
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 76

Faux holding her brother Nano smiles, "He's so cute."

Coalman smiles, "Yes he is. I should prepare the houses."

Faux nods going to the underground. Just like their neighbours, Larva clan, they live under ground in case of floods. The surface is a nano city. Houses won't be shaken or moved, or disturbed by the floods, but Coalman wants everyone underground first. They will move up later.

"Your friend Mia is here to see you." Coalman says taking the baby.

Faux goes outside and smiles at Mia in her Lana dress, "You still wear those clothes? I learned how to make my own clothes. How have you been this past month?"

"Great. Kazumi changed in such a short time huh? She's dating Split I think." Mia says walking to the tree house.

Faux nods, "Yes, I get the same complements too, it's so fun there."

Mia smiles, "Tell me all about it. Puberty in Murasaki is very special." She looks Faux up and down in her leather tights and plain long sleeve turtleneck top tucked in.

Faux smiles, "Okay, so, we wake up in the morning and the group making breakfast that day will decide what everyone is eating. If we're cooking we decide the meal. We'd make breakfast and the others join us after taking a bath. They have this twelve step bath routine. Step 1, you pour the water colour changer. It makes your skin smell so nice.

"Step 2 you add the bath salts. Step 3 the foam bath that will have bubbles popping up making really nice foam, it's meant to enhance the healing of the bath salts. Than you sit in the tub, you must first add a little bit of water and soak in there until the water turns cold, that's 20 to 30 minutes at best.

"Than you pour hot water and you use step 4, the healing scrub and you scrub your face and everything. Once there's plenty of water, Step 5, the healing soap slash exfoliation rock. You will really see the skin peel off and the black mist just comes out of it. You scrub your body and you will feel it when you're done, your skin is so smooth. Than you apply the Step 6, body shampoo, this one really enhances how good you smell.

"Than you have the body conditioner as Step 7. This one smoothens and softens your skin. You will apply it and keep it on you for about 5 minutes. You'll feel when it starts itching that it's time to wash it out. Step 8 is the germ guard mask, you apply it on your body and you will feel it electrocute your body and than it changes colour and it will ooze out the toxins in your body, sometimes you'll get sick, like throw up, or get diarrhea but it will detox your body on the inside.

"The last step it's the new Nano Pen, so, you take a square device that looks like a lighter and put it right on the doors of your vagina. This is an alternative for the sticks for virgins. Luna said the sticks are definitely uncomfortable for her. She didn't know that non virgins get wet down there and that's why it goes so much further up, for her it was only a few times it went further in, it doesn't do that anymore. So the pen with nano technology will spray a mist in there. About 5 minutes before it stops and it will make it smell nice. Beauty said her boyfriend said it tastes nice." Faux laughs.

Mia covers her mouth, "What? Down there? Ewe."

Faux laughs, "Exactly what I thought. The routine is daily when preparing for festivals and once a week when they're not making any plans. For lotioning the body they apply lotion, smells nice, has potent healing. Than they apply oil, the oil takes about 10 minutes to dry, after an hour they look like they have glass skin makeup it's amazing. It maintains the softens of your skin.

"When we're going to work in the hot sun, we apply this golden mask, it's not easily visible because the more it dries the more invisible it becomes, but it makes everyone look like dolls, literally. The hair looks shiny and flawless. Look at my edges, you know I had a receding hairline." She shows Mia her nice hair line with naturally long and thick edges.

Mia nods, "Oh wow."

"Yeah, we'll work day and night with the mask on, the harder you work the more it absorbed into your skin, you can feel when you're doing a strenuous activity. It quickly helps you out and heals you, replenishes your energy really fast. We didn't get fit from just exercise, in fact, we barely have time for exercise. We got a workout from working day and night. Moving up and down and stuff. We travel to camps and honestly people just worship you if you're from Murasaki." Faux says smiling and jumping up and down.

Mia can just see it now. She enters a room and everyone whispers about her and calls her the hottest girl in Murasaki.

"Luna had black hair when I first arrived so I had no idea her hair is really white. I always saw her applying the black mask and the day I saw her real hair it was so bright white and my jaw dropped. I wanted it. She and Sarah run things around the house. They work on schedules, the days activities, Colin calls them and makes requests for this and that." Faux says.

Mia nods, "I saw that. I could barely sit with any of the guys. They were going up and down. Sorry I have to go. That's what they all said, even when the conversation is really good, They'll drop you just like that to go pick up what Colin is throwing." She's annoyed by it.

