
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 75

Lupin zips up his pants while Mira is fluffing her freshly washed hair, "Are you feeling okay?"' he asks.

Mira smiles, "Yes. Are you leaving already?"

Lupin checks the time, "No, Scorpio is still enjoying himself. I prefer to just sit here at the farm."

Mira nods her head.


Everyone is surprised with the news Lily delivered a healthy baby girl.

Angela smiles happy for her.

The Camp leaders walk to the room to meet the hot red haired baby.

Angela smiles, "She's so beautiful. Will this hair fall out?"

Lily not sure laughs, "I don't know. Her name is Eclipse." She pecks the baby girl smiling.

Colin a little mad she's doing this to him a second time calculates when she fell pregnant, "Dammit Lily, again!"

Lily laughs, "It's not my fault I had no symptoms and baby growing. I gained a bit of weight and it looked normal to have a little pooch, how was I supposed to know that tiny thing was a baby?"

Colin holds his daughter, "My Ruby."

Lily groans, they always name the baby differently, "I am too exhausted to fight you."

_They always call the baby different names until a little while from now_

"Oh? What was Toya's name?"

"Toya and Justice. Same thing." Kai says.

"Mira and Mirage. No one likes Mirage. Mira calls herself Mirage on Social Media. So, they don't really lose the second names."

"Oh, Toya is Justice on social media. I see, interesting now that we know where it comes from." Kyle says.

Black smiles, "Well, we're waiting on you now." He says to Kyle.

Kyle hugs Angela, "I can't wait to see her. I'm pretty sure this means soon you'll be having a lot of deliveries at your door step."

Colin nods, "Yes. We are going to focus on remodeling the city. Thomas modified the power station so we no longer have electricity but Nano energy, he calls it Tachyon. The Tachyon is the new power source around here. He also wants to modify the farm lands."

"Oh, in preparation for the next generation. I think I should move half my people to Black since the people at my camp are so many. I still have families bunched together. How soon can they move in?" Royal asks.

Black sighs, "Immediately after the festival so people quickly adjust. I need people who already diligently take care of themselves. I can't have problems and a baby on my hands."

Royal nods, "I'll make plans for next week."

"What about the school?" Julia asks.

"It will have to be a next year event. Right now we need to focus on remodeling." Colin says.

Tempest tells everyone to announce that Camp Leaders must be called Alpha's. Their helpers are Betas. There's power behind each title, "You will feel the power, everyone will know you're the Alpha by presence alone. Names and titles matter here."

Colin as the Alpha makes the announcement, "We will no longer call territories camps, but Clans. We are no longer Surviving the Infected. We are free. Welcome to the new Era. The Eclipse."

Everyone celebrates and dances around.


Luna looks at Chronos after he kisses her in the time vault.

"Don't say anything, I know I shouldn't. I know you're Toya's mate, and all that. I know. But." Chronos looks her in the eyes, "When we were talking earlier I just liked it."

Luna covers her lips with her hand, "Crow, you and I? It will Split the group, just like the first time with Toya. I don't know."

"No one will know, I never make a mistake, if you want to hide this." He looks at her.

Luna shakes her head, "No secrets, but, Stark, there's something he said that worries me a bit. I don't know who to believe, as well as the guardians."

"What?" Chronos asks confused.

"Lily said there's someone from the future protecting us, and watching us right? He gave Thomas the formulas, but you know Thomas is just that smart, and the guardians don't see anyone from the future, Stark credited what we have to us, so, either Stark is lying, or Lily is lying. Am I the only one who thinks about stuff like that?" Luna asks him.

Chronos thinks about it, "What? You think she made it up?"

Luna sighs, "I don't know. None of the things she predicted happened. The infected didn't fight amongst themselves. She changed her mind about who should live on the farms, but clearly the group that stayed is the one with the powers to take care of the farm. It's not making sense."

Chronos nods, "Yeah, but if you bring it up no one will take it seriously. That's what you're thinking right?"

Luna nods.

