
Power Creation

Meet Cain Smith, a workaholic working on a project that would change the world, suddenly dies due to exhaustion. Little does he know that his death would only be the beginning of his adventure... (WARNING: The first volume is BAD! I had no experience in writing a story so I didn't know what to do, just bear with the first volume and read until the second. The second one is miles ahead of the first one, but if you still don't like it then it is what it is. Thank you for reading!) Hey everyone! This is my first time writing anything other than essays and school work so u can expect a lot of errors and stuff like that, sorry in advance... btw there will be NO HAREM in this story bc I simply don't like them. Enjoy! . . . . . . . (I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction.) This cover is not mine, I found it on google. If you are the artist and want me to change it let me know.

ilovepizza9 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
28 Chs

Chapter 27 - New findings.

(A/N: Hello everyone! Sorry for missing a couple of uploads, I'm very busy these days and it's getting hard to come up with new ideas to write. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for the support! God bless you all!!!!)

[3027 words not counting this. the 3k streak will be ending soon....]


'Rhea, what's this?'

{This altar is one of the secret entrances to the lost Kingdom of Atlantis.} She replied.

'What the fuck?! There's an Atlantis in every world it seems like...' I said in my mind as I was surprised by this.

Robin noticed my expression and moved her head slightly to the side and furrowed her eyebrows, showing confusion.

I pointed my finger upwards, telling her to go to the surface so I could explain what I had discovered. She was also almost out of oxygen so that's that.

She nodded and we both started swimming back to the surface. Surprisingly, we were about 150 meters (492ft) deep but I covered Robin in my aura before we swam that deep so that she wouldn't be crushed by the atmospheric pressure. Normally, she wouldn't be able to go beyond 18 meters (60ft) before shit went down the drain, but with my help we could go as deep as we wanted, the only problem for her was lack of oxygen.

The water was also cold as hell down there but I took care of that, setting the water at a perfect 23°C (~73°F).

Swimming back to the surface, she took a deep breath for air since our trip back up took a little while so she almost drowned, but I wouldn't let that happen anyway.

"What were you surprised about?" She asked after some time.

"There's a Kingdom down there, although it's probably only the ruins of it. Wanna check it out?" I replied.

She was also surprised by this. She had never read anything that detailed a city underwater besides Fish-man Island.

"Of course, just let me get my notebook back on the ship and we'll go." She answered as she began to swim back to the Black Pearl to get the stuff needed to document this finding.

A couple of minutes later, she returned with her things and jumped back on the water.

"Do you have somewhere I can store this?" She said as she struggled to keep her hands above the water to not wet her notebook and pencil.

"Yeah" I said while extending my hand for her to give me everything.

When she gave me her things, I placed it in my inventory when she wasn't looking and we dived back in the water, heading for the weird altar that we had found just a few minutes ago.

Reaching there, I simply picked the altar up with my ridiculous strenght and placed it aside, showing that there was an entrance underneath the altar's original position.

I hadn't unrestricted my 'Absolute Condition' back because I was getting tired of having to use so little power on my fights. At least with the current amount I can have some more fun embarrasing my opponents.

Robin waited for me to enter first and soon she followed me.

Entering the opening, we saw a beautiful entrance/gate to Atlantis in front of us. (don't know how to describe it so just look at the image in the comments.)

'Maybe this might not be as abandoned as I thought.' I said in my mind as I admired the beautiful scene in front of us.

Looking to my side, I saw Robin in the same state that I was. She was absolutely shocked at what she was seeing in front of her. Never had she imagined that a place like this went undocumented for hundreds of years.

That's when she had a thought. Maybe, just maybe, this place was discovered by someone, but the World Government erased it from history... or it may have just not been discovered really. (the black dragon pirates are the only ones who remember the WG in case you forgot)

I gestured for her to follow me as I entered the massive gate in front of me.

Swiming for a few seconds through the beautiful Atlantian gate, we arrived at what seemed to be what was left of the once booming Kingdom of Atlantis. (IMAGE HERE)

By now, Robin's air was reaching it's end, so I sneakily helped her by creating a constant oxygen supply in her bloodstream and lungs.

In front of us was a scene of a lifetime, the ruins of Atlantis. As far as my eyes could see, and I can tell you that it was FAR, there was only destruction.

Robin was swiming ahead of me, trying to find out more about this forgotten land.

Even though in ruins, this place was still lovely. The architecture seemed greek but with some changes fitting for the underwater culture of the Atlanteans.

Robin had already distanced herself from me by a lot, but she returned not long after gesturing for me to follow her. It seemed that she had found something interesting.

Following her for a few minutes, we arrived at a gigantic sculpture of someone holding a masterpiece of a trident.

'Hmm.... from the looks of the sculpture and the trident this must be the god Poseidon. This is interesting because I don't remember the people of One Piece believing in a God or gods...' I thought while examining the person sculpted.

