
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 67

Luna ignores Toya after they spent the week at the farm lands. She's been ignoring him all week in fact.

"Luna." Toya stands in her way.

Luna shakes her head stepping aside but Toya gets in her way.

"Luna in how many languages do I need to say I'm sorry? What more can I do?"

"Toya, we're done. I don't want apologies, I don't need gifts..I just need you to get that. You and me, it's over." She walks away.

Toya hugs her from behind, "Luna, no way in hell is that happening."

"Toya let me go." Luna says angry.

"Fine! But as far as I'm concerned we're not done." He let's her go and goes to his room.

Everyone looks at him.

"And?" Raiden asks.

"We didn't break up." Toya goes to his room.

Ariel covers his eyes, "I am invisible." He says.


Colin hears about Toya and Luna's break up from Lycan worried about him.

"Oh no, what is Luna thinking? That love sick puppy is terrible at dealing with his emotions. All your friends still alive?" Colin asks dropping everything to go talk to his son.

"They're avoiding him like a plague." Lycan says.

"Good, they know first hand how crazy he gets." Colin opens the door and gulps when Wish is here with the baby.

Lycan runs to pick up Baby Rue, "Hey you, I missed you." He holds the baby.

Luna smiles kissing her forehead.

Ariel sneezes and baby Rue smiles.

"So, uhm. You know. On second thought. I will let my son deal with this like a man." Colin gulps seeing Toya come out with such a ferocious aura all over him.

Ariel sighs, "Toya, baby Rue is here. Wanna hold her?"

Toya nods walking towards the baby and looking at her, "Can you believe she thinks we broke up? Your sister is delusional." He says to the baby.

Rue looks at Luna like she completely sides with Toya.

She tries to speak but nothing comes out.

Numa flies and nods, "Aha, you cannot break up when you're married."

Luna sighs, "Can you not bud into the relationship please. I refuse to date someone who thinks so lowly of me."

"I didn't think lowly of you. I just noticed the tension between you and my sister hasn't lifted so I was worried that maybe you said something to Diane."

"And how would I know that Diane can reject my power? How would I know that? I'm not the one who can see into the future!" Luna says angry.

"I hate that you two don't get along anymore." Toya says.

"I thought we were cool but Illumi, Diane, Leo, Ariel, and Aslan all warned me about her. I don't know what she's doing but clearly it's something bad for me. You always see her as the good guy and I am the bad guy. I will not tolerate that anymore. You can say whatever you want to say Toya, but you are not getting out of this one so easily. You fucked up and I am hurt. I am hurt that you did this before and I forgave you but you did it again.

"What do I have to say or do for you to understand that I hate being caught in a love triangle and the other girl is your damn sister! You don't need to choose between me and her, you can have a sister and a girlfriend but nooo, you always have to choose! You chose her over and over again, and you will keep doing that because you think I would never leave you! I would never go anywhere, so you take advantage of my loyalty. I am not joking this time Toya, I am not playing this off anymore. You Fucked Up! Do you understand that?"

Toya nods.

"Stop acting like my feelings are something to trample over. Stop messing up and than you expect no repercussions for your actions. I am not so drunk in love you will walk all over me Toya Murasaki. Either you treat me the way I deserve or stop wasting my damn time. Clear?"

Toya keeps quiet.

Luna pulls him closer with her energy, "Are we clear?"

"Yes Luna." Toya says looking at her.

Luna takes the baby and goes to her room, "Good, no one call me unless they are dying. I'll send Sarah to the infirmary. She can use Wish permanently now. Kazumi is available for anything else." She walks to her room.

Toya sits in his room upset, "What the hell does treat her the way she deserves mean?" He asks Ariel.

Leo pats his head, "Just pay attention from now on and study her. You'll get back together eventually. If you respect her space this time around."

Toya nods, "Okay, I can try."

"Good, we'll help you if you're clueless." Leo says.


Sarah walks into the hospital room and Chronos is here, "Hey, came to help. Need anything?"

Chronos nods giving her a list of supplies, "Leave it in the hallway." He smiles at her, Rex told him yesterday they were together. They are so covert no one saw it coming.

"What?" Sarah asks smirking back but she has no idea why.

"Nothing. Get back to work." He shoo's her off.


A Red Fox climbs up a hot pitch black volcano and looks down from the top of the volcano.

"Ligter!" A deep and scary voice says from deep in the Volcano.

"They now have a second mate with the Wish power. What should we do?" The small fox asks.

"Kill them all! Kill them all! KILL! THEM! ALL!"

The Volcano cracks a little bit.

The fox sees Numa and Numa sees the fox.

"Daddy!!??" Numa calls for help before flying away.

The volcano breaks and a massive Dragon flies out.

Helia saves his son in time clawing the distracted dragon taking his eye out. He breaths fire right on the eye so it can never grow back.

"Helia!" The dragon rages in agony as Helia flies away with son.


"He's back! Plasma! He's back!" Helia says crash landing in front of the mall.

Ariel and Leo go outside.

"What does he want?" Muse asks.

"Numa heard everything." Helia says.

"He said, they now have 2 wishes, a fox named Ligter. Uncle said Kill them all." Numa said.

"Every Wish?" Diane asks.

"Even the ones with the Wish power. If Lycan chooses a mate with the power, what will happen dad?" Light asks.

"It's not the Wish power he is afraid of. It's the time manipulators. The time vault users." Helios says.

"Chronos?" Ariel asks.

"What can someone who can travel through space and time with the Wish power do?" Aslan asks.

"Wish for anything from any time." Numa says.

