
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 65

Mira wakes up and smiles seeing her father arrive with the farm animals.

Dodge watches Colin talk to Thomas and give him some books but than he leaves.

"Do you think my dad is coming back?" Mira asks upset he knows she's here but came for strictly business.

Scorpio shakes his head, "Most likely, the man is back to running around like a mad man again. They have decided to mark the invaders on the Comms as Scavengers. So many of them are in camps already. The rest are being helped and handed supplies. I'm worried something is up."

Mira nods, "Yeah, I know that. I understand he's busy, so what does it mean for us to be here?" She asks confused.

"Dodge and Rin already went house to house checking on the people. Helped with supplies and asked the farmers by the Lake to clean their houses today." Rex says sitting down after helping them with tips on how to clean up faster.

"Thank you girls, it really helped everyone fit in better. We will be teaching everyone about farming. So we'll be meeting in the evening and daily you'll have to go house to house helping, not delegating Mira, just use your power to help watch out for any potential accidents. We've all never done this before." Gail says while Thomas distributes the animals house by house.

Este smiles, "I grew up in a farm house. I can help. He's distributing incorrectly. Sheep are not like people a male doesn't pick a soulmate, you can have more females than males, however for the sake of sharing equally go ahead. She shows everyone how to plant trees and ends up writing down tips you won't find in a textbook.

"Ohh, that's so cool." Aira says reading the book about how to turn sheep wool into clothing.

"This is the perfect time to shave it off, but let the farmers learn on their own." Este says.

Thomas asks Split and Rex to work together transport the animals.

"Jet and Jake work with June to fill the wells with water manually. They water plants automatically. We'll work on planting this season's seeds tomorrow. The book has it detailed. We also have guard dogs, training the dogs will go to Avalon. The cows are a little under the weather Sharon I need you and Chronos to study this book. Please regularly check the animals health and if you need any medicine let me know." Thomas says looking at Aira, Staria, and Medallion.

"You boys will be the shepherd's. Take the animals out during the day to eat and drink water and bring them back in the evening. Please also work on preparing the next land where they will graze." Thomas says.

The boys nod.

"Ava, there's a cave over there, it has water inside of it. Please can you girls work together and open an oasis, don't force it out like a water fall. We just want somewhere where in case of an emergency we'll know we have water. Maybe we won't have a problem but generations from now we don't know." Thomas says.

Thomas looks at Lupin and his group, "What powers do you have? I need all the hands on deck."

Lupin gulps, "Uhm, we're demon slayers, where I'm from we don't have powers like you. Cooper and I are tamers, Saint is a Knight, he summons a weapon that will fight a demon at close ranged. Cobra is a Dragoon, he summons long ranged weapons. Rozain is an Aria, he fights demons with holy verses. Lastly Isaac is our doctor. He heals afflictions and illnesses using Plants."

Mira sees a vision of the infected being cured, by curing the original Infected. The mad man in the stories is still alive. Curing him will cure the infected. Other countries avoided the infected because they practice the same thing.

"You can cure the infected. I don't know what it is, some kind of flower. We have to find the original Infected and cure him. That's how other countries avoided the curse." Mira says.

Rex gives Dodge Mira's power to see through her thread what Mira is talking about.

Isaac pays attention to the formula, "I recognise all those plants. Aira listen to me. It's 500 leaves of Dove's Shadow. Paprika powder 7 grams. Ground Black Forest Bark 1Liter. Coco butter a 1KG tub and we mix everything inside it and apply it on the the original Infected the curse will lift into green vapor that Mira saw."

"Where would we find that?" Thomas asks.

"Witches Island. Golden. It sunk." Isaac says.

"I met Golden Guardians. It might still be around. Or they could gather the ingredients for us." June says.

"Go talk to them. Rex you're in charge while I'm gone, please keep this between us. Stick to today's meeting. I'll go talk to Colin. The rest continue with your instructions. You boys watch the people." Thomas looks at Jake for a portal.

Jake opens the portal and Mira follows Thomas.

The others continue with the instructions they were given.


June talks to Golden with the list exactly as Isaac stated.

"We already have that. We'll make it and you can leave here with it." The Alpha says.

June bows to the female, "Thank you."


Colin chokes on his tea hearing what Thomas just said, "Seriously? But if Stark is against witchcraft or whatever this medicine is, my answer is no. The water breathers said after winter they would handle the infected. I choose to trust the guardians our ancestors trusted years ago. I refuse an easy way out." He says.

Thomas nods, "Alright. June has already gone to golden. We'll give the ointment to the invaders." He goes back and tells the others what Colin decided.

Sharon nods, "Okay. June's back, what will we do with the ointment?"

"We'll give it to the invaders. I know you're upset Mira, but your father is right. We are not like other countries. We can't solve this issue using foreigners methods. The easy way out might not work out in the long run. Trust the water Breathers." Thomas says joining the town hall meeting.

Este is teaching the class.

Charlene is using her power to project Este's memories.


Lupin crosses his arms in front of Mira, "You Seriously can't be such a child about this Mira. Your dad is right." He says standing in front of her.

"This could all end." Mira says.

"What could end? Look out the window and repeat that. Look!" He yells in the end.

Mira looks out the window and Aira, Staria, and Medallion are drawing a grazing plan like Este suggested.