It depicted a well-muscled man that seemed to stand at a solid 9ft, not too tall for this world's standarts. The sculpture had a hair that seemed to flow with the water along with a flowing big beard and mustache. He wore a simple robe that extended from his left shoulder down to his knees and in his right hand was an icy blue, three-pronged trident.

While Robin was more focused on the life-like sculpture in front of us, I detected a lifeform through my Observation Haki a couple miles ahead of us.

'There's someone here...' I thought. From the looks of this place, it must've been abandoned or destroyed at least a few decades ago, so for someone to still be here is weird...

I created a small bubble like shield around Robin that made her and whatever was inside the bubble not get wet and able to breath normally, just so she could talk and write what she needed to write on her notebook.

Honestly, it was getting tiring to keep hiding my powers from Mihawk and Robin so right now I just hit the 'fuck it' button and stopped hiding my abilities.

Removing the notebook and pen from my inventory, I gave them to her and explained what I had done and that there was a living being still in here.

She was quite shocked about what I had done, but accepted it nonetheless. Robin proceeded to write her discoveries on her notebook for 5 minutes. When she was finished, she said that she wanted to go along with me to meet whoever was in here, so at this moment we were both reaching this unknown person's location.

A few hundred meters in front of us, I could see a well-muscled man lying on the ground. 'So this is an Atlantean...' I thought while observing him.

His face was very human-like, but his ears were big and sharp like an elf's and his eyes were entirely white, neither having a pupil or an iris. He had a light grey dreadlocks for hair and his skin was of a sky blue color with some white lines here and there. He wore black armor-like pants with white accents and on his right hand was a beautifuly crafted silver spear. (IMAGE HERE)

He seemed to be sleeping now, so we approached him quietly and I spoke to him.

"Wake up."

Hearing my words, he instantly woke up in a jolt and stood up with his spear aiming at me and Robin who was behind me.

"Who are you and how are you here?" He said in a weird language that I only understood due to my 'All-Speak' ability.

"Relax, we mean no harm. Me and my companion here found one of the secret entrances to your Kingdom while swimming around the sea-floor. My name is Cain and this is Robin, what's yours?" I explained to him.

He appeared to be thinking for a moment and replied after lowering his spear. "My name is Atlan. How can you speak our language?"

"I'm a polyglot. Anyway, can you tell me what happened here Atlan?"

"Civil war happened." He bluntly replied.

".....Can you go more in detail?" I inquired since I didn't learn anything from his response.

Atlas' face showed many emotions after hearing this question, but he eventually answered. "King Natek and his party wished to show our Kingdom and our people to the world above, but some disagreed, mainly his 1st son, Prince Keorn. He brought together the people who didn't want to expose themselves to the world and aimed to overthrow his father, King Natek, thinking that he was getting old and not fit to be the king anymore. After a lot of combat, the Prince and his people managed to kill King Natek and Prince Keorn took over the Kingdom. Under his rule, Atlantis collapsed on itself and everyone died due to his bad Government and more wars within itself. Me, being the right hand of King Natek, was ashamed and forced into hiding after his death and my failed atempts at assassinating the Prince."

I was silent hearing this. To think that Atlantis would be destroyed by it's own inhabitants...

"I'm sorry for what happened, Atlan. Can you tell me when Atlantis was destroyed?"

"206 years ago." Atlan said.

'Atlanteans must have a long life-span then...' I thought. "I understand. Two last questions, who's depicted on the sculpture back there and how are you still alive?

"The first king of Atlantis and it's founder, King Poseidon. I'm alive because we Atlanteans can survive fine just by being in water." Atlas answered.

'As I thought. Although not a god, Poseidon existed here and was a king. Atlanteans being able to live by just being in water is interesting...' I said in my mind.

"Cain, may we fight? I wish to see the prowess of the one who managed to find Atlantis after so long." Atlas was already in his fighting stance while asking,

"Sure. I do warn you though, you'll be overwhelmed." I said to him and used my 'Analyze' while telling Robin to distance herself from us since we'll have a match.


NAME: Atlan.

BLOODLINE(S): Atlantean.

AGE: 479.

HP: 158.814

MP: 89.901

STR: 19.840 kgf

AGI: 21.859 m/s

INT: 156

LUCK: 28}

'Holy fuck he's an old man and he's a lot stronger than Shanks... that's the right hand of the king of Atlantis for you.' I thought.

"Ready?" I asked him after distancing myself 20 meters from him and he simply nodded at me.

Instantly, I used my insane speed to get behind him and used 1% of my strenght to punch him on the back. Running underwater was no problem for me, I just increased the gravity on my body by 10x and my feet were stuck to the ground as if I was on land.

His body was sent foward with a ridiculous amount of momentum and speed, but I wasn't going to let him get too far.

Running in front of his body in instants, I grabbed him by the throat and launged him to the ground. He still hadn't reacted to anything because I was simply too fast.

