
Potter's luck

Plot: When the last descendant of the Peverell family cries out for help, two beings answer his call: one is a legendary sorceress, and the other is the goddess of death, among tags: sex, immortality, space, personification of death, relationship development, other planets, group sex, dystopian themes, alternate universe, imaginary beings, educational institutions, femslash elements. Advanced Chapters: pat reon.com/FanFictionPremium

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51 Chs

Chapter 12

Harry struggled to open his eyes and found himself lying in his bedroom in Potter Manor. Weakness was felt throughout his entire body. Carefully getting out from under the covers, Harry was about to walk towards the door when it opened and two sullen girls entered the room. Hela and Morgana's faces reflected the boy's intense displeasure, and Potter could see why.

- So, Harry, is there anything you want to tell us? - The black-haired witch said, being the first to walk to the edge of the bed the boy was lying on. Standing behind Morgana, Hela crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him intently. For a few moments, there was a heavy silence in the room.

- You intervened when you shouldn't have. If I hadn't intervened, the Dark Lord would have thrown you against the wall. That means your training must be intensified, and there will be no indulgences. After the trip to Egypt, I will train you so hard that Odin's warriors will envy you," Hela said in a tone that brooked no objection.

At these words from the black-haired goddess of death, Harry flinched as he realised that Hela was not joking.

Realising that now he would not be able to assuage the displeasure of his two mentors, Harry decided to keep his mouth shut. Otherwise, he risked incurring Hela's wrath and Morgana's intense displeasure.

- I understand," Harry whispered.

- Good, and I'll tell you something else: from now on, you can't go into the common room. I installed the blocking spells," Morgana said, knowing full well that this room was Harry's favourite.

- It's time to go back to Hogwarts, I managed to stop time so no one would notice. Especially since your health is back to normal,' Hela said.

As soon as Harry was out of bed and dressed in his school uniform, Morgana created a portal to the boy's room in the Slytherin dormitory. As soon as Harry left, Hela changed guise and became a cross-dressed History of Magic teacher, and soon disappeared into another portal arch.


A few weeks later.

Harry arrived at the end of the school year banquet the very last to arrive, when the hall was already full. Since Slytherin had won the competition between the faculties for the seventh time in a row, the hall was decorated in a silver and green colour scheme. On the wall behind the faculty table hung a huge Slytherin banner with a snake on it. Seated in his favourite seat at the Slytherin table, Harry watched the other students, trying not to look at Ron Weasley, who annoyed Potter greatly.

Lately, however, the Slytherin had noticed that Weasel had stopped being obnoxious, well except at the table. After all, no amount of charms could get the Sixth to eat normally. Therefore, the red-haired Gryffindor soon received another nickname: Gron. For at the table, Weasel ate like a pig. That was the one thing that Sixth remained constant about. Over the past few months, Sixth had suddenly changed. He had stopped attacking and bullying other students, Weasel had also stopped using foul language and had taken to his studies. It was very strange, but Harry didn't care about the redhead, the boy didn't seek to understand Weasel's strange behaviour, and it was enough for the Slytherin that the Sixth had stopped bothering him.

Thankfully, only a few seconds later, Dumbledore appeared in the hall. Everyone settled back into their seats and the conversations died down.

- So, another year is behind us! - Dumbledore exclaimed happily. - But before we begin our fantastic feast, I'm going to bother you a bit with a bit of senile grousing and idle chatter. So, a wonderful school year is behind us! I hope your heads are a little heavier than they were at the beginning of the year. However, you have the whole summer ahead of you to get your heads in order and empty them before the start of the next term. Dumbledore looked round at everyone present with shining eyes.

-And now, as I understand it, we must determine who has won the competition between the faculties. Let's start at the end. Fourth place went to Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points. Third was Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty-two points. In second place was Ravenclaw with four hundred and twenty-six points. And in first place Slytherin, four hundred and seventy-two points.

Harry immediately became furious when the Headmaster, in his speech, urged the young Muggles to slack off over the summer and not learn anything new.

"Old marasmatic," Potter thought mentally.

It had somehow slipped Harry's mind that the announcement of exam results was ahead. But it turned out there was no need to worry. Potter had received 'excellent' grades in all subjects, and even in Potions Snape hadn't managed to fail Harry.

Within minutes of the announcement of the exam results, all the cupboards had been emptied, suitcases packed, and Neville's toad had been caught trying to escape through a hole in the toilet wall. All students had been warned not to use magic during the holidays. But Harry didn't care about this warning, as the Potter Manor was well guarded and the Ministry of Magic was unlikely to be able to track the witchcraft being done on the estate.

Hagrid walked them to the shore of the lake and ferried them by boat to the other side. The apprentices climbed into the train, chatting and laughing. Outside the window, the wilderness was replaced by manicured fields and neat houses. They amicably ate sweets as they passed Muggle towns, and then just as amicably took off their robes and put on their jackets and coats. Finally, the train pulled up to platform number nine and three-quarters of King's Cross Station. It took them quite a while to leave the platform. A wise old caretaker stood at the exit and let them out two and three at a time so they wouldn't attract Muggle's attention. If a crowd of schoolchildren with huge suitcases suddenly appeared out of the solid wall, the Muggles would surely be alarmed. Morgana was standing nearby and Harry was about to head towards her, but no such luck. Potter was embroiled in a bit of a conflict with the Weasley family.

