
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 61

Raiden smiles at Xaaria in a dress, "I prefer you in my clothes." He says.

Xaaria kisses him on the lips, it was his idea she ditch the swim suit and dress like him.

"Hmm, I should get that more often. Anyway. I have to go. Congratulations on the win."

Toya smiles at Luna, "You were really amazing. I loved it."

Luna smiles, "Glad, you sh ..."

Toya kisses her and pecks her forehead before going.

Luna covers her face, "Idiot!" She yells at him for doing that in public.

Tina who didn't enter the swim suit contest enters the third one.

Dodge and Mira design outfits.

Lupin stands in front of Mira, "You were so cute."

Mira smiles, "You better not be here to distract me?"

Lupin smirks, "Of course not." He looks to the side and a group of soldiers are here, he calls Scorpio to take the baby from Wish.

"Lupin? What are you doing here?"

Lupin smirks, "Came to watch women in swim suits. I'm not the only one here. I'm glad we're finally making progress. I should get going. I want to sign up for the next round."

The men laugh, "Good luck."

Luna answers a phone to meet at the bathrooms. She meets with Scorpio who passes the baby on to her, "What is going on?"

"Soldiers are here. Watch her closely." He says brushing the baby girl's cheek, "She has a way of growing on you. Like her sister." He says looking at Luna before leaving.

Rex is keeping boys away from Sarah.


Colin finds Kyle and portals him and Angela back to Murasaki. He asks the twins to take the children home and watch them.

He sits with the others acting like nothing happened.

Mira notices Jet and Jake talking to parents and they portal them away with their children.

"Murasaki!" One of the soldiers says.

"Afternoon gentlemen, how are you liking tonight's festivities?" Colin asks cool as a cucumber.

"We are liking them quite well. We just wanted to see you in person."

Colin smiles and he chuckles when Akali runs away from Jet into her father's arms.

Bella and Julia arrive offering to take her home.

Akali jumps into her mother's arms willingly.

Lycan portals them home.

Colin notices and his eyes widen.

The men turn and recognise the teens instantly they go to their shop having casual conversation.

"We thought you never left your little village."

Lycan holds up the bag of stones Sarah won, "We need money. You need money, everyone needs money."

Wish close by is selling food working with Lupin and his 5 guards.

"You're right. I see how you kids do it now. Sarah you were amazing out there. You ladies too. I see new faces."

Charlie holding the crying Charbel who wakes Rue notices they are looking at her.

Larva arrives, "I think he's had enough fun we should go now. Where's Charlene?" He asks worried about her.

Charlene comes out from Wish's shop eating a nice warm meal. Isaac gives her back.

"It's time to go princess. Are you ready?" Larva asks.

Charlene nods and he picks her up.

"Thank you for your help. This is your share of the money." Lycan gives Charlie money and portals them away without making it obvious.

Lycan growls at the crying baby and she stops crying. He picks her up, "I think it's best we go now. You guys can handle business without us correct?"

Mira nods, "Don't make food for us. We'll buy from next door."

Lycan nods taking Luna and Rue home instantly.


Rex signs up for the contest worried about Sarah. Without Lycan there. Guys are crowding the girls.

June and the others stand protectively besides the girls intimidating boys away.

Chronos is trying out clothing with Tina who begged for help, "There, honestly Tina, yet elegant. I love it."

Tina smiles nodding getting back to work.

Colin watching from a distance keeps his cool when all the children are back at the camp safe.

He relaxes enjoying other events until the last beauty contest.

Mira and the other girls stay close to Colin and his group.

Wish is selling last minute snacks while Lupin is ready to win the contest.

The first one to go is Aira angry he was told he can't walk shirtless. He goes back and sulks.

Next is Jet and Jake going in as a pair. They walk smiling.

Next is Avalon walking out shirtless in swimming shorts.

Girls scream at his flawless body.

Next is Sharon and girls scream he's standing at the start line in the same outfit as Aira.

He walks down and a girl throws him a card with her number on it. Sharon Clumsily catches the paper giving himself a paper cut.

He sucks finger walking away.

Next is June with old lady Aquarius as his date.

He walks back smiling at her.

"I used to win those Beauty contests in my day." She says.

June laughs the whole way to the back, "I can see it. You still got it."

Aquarius pushes her back, "You know it."

June laughs.


"Wow, I like his voice."

"Murasaki is winning this one."

"I definitely like Sharon. He's so hot."


Lupin is next and stops halfway when girls scream at him. He smirks and keeps walking randomly throwing his number in the air and Mira catches the note blushing.

Rin burns the paper.

Mira steps on her foot.

Rin spanks her.

They glare at each other.

Chronos walks out takes his shirt off dancing a little and walking to the front. Instead of walking back he rewinds himself stopping at the entrance dusting off the dirt from his shoulders.

Next is Rex with Numa.

"I am a model. I am Numa! The king of the dragons."

Rex stops catching the clumsy King of the Dragons, "You're gonna make a great king buddy."

Numa whimpers and cries.