Picking his body up, I kicked him on the stomach and he was quickly sent flying above me. Teleporting a few meters above him, I punched his body back to the ground when he reached me, making him get buried 200 meters underneath the rubble due to the force of my punch.

Teleporting myself to the ground and bringing his body back in front of me, I punched him in the gut and he was thrust forward back to the position that he was in.

His body didn't stop there though, he went past his previous position and proceeded to go through 35 walls before completely stopping, unconscious.

"Guess that's enough!" I said to myself and started to walk towards Robin who didn't understand anything that just happened, mainly because one second we were there, and on the other she heard tens of walls breaking with us nowhere in sight.

Reaching her, she immediately asked me what happened and I just told her that I destroyed him.

Walking towards the now awake but bloodied Atlan, we started talking.

"*cough*... ugh, you're stronger than anyone I've ever seen." Atlan struggled to talk due to the beating I gave him.

"Hahahaha, I know." I replied.

"Follow me, I have something to give you." Said Atlan as he got up and started walking in direction of the Poseidon structure.

Robin and I started walking behind him, and after a few short minutes we had arrived at the sculpture and he began to explain.

"On his right hand is the Sea Trident, Typhoon. With it, King Poseidon was able to control the ocean and gain the trust and loyalty of all aquatic lifeforms. The only person to have ever been accepted as it's wielder is King Poseidon himself. No other king, prince, man or woman has been able to wield it ever since. I want you to give it a try."

"Sure." I replied.

Walking up to the the trident, Rhea said something to me.

{It seems that there is a soul inside this trident, Cain. Be careful.}

'Ohhh that's interesting. Time to meet this soul then.' I thought and touched the trident.

At that moment, I got notified that something was trying to break inside my mind to view my memories but absolutely failed due to my perfect protections. 'It seems that the trident picks the user based on if they meet his requirements... now what are they? Time to ask it directly.'

I then stopped time and teleported myself inside the trident. I want to see who the fucker who tried to invade my mind is...

Appearing there, I only saw an ocean. There was only water in all directions as far as I could see, but below me there was a strange tree underwater with all kinds of aquatic animals swimming around it.

Beneath that tree, I saw an old man with an impossibly long beard and some strange blue markings on his body. He was sitting down next to the tree, observing the animals that passed by. (IMAGE HERE OF OLD MAN AND PLACE)

Before teleporting here, I completely consealed my aura so even if I was right next to a master of Observation Haki he wouldn't be able to notice me. Quietly swimming next to this old man, I said before he noticed me. "Who are you?"

Turning to me as fast as he could due to being startled, he spoke. "Poseidon. Who are you?"

'This doesn't look like Poseidon from the sculpture at all... either that sculpture was made when he was at his prime and this is how he looks after the passage of time or this man isn't who he says he is...' I thought and asked. "Cain. Who do you think you are to try and invade my mind, old man?"

He then released a powerful aura from his frail body and stood up with a pissed look, "You should treat me with respect! I am the King of Atlantis!"

Of course, this aura of his was equal to that of a worm next to mine, so I released just a tad bit of mine and the look on his face was priceless. So priceless that I reversed time by a second and did the same thing before stopping time as he made the face, taking a picture and unstopping time.

"No I don't." I slapped him on the face with the 1.000x the force of a normal human.

He didn't try to defend or retaliate because he knew that if he compared himself to me, it would be like comparing the size of an atom to the size of a universe.

"Why did you try to invade my mind?" I asked while using my Geass on him.

"To see if you were worthy." He replied.

"Why is your soul here?"

"I infused part of my soul in this trident after creating it."

"What's your name?" Just to make sure he is actually Poseidon.

"Poseidon Namor."

'At least he is who he says he is...' I thought and released him from the control of my Geass.

"Well, since you serve no purpose other than seeing who's worthy and who's not, and since I don't want to know anything more from you, I'll release your soul from here. Goodbye." Using my 'Soul Manipulation' I removed his soul from here and sent it back to the normal world, making his soul intantly go somewhere else since souls can't exist on the normal world under normal circumstances.

"This place is nice... I'll stay here for a while."

The reason I didn't ask anything else to him is simply because I'm not interested. I mean, Atlantis is nice and all but I don't really care about finding much more than what I've already found out. I could ask a lot more things to him, but I don't really care to be honest. I don't care about how he infused his soul on the trident, I don't care about how he died, I don't care about how he built Atlantis, I don't care about knowing what he knew.

For example, if I were curious about what happened in the Void Century I could just, well, go back in time and see everything for myself! But I just want to have fun, I'm not interested in knowing about the whole story of this world, I'll just help Robin fulfill her goal of knowing the whole story because I promised her that. The things I'm interested are something very different, and almost all of them involve God, so I guess that I'll only uncover the whole mistery when the time comes.




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: Some perfumes actually have whale poop in them.