Chronos nods, "I'll talk to Colin after the people are gone. Come on, kiss me, I know you're craving one."

Luna smirks making out with him, "This does not mean we're together."

Chronos nods smiling with his hands on her butt.


Susan smiles packing up shop with everyone leaving.

Pete smiles, "I saw you dancing. You've got some moves." He says.

Susan looks at Missy with her boyfriend not even looking at Pete and nods.

Pete sighs, why did she have to look at his ex wife first?


Chronos with Ariel at his side talks about what Luna said to him with Colin.

_We see no such individual, nor sense one. Stark is no liar. He is our leader and watcher, speak to her to clarify what she was talking about._

Colin talks to Lily about it.

Lily bites her lip, "The farm groups will be exchanging. Charlie was needed to help the children."


Colin turns Knowing that was Alpha's voice, "Lily did you lie using your power? To the kids?"

Lily shakes her head, "I did see a threatening enemy coming after them, there were no Guardians at the time, the threat seemed impossible to beat."

Diane sighs, "How is not having children going to save them? I still don't understand your solution."

Helia nods, "That's the part I am confused about. Child bearing age for females is 16, and 18 for males, Sarah, Kazumi, Beauty, all of them except Mira, Rin, Dodge and Luna are ripe. This enemy I am aware of. We're preparing for it, that's why modifications are being done. How is reproduction a hindrance?"

"I saw them kill Mira's child. Where were you?" Lily asks annoyed.

"Hmm? Mira won't be child bearing any time soon. You seem to not understand, it is physically impossible to have a child before 16. There's plenty of time before they have the mind to attack the baby Alpha's. Right now, they will come after everyone. You saw way too far into the future." Helia explains.

Lily sighs in relief, "I don't know how to tell the difference between now and far away predictions. I didn't mean to have a terrible solution."

Arial nods, "The person you saw. It's not someone from the future. It's someone in the present you have yet to meet." She giggles about it.

Colin sighs in relief, "Well, you're delivering the hellish news. Does this mean they will have children too?"

Helia growls, "I'll eat them. No, they'll be too busy, if they are getting ants in their pants they clearly have free time on their hands. Swap out the farm groups. We need to prepare for the real infected."

Colin nods and thanks Chronos for bringing that up. He calls the teens and swaps out the groups, "Our problems with the infected are not over. We need to modify the entire Murasaki territory. I see that taking nearly the entire year, we'll be having babies around so we need to think about the future more."

Luna smiles at Chronos winking at her.

"Are you kidding me! I have to move again!" Aira groans.

"No, Thomas is staying, you're staying as well. The rest of you will be working here. Angela you are moving to the farm as well." Colin says.

Luna tells everyone to just pack their things in a crate the twins will portal the crates one time and they're done.

Chronos smiles at Aries in human size, "Thank you."

"Your training will begin. You use your power so clumsily it's horrifying. Scorpio and his group are staying in the farm. Prepare to work like men." She nods at Chronos leaving.


Royal looks at Natalia sleeping while he takes care of the baby. They enjoyed themselves at the festival with everyone wanting to take turns taking care of Netty.

He sings for her.

A Blue and shining purple jaguar steps into the room, "Hmm, I am your guardian, Hoover, from the Jaguar clan. This is my son, Hydar, your daughter's guardian. A pleasure to meet you."

Royal nods, "Welcome."

Hoover hums standing on the balcony, "Your countries defense is weak. You need to make the houses stronger with less people. A time is coming when you will be locked in your houses again. You need strong portal users to run supplies. Move closer to the mall, this castle must be empty. I don't like it."

Royal nods, "At the end of the week I'm moving Half the people."

Hoover nods, "Empty the houses in that region. The small houses. That's where the extras went. Start with them and than empty the big houses. Loyal soldiers deserve those houses."

Royal nods, "That already is Half the people. I am counting children as well."

Hoover nods, "Problem solved. When you have time to put the child down. Announce it to the people."

Royal nods, "When her mother wakes up that's what I'll do."