Farmers are dividing the work between their family members.

Charlene volunteers to watch the children in the town hall. They can learn to read and right with her.

Rex and June are talking to Thomas about the children's safety.

"You handle that. I am not getting involved." Thomas walks to his house.

Rex laughs and the boys call Lycan to help design the fence.

Lycan smiles at Rue and agrees.

"We don't have that where I am from. I know the infected have been a nightmare. We don't have the Infected but we live in worse conditions. Our infected are our own parents. Murderers at every corner. Death, theft, and vandalism.

"In a cage like this no one would feel safe because someone in here would be a murderer. A thief, worse a fucking rapist, kidnapper, it gets so much worse. Stop being such a spoiled brat. You need to look at what you have more clearly.

"I said I would help you be more popular than Luna but you need to work with me. You want to know why everyone likes her? She's always down there putting in more work than everyone. Even if she didn't have her power, look at Rin, her power is an offence and combat ability. You'll never see her missing from the action. Dodge had her power last but she was in the action too.

"You need to stop thinking a queen looks down on her subjects while she lives in Luxury, around here the queen is the one who gets down and dirty with her loyal subjects. Doesn't it upset you how everything is working so smoothly without you? Nobody needs you, because you want to be needed the wrong way." Lupin says holding out his hand.

Mira takes it and joins the others helping here and there but she gets tired so easily.

"Need a break?" Chronos asks.

Mira nods.

"Can you take it in the hall, you're in the way." Dodge complains holding a full tree over her head with a bark.

Mira sighs, "Sorry. I'll power through it." She works taking small breaks here and there.


Kevin gives the last group of invaders some ointment too. Luna multiplied the tubs for their sake.

"Please remember to buy early don't wait for everything to run out. We'll be throwing a stone's festival soon. You're invited. Stones buy food and water around here." Kevin says leaving.

The invaders recognise the ointment immediately, "Good, this will help with all the curse energy we breathed in." The leader says.


Talia messages Ben.


*Talia: Sorry I disappeared. I had a limited time to help you.

*Ben: Thanks for the help. Infected literally came out of nowhere attacking after you left.

*Talia: I want to see you again.

*Ben: Meet me at the cave. Your shield is keeping the infected out. We'll have some privacy there.

*Talia: Good.


Beauty wakes up early out of habit and finds her friends working out since there's nothing else to do, "Is Luna back?" She asks worried since she was called in a hurry.

"Yup. Over here. Murasaki is throwing a stone's festival where people play games to receive stones. They want the invaders to feel welcome and we act less suspicious around them. Most have died, the few left are under 20." Luna says excluding her dad and Lupin's group.

"Wow! Did the Infected get them?" Kate asks.

"Some the Infected others the smoke. When we get back home we have a lot of work to do. We should sell products again. People will have money to buy." Luna says.

"I thought the point was for people to make money." Beauty says.

Luna nods, "Those same people will come running to us for our products. They are making money to buy our products. It's what every woman wants. We'll need multiple shops to have less people running around. We'll stick to the house schedule groups. Group one, Tina, Aya, Kazumi. Group two, Me, Kate and Beauty. Group three, Xaaria, Sarah, Una. The new little ones we'll take one each."

Sarah nods, "Okay. That's cool. I don't want my mom to make me work at her shop. I gave her the chili peel. She was so mad at me." She laughs.

"There better not be a Beauty contest that takes too long." Kate says.

"True. We should oppose it if they bring it up. Where's Cheshire?" Aya asks.

"On a run. He wanted to stretch his feet. He's not used to waking up and having nothing to do either." Una says.

Ashley hearing voices eaves drops.

"What will we be doing when we get back to Camp?" Beauty asks.

"Focus on the Stone festival before we go to Camp Black with kids from other camps, I think Mira's group will be teaching about farming and ranching. I don't know what else. They're going to teach us a lot." Luna responds.

"At least we get to see our siblings more. I wonder what camp Black is like." Aya says.

"Bigger than you think. It's the only one so far I know off with a city underground too." Sarah says.

"Wow, will Black be adding people?" Beauty asks.

"Yes, but people from Royal. There are way too many of you here. So a 100 or 2 might be going there." Luna says smoking her healing cigarettes.

"How will they decide?" Una asks.

"Obviously Lily, or Mira." Kazumi says.

"I wish Dodge would pick. Diane does not like Lily and Mira, I think they did something wrong. Illumi tells me every day to be careful of Mira. I don't know what she's saying behind my back. I think it slipped her mind I have eyes and ears everywhere." Luna inhales smoke.

Beauty smokes one sitting on the floor.

"Kate, are you okay?" Sarah asks.

"Yes, just have a worried feeling. Cheshire is not here. Even if he's running slower he should have passed us at least twice now." Kate says.

The girls split up looking for him and find Cheshire doing pull ups.

"Hey, you scared us wondering off like that." Xaaria yells.

"Sorry, I just got carried away I guess. I feel really energetic. Breakfast ready?" He asks jumping down.

"Nope, come on." Kate walks back to the house next to him talking about his hair.

Cheshire chuckles, "I am annoyed by how quickly my hair grows back actually. Luckily I can use Luna's products weekly." He says scratching his neck with claws unaware of it.

He looks at his hand and it looks normal.