was well paved and the atmosphere exuded an aura that practically screamed the words RICH! RICH!

From time to time, one would even see the luxury cars being driven down the road towards different directions.

An ordinary person could only dream of owning property in this area.

Looking at the whole place, such a scenery had no effect on Tyler who had practically been living in this area for the past three years.

The noble aura in the air wasn't worth more than pig slop to him.

Not to mention a fact, as the descendant of an ancient family whose roots go down for the past thousand years or so, his eyesight was accustomed to grander views than what he is currently laying his eyes on.

The name of an ancient family wasn't just for show. In terms of wealth and power, all the assets of the richest people in this city put together would merely add up to a drop from a bucket in comparison.

However, the ancient families were mysterious. They were the real global conglomerates of the world and had their strings attached to every single position of power in multiple countries yet chose to seclude themselves and keep their name hidden from the rest of the world.

Whenever their names were called, hundreds of big shots would tremble in fear and have their legs give in before pissing their pants.

"It's almost time for the gathering. I really can't delay the inevitable, can I? But I should have known that such a day would come when they sent me here".

Tyler muttered to himself as he reached the black gates. There was no way that the taxi cab would be allowed to go into the estate, and no one in the Richardson family would come out to pick him up even if he called.

So, he had to take the rest of the way on foot.

Recognizing that he was a regular, registered face, the guards didn't make things difficult for him, and was allowed passage without any issues.

Unlike in the web novels he was all too familiar with where the main character would probably be humiliated by a random security guard due to one reason or the other, such wasn't the case with Tyler.

Although he was technically a son-in-law of the Richardson's, his true identity was concealed from them, thus leading to him suffering three years of constant humiliation.

After walking for a few minutes, he finally appeared in the place where he had spent his mortal training.

"The Richardson Villa"