
Poster Girl

Abused and thrown away in a container, Mallory, eighteen years old, thinks that this is it; this is how her life is ending and what a tragic life it has been. But fate isn't done with her yet. Hunter Brown, a low-life gangster, is passing by an alleyway when he is alerted by the cries from a rolled-up carpet thrown in a container. She told him to let her die, but he decided to save her life. This is a novel about generations of secrets of the Wraith family being unfolded and an abused and broken girl who has to run for her life while trying to heal and start over. ________________________________________ Mallory entered the dayroom towards the kitchen with a pile of dirty plates stacked in her hands, causing heavy steps.  Seeking this opportunity, a bored Calvin Wraith tripped Mallory when she passed by where he was sitting while playing Snake on his phone. Bang! Handless, Mallory fell to the floor, and all of the plates lay scattered across the room. Mrs Wraith heard the tumult, and she stormed into the room angrily. "Stupid girl!" Mrs. Wraith scolded with a hard slap across Mollory's face. With ringing ears and tears burning in her eyes, Mallory took a short breath and tried to keep her voice steady as she pleaded, "I am sorry Mrs. Wraith. I will clean this up immediately," Mallory bowed her head and heard Calvin chuckle from the sofa, sitting with a grin, "Yes, you will. I want the room to be spotless within an hour," Mrs. Wraith demanded, shoved Mallory aside, and stormed out. "Why did you do that?" Asked Mallory with a strained voice and gazed at Calvin after Mrs. Wraith shut the door. Calvin got up and stopped inches away from a frightened Mallory. He styled his hair with too much wax, and his grey eyes were taunting her, making her more fearful of him. "Don't forget your place, slave," Calvin hissed and grabbed Mallory by the neck and pushed her up against the wall next to the window," Or do you want me to come by your room later tonight and punish you?" He whispered in Mallory's ear while she fought to breathe. She shook her head, and Calvin grinned before he freed her again. Mallory falls to the floor, tears streaming down her face.  "Clean yourself up. If my father sees you like this..." Calvin didn't finish the sentence; he didn't have to, and the raised eyebrow said it all before he left the room laughing.

novelsbykendra · สมัยใหม่
27 Chs

Shattered Glass

Maddie was eager to reveal Mallory's whereabouts, but something about this man seemed odd. But Maddie gave everything away, feeling a little regret about doing it. Come to think of it, Mallory looked pretty messed up, and this man had bruised hands. 

What if the girl was running from her abuser? Maddie gulped. 

She knew she had to warn Hunter about the man because she didn't want the girl to get in trouble. She wanted her gone, but not like this.

Maddie sighed, "Loopa, call me a cab," Maddie rambled, and the bartender rolled his eyes.

"It's Erik, and there are always cabs out front at this hour,"

Maddie stretched out her tongue childishly at Erik and paid for her drinks.


Mr. Wraith grinned when he sat down by the table at the bar. 

"Father, have a drink," Mr. Wraith said, and his father took the drink from his hand. "It seems like the girl is uncovered, finally," Mr. Wraith stated while sitting down, and his father nodded. "Perfect, son. Now, you need to silence her for good. We can't have any loose ends!" Mr. Wraith nodded; his father always knew what was best, and he respected him highly.

"Who may I contact on the matter?" Mr. Wraith replied, and his father lowered his voice. "I will locate a hitman, don't worry." Mr. Wraith nodded, understanding.


Mallory snuggled up on the couch next to Blade, watching a TV series they just started watching while Hunter was away.

"I can only watch one episode, Mall; then I must return to work."

Mallory pouted a little. "Okay, fine." She mutters, and Blade presses play.

"What do you two do for kind of work?" asked Mallory, and Blade was hesitant. "We have a product on the market right now."

"Product? What do you do in the middle of the night?" answered Mallory, somewhat confused. "It's a matter of time difference!"

"Okay!" She replied and focused on the television. Blade sighed and gave himself a pad on the shoulder to think fast.

An hour later.

Mallory was on her way to bed after Blade had left, but someone knocked on the door again. But this time, Mallory was frozen with fear. 

She didn't want any new meetings with Maddie.

But the knocking became more aggressive, and Mallory was terrified. Loud bangs filled up the house, and she grabbed the phone Hunter left for emergencies.


Calvin and Maria sat on the porch and shared a cigarette. It had been a difficult time; Calvin had had several panic attacks in recent days, and Maria was worried. 

They had not heard from Mrs. Wraith, and Calvin was a wreck. 

Calvin had once called her pager with no luck, and he didn't want to risk his father to answer.

Maria was anxious that Calvin's dad killed her.

His family was poisonous, and Maria promised to save Calvin from this madness. She loved him, and she was in this to the end.

Because they would become 3 very soon.


Mr. Wyatt walked down the street in a shabby neighborhood where Mr. Wraith had said Mallory was last seen. 

He looked around and overheard two men exchange the name Mallory.

"Excuse me, fellows!" Mr. Wyatt shouted and ran after them. 

"I'm sorry to bother you. But I overheard you talking about a girl named Mallory. Is this her?" He asked and showed them a picture of her. 

By the looks of their faces, he knew they knew of her.

"I don't know what you guys know about her. But a man is after her, and I am worried about her."

"Go on," Hunter replied, and Mr. Wyatt told them briefly about his job and Mr. Wraith.

"Shit. We need to hurry back. Now." Hunter uttered in a worried tone and started jogging down the street.


Mallory stood frozen on the spot. The banging had stopped, but something told her to go and hide and wait for Hunter. 

She hurried inside his closet, where a small door ladled into a small hiding room. She locked the door and called Hunter.

"Mallory!" Hunter replied out of breath.

"Someone is banging on the door," Mallory whispered, and Hunter shuddered. "Are you in the closet?" Hunter replied. Mallory nodded. "Mallory? Are you in the closet? Answer me!!!"

"I nodded," Mallory replied, then froze when she heard glass shattered.

"I think a window was broken," Mallory whispered, and the hair rose upon her neck. "Are you sure?" Hunter answered stressed. 

"Something shattered." She replied. "We are home soon. Stay inside the room. Don't open the door."


Blade speeded up the car, and soon they reached their street. 

Blade braked the vehicle hard and drifted up in a half-circle to the driveway. Both men armed themselves and rushed inside. 

"Fuck. The whole window is broken!" Hunter whispered while walking inside. But after searching through the house, they couldn't find anyone inside. The two men rushed to the bedroom and found Mallory crying in the little hiding place.

"You all right?" asked Hunter, and Mallory nodded. "But I'm scared. What if he found me?" Mallory sobbed and knew she had to tell them her story.