Rex disappears into the time vault comforting Numa before continuing with his walk.

Numa sneezes and Rex's shirt catches fire. Numa tries to extinguish it with his wings instead he's fanning the flames.

Girls scream at Rex walking back stage on fire.

"I think I look better hot buddy. Come on." Rex comforts the crying baby dragon, "I'll make you some melon juice so you feel better."

"I want my blanky."

Rex wraps him up in his blanky, "Feel better,?"

"I ruined your everything." Numa cries.

"I think you made it better. Wanna watch what our. Performance was like?"




"Rex is really good looking, he just has a girlfriend."

"Time to see Toya."

"I heard he went home. That Luna chick with a baby had to go home."

"He has a baby?"

"Yeah, I think they're not together anymore, but I'm not sure. The rumor is that they're not together."

"Ohh, that sucks I came here to watch him."

"It's still too early. If I tell my mom I'm bored she'll make us go home. I am watching this till the very end."

"I notice less children around. I think you're right, if I say anything I'll be sent home. I'm not ready."


Tina walks on stage in the dress Chronos picked.

She smiles when Rin whistles. She walks back and sits down ready to go home.

Susan entered this competition too.

She is the last participant before the victors are announced.

"In third place! Susan!" The host says.

"That's twice now she copied your outfits. She must really like the way you dress." Dodge says.

Sarah smiles excited she won, "Wooh! Yay."

"Like mother like daughter." The host says, "In second place. With the most elegant dress, and beautiful smile, Tina!"

Tina looks up shocked, "What?" She takes a step forward and checks if it's true first.

Everyone laughs.

She receives her price and flowers.

"The grand finale of this contest. In first place, Sha - Ronnn!!!!!?!"

Sharon smiles receiving his prize. He goes to the back ready to go home.

They help Susan pack up ready to go.

Wish keeps his store open until it's midnight when it's time to go. They pack up leaving before they are followed.


Luna laughs at Toya with the baby.

Lycan is fast asleep on her bed.

Luna yawns sleeping on Lycan's chest to wake him up instead she doses off.

Toya pecks her forehead covering them up with a blanket before leaving with the wide awake baby. He calls Wish to check on him.

"We're safe, but there's more Infected here now. They are trying to get in. They can't pass the golden shield. They are not acting mindless at all." Wish reports on the phone.

"Get some rest your girls are okay. We'll talk about it tomorrow. Maybe my mom might see something." Toya says leaving the house to his room to get some rest.

"Alright. Can you bring her tomorrow?" Wish asks.

"I can. I'll talk with Luna tomorrow. She's exhausted today."



Lycan wakes up and turns over to raise his brow when Luna is sleeping beside him. He wakes up slowly and covers her up with a second blanket before he goes to his room still exhausted he feels drained for some reason.

Luna wakes up sitting in the park reading a book while a machine automatically cuts the grass.

Sarah is walking past her to her mom's house. She enters the room and the woman is wearing Cargo pants and a crop top with combat boots with her hair curled like Sarah's.

Sarah straightens her hair before dinner with her mom and the other families.

Cinna complements her straight hair, "Congratulations Susan. You were amazing out there."

"Thank you Cinna." She says smiling with her beauty contest trophy on display, "Sarah you should bring your trophy and we hang them up there together."

Sarah winces, "Sorry, Thomas said it would make really nice Nanites so I give it to me. The photo is in the girls dorm, funny how Luna had the same idea."

"Any word on the next festival?"

"I have no idea. If there is one I don't think we're going. The invaders managed to get into Lana. It was really tricky getting away from them. They kept asking questions about us. It was really scary. I'm sure you can go though." Sarah responds eating her food with her left hand.

"I didn't know you were left handed." Khole says.

"She's not. She only eats with her left hand." Susan replies eating her food slowly paying attention to Sarah.

Sarah occasionally wipes her mouth waiting for a while before eating again.

"You're really a slow eater." Cinna says laughing at Sarah.

"When I eat fast I get full fast but I'll want to eat after, I prefer to let the food go down gently so I can actually finish my plate." Sarah says drinking her soda slowly too.

Cinna helps with the dishes to hangout with Sarah more.

Rex joined the cleaning crew and Luna is caught stealing meat out of the fridge.

"Cinna, I heard you're throwing your mom a birthday party man. That's so cool, when are invitations going around?" Rex asks.

Cinna sighs, "My mom is rejecting that idea. I wish I threw her a surprise party instead, but there will be a small celebration. How are the old folks doing?"

Rex sighs, "We lost another one this week. I hate this. They barely got a taste of all this. All their lives surviving the Infected and now we make progress and they die, it really hurt I don't want to lie."

Sarah rubs his back, "I think my mom planned something in the back. Let's finish up."

They join the others in the back and once everyone is here Susan passes gifts around for everyone.

Sarah cringes at the shirt with a photo of herself on it after winning the Bikini contest, "Mom, this is disgusting, why would you do that?"

"Oh come now, you look perfect." The woman says