Helios smiles, "Exactly. We've been training the boys to go back for the Stark fruit. They just have to touch it. Plant it, and it will eradicate the infected while making the island bigger and stronger. Anyone with Wish can have time manipulation passed on to them so as long as there is time manipulator but no Wish our plan fails. This is our battle we must gear for war."

"What's the significance of a Stark and a Wish together?" Light asks.

"Imagine if children with the power in their DNA already existed? Anytime something seemed off we would just plant a Stark fruit. We kept waiting for a union between the clans but it never happened. We have to talk to Lycan. When all 3 have marked a mate with the Wish power, the Wish stones will come back. We need them to forge weapons, those are the only weapons that can harm plasma." Aslan says.

"What happened to the previous Weapon?"

"It was turned into the prison he broke out from. This time, we must kill him." Helia says.

"Dad! What are you hiding from me? What happens when all 3 mark a mate with the Wish power?!" Light asks frustrated he's being given half assed answers.

"Stark himself will return. He made this island, he will fight Plasma and keep him away. The other thing is that it will fulfill Talia's dying Wish. All fasle Alpha's will be dethroned. Only Stark's can be Alpha's here, the other clan leaders were there to help manage and govern the people not oppress the true lineage. We are doing what we swore to do, and that is to make Talia's Wish come true, but we are not willing to force them to choose a Wish it just so happens that it happened that way. Alpha see if Lycan has decided on a mate, if the Wish power rests on her than we were lucky. We are not making anyone do anything they don't want to do here. We never force them to do anything, understood?" Helia says.

"Yes Father." Light and Numa nod.


Alpha asks to talk to Lycan in Private.

"Yes?" Lycan sits down yawning, he's been working all morning.

"It's about Aya, this is purely selfish a request of me to make I understand that, but could you try to pass the Wish ability on to her." Alpha requests.

"Sure." Lycan finds Aya in her room, and passes the power onto her, "Make a Wish." He whispers in her ear.

"I wish for that summer dress I saw in the mall." Aya says. The dress appears on her hands. She celebrates excited.

"Mark her." Alpha covers his eyes embarrassed he's making Lycan do this.

Lycan does it without question and smiles feeling the pleasure head to toe. He closes his eyes and sinks his teeth deeper.

Aya passes out.

Alpha takes care of her himself, "Thank you for that. I hope you don't hate me choosing a mate for you."

"Oh, that's what that was? I don't, need anything else?" Lycan asks.



Plasma sees the dragon world collapse.

"What is going on?" Ligter asks.

"Talia's wish was for false Alpha's to seize to exist. Did you think false Alpha's are the humans?" Plasma asks.

"What are you talking about?" Ligter asks.

"We built this place so guardians could be with the humans, but really we don't belong in this realm. It all started when Stark came here and had a child with a human. Do you want to know what happens when our kind and a human have a child? Nothing, the child dies and the woman too. Stark was the first to have a child with a human. She was the most beautiful woman on the planet.

"He built this place and he brought water breathers here to guard them but some left to other lands and they can never return no matter how bad they want too. Others of our kind started trying to do the same thing but failed, it's rare and takes a special kind of woman to have a child of our kind, there is only one clan that ever raised their women right, that's Wish. A few years before the Infected curse someone of our kind had a child with a wish, the water breathers saved the child we need to find out who it is."

The red fox looks around, "It's a water breather."

"It has to be Aquarius herself. How many eggs were saved?" Plasma asks with one eye closed and bleeding.

"Two, there are two Alpha's In Murasaki. What will happen to us?" The fox jumps seeing an opening and the sky beneath him.

"We will be forced back to our homelands. Unlike others who go home freely, we built this realm. Wish stones will rain down on every inch of Stark. Just like the power they can grant wishes. We'll be lucky to survive this." Plasma flies home ahead of the collapse.

The red Fox falls out of the hole and Illumi catches him.


Rex groans watching Sarah Bob her head up and down his penis, "Fuck!" He moans close to cuming.

Sarah stops.

"Don't you stop!"

She smirks laughing and Rex thrusts deep cuming.

"Fuck!" Rex melts out of the window seat.

Sarah laughs, "Next time tell me you're coming. How am I supposed to know the difference between you and an intruder?"

Rex looks at her pulling up his pants, "Was that supposed to motivate me to not come in through the window?"

"Yes." She spanks him.

Rex pulls down the time vault and there are colorful stones falling out of the sky, "Woah. What is that?"

"It's beautiful." Sarah goes outside picking enough to make all her friends necklaces.

Rex helps Pick some not sure what she wants them for.


Lycan looks at the stone and puts it away. He was mad and thought someone threw a rock at him.

"Hurry up. I don't want any of you getting injured. Bigger ones are coming." Muse says.

"There are children in the park. What will we do?" Luke asks.

"Get in the house. I will keep them safe." Muse runs and shields the kids running home.

One of them falls and all the kids run back taking him to his house first.

"What's going on?" Little Taylor asks being rushed home to the farm lands by Diane, he was here to play with Numa and Rue.

"The fake Alpha's built themselves a nice big country up there. It stopped us from seeing the infected coming. Now the castle is falling down and all the creatures will be taken back where they live or fall out of the sky to their deaths, the stones will be absorbed into the land and absorb the black mist. Step 1 to getting rid of the Infected." Diane explains striding to safety.

Taylor tired of running stops.

Diane picks him up and flies to the farm lands where the animals ran to safety on their own thanks to Cheshire. Taylor runs to Tom's room and joins the crying baby for bath time

Tom stops crying finally seeing Taylor.

"Oh, that's what you wanted, I'm sorry buddy. Mommy doesn't understand crying." Gail spoils him with smooches.

Taylor gets a bath and is dried and rolled in a blanket too sleeping next to Tom.