- There he is, mum, look! It was the voice of Ginny Weasley, Ron's younger sister, but she wasn't pointing at her brother.

- Harry Potter! - Ginny squeaked. - Look, mum! I can see him.

- 'Keep it down, Ginny,' said her mum. - 'Don't point your finger, it's not nice.

Just from this behaviour of the Weasley Seven alone, Harry knew immediately that he didn't like this girl. She immediately seemed even worse to Potter than her brother Ron. Deciding not to mess with the family, the Slytherin moved further away from the red-haired family, but no such luck. Molly, noticing Harry, quickly approached the boy and began urging him to stay with them this summer. Such persistence and the deceptive smile on the Weasley matriarch's face made Harry angry, and the boy quickly went to his bodyguard, but the Weasley girl kept up and was very persistent. Eventually, Morgana couldn't take it anymore and slapped Molly Weasley hard, causing her to fall to the floor. Without letting the woman become hysterical, the black-haired wizard gave her opinion of the Weasley matriarch.

- Listen carefully, you red-haired fool, if I ever see you around Harry again, you're not going to get away with a couple of weeks in the infirmary," Morgana said angrily.

While Molly Weasley was recovering, Harry activated the portkey and transported her and the brunette to Potter Manor.

Once at his family's ancestral estate, the first thing Harry did was head to his room, where he began to sort through his rucksack. After taking all of his belongings out of it and placing them on the dresser, Harry headed to the bathroom to wash his face. After finishing tidying up, the boy headed to the ancestral hall where he spent two hours talking to a portrait of his parents.

Towards evening, Harry went to the library, where he began reading a book on the basics of Dark Magic. Having met the Dark Lord, Harry realised that the Muggle War was likely to start again in the future, so the boy decided to start preparing for it in advance. After reading for a couple of hours, Harry went to bed.

The first few weeks of the summer holidays passed in a routine for Harry. Already in the morning Potter's classes were starting. Morgana and Hela gradually increased the boy's workload, then Harry washed his face, ate lunch, and then studied books from the family library.

As the ladies had promised, they did not spare Harry any time in lessons. Morgana tried to keep up with Hela's efforts to fill the boy with new knowledge. So Harry would crawl to his room tired after lessons with Hela and Morgana.

Soon, however, near the end of June, the ladies and Harry decided to take a holiday. After conferring back in October, the young wizard and his mentors decided to go to Egypt first thing in the morning. Harry was very interested in this country because Ancient Egypt was known for its magical artefacts and wizards. Harry was especially interested in the activities of the strongest necromancer of Ancient Egypt, the high priest Imhotep. After spending a few days preparing for the journey, Harry, Hela and Morgana set off for Egypt.

Arriving in Alexandria, the first thing the trio of travellers did was to find a suitable hotel. As it turned out, Egypt, like several other countries around the world, did not have the notorious status of secrecy. Wizards and magical races could freely contact Muggles, but it was not only about werewolves, as the International Confederation of Magicians (ICM) in 1247 adopted a resolution, according to which werewolves were declared a dangerous race and hunted. There was an attempt to outlaw vampires, but Russian magi and their supporters blocked this project, as by that time most vampire clans had concluded a peace treaty with the magi that they would not attack wizards. After that, the vampires went into isolation, rarely making contact with the magical world, and mostly fighting wars with werewolves.

Settling into the inn and deciding to take a day to acclimatise, Harry and the girls checked into their room. The next day Potter, along with Hela, went on a tour. The tourists visited the ruins of an ancient Egyptian fortress 50 kilometres from the city. Unlike Muggles, mages could freely inspect ancient monuments, but foreign wizards were not allowed to especially valuable and dangerous artefacts, especially English and American wizards, who were known throughout the world for their irrepressible greed, avarice, and arrogance. Anglo-Saxon wizards, as well as Muggles from England and the US, were overly arrogant, massively stupid, morons who thought they were the centre of the universe. The English and Americans are very fond of imposing their will on the whole world, which is why they are hated in most countries. And Harry and the goddess of death made sure of that. Returning from an excursion, Potter and the Asgardian goddess saw several tipsy British and American muggles in a drunken stupor causing a debauch in a small restaurant. All would be nothing, but during the scuffle, the Anglo-Saxons accidentally hit the Russian mages resting there. That's when the Anglo-Saxons got the full programme. The Russians quickly hit the proud Britons and snooty Yanks, and they quickly scattered, because they were not used to fighting with a strong and able to respond to the enemy.

Watching the fight from afar, Harry and Hela decided not to interfere. As Potter found out later, the reason for the fight was the arrogant and arrogant behaviour of the English and Americans, who had been drinking heavily and started insulting the Russian mages sitting next to them.

Harry soon quickly forgot about this event as another problem loomed before Potter. Walking with the black-haired goddess of death through the magical quarter of Alexandria, Harry accidentally bumped into the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

Walking down the street with Hela, Harry heard a familiar voice behind him.

- Harry, my boy, it's so good to see you!

Turning around, Potter and Hela saw Albus Dumbledore walking towards them with a happy smile.

'Damn that old man,' thought Harry. The last thing Potter wanted to do was talk to the headmaster. And the young wizard felt that this meeting would lead to nothing good. And Potter was right.


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