Faux laughs, "He's so sweet. You should have seen his cute daughter. She was a big surprise to everyone. Lily doesn't really show when she's pregnant."

"What? That's what they were running for?" Mia covers her face, "Gosh, I really want to go there."

Faux smiles, "Yes. I like it there, but I want people to say the same thing about this place too. I can't be the it girl at Murasaki, they already have a group, so I will be the it girl here. I want to get started on preparing the houses for when everyone is coming at the end of the week." She smiles.

Mia smiles, "My crate has everything we need for me to multiply."

Faux nods calling the older guys to help, "We are going to start preparing the houses for the people coming. We don't need Murasaki for everything. So Mia will multiply everything in her crate by a thousand, and we'll be the ones packing Everything up. Each house has two rooms that are conjoined. The first room is for food. The second room is for the inedible supplies. Are we clear?"

The guys nod.

Faux asks the older women to help.

_Sorry, I am still tired from yesterday. Maybe later okay?_

_I can't I'm tired. Tomorrow okay?_

Faux nods working with those who want to help. She is sending supplies to specific houses. She's the only one who knows that these houses are connected to a house in the surface.

Mia sighs after her job multiplying supplies, "There is 500 houses, meaning 2 each house right?" She asks Faux.

"No, we won't fill all houses. Just half. Dad is working on modifying the tubes so we can visit the underground houses on the other side of the city. Our city was built to prevent the national river from ever flooding houses, we have a water theme park here that people used come to enjoy. Opening the city will allow the water to pass through. I think it's raining again too. They must have dropped the shield." Faux says.

"Oh, we're all living this side?" Mia asks.

"Yes, when people start having children the next generation will move that side. So we need to keep that in mind. Baby season is coming." Faux says.

"I see." Mia nods.

Black comes out and everyone is busy with Faux walking up and down as well. He receives a call from Lana.

_How did you like my new no makeup style?_

Black rolls his eyes, "You looked amazing. Like when you have makeup on."

_Faux and I had a blast helping me work on my skin. With no black mist and no red mist maintaining the look will be easy_

Black listens to her laugh, "Of course. I'm happy you two are still close."

_So, what will you do now? You know you have a reputation as an abuser, yelling, beating, overworking, sacrificing, stealing, stabbing in the back, you know, the real you._

Black sighs, "That's what you called to say to me?"

_Of course, I wouldn't be happy if I didn't ruin your day. You happy and with your son. I raised Faux all by myself without your help, she's only after your reputation and comfort. She doesn't care about you, because she doesn't know you._

Black looks at her listening to a guy explaining something to her, "Oh, she's absolutely miserable. You should convince her to come to the camp you're going to sell."

_I don't want those ratchet bitches who just ran after men coming back when it slaps them in the face, that's all. I am under the impression you want to buy it. Murasaki has plenty of villages around the country._

Black sighs, "Name your price."

_Well, a measly 3 Million stones should be nothing to you._

Black sighs, "We'll talk about that next week. There's an idea I want to run past the other Alpha's."

_Of course. Alpha. Black._

Coalman rolls his eyes going inside calling the other Alpha's. He sees Split answering the call.

"Sorry Alpha, we're still working on a private line so when you call, it will directly go to Alpha's only. We also want to register the Alpha's of each clan on the map. Do you need me to deliver a message?" Split asks with shuffling in the background.

Ava and Avalon are packing up their things.

"No, we'll talk about it later. When you have the application up."

Split nods.

Raiden in front of a computer instead of packing looks at Xaaria packing for him, "Thanks for that babe."

Xaaria pecks his forehead, "I like your idea. Sharon said I must give you this movie to watch, there's a scene that talks about the hospital you want. The book too, it's based on a novel."

Raiden nods, "Thanks. I just need to add this final touch." He says.

Xaaria tugs on his ear, "Stop slouching."

"Sorry, stupid desk is not my height."

"The benches in the park are. We'll be done a little later, so go work there." Xaaria pecks his cheek.

"You kiss me, than slap me around, than kiss me. I am not happy." Raiden jokes.

Xaaria crosses her arms, "Oi, focus on that. You can get pay back later."

"I wish, Helia is pissed off with us. Says we have ants in our hands and too much free time so we're going back to training. I have a packed schedule. I will only see you probably once a week, and I'll be in a steam session, so I don't know if I'll have time." Raiden groans.

"Diane has a similar schedule. Just don't make time for a girl no too busy." Xaaria says.

"What, and leave your ass? Girl, the standards don't get higher than you." He laughs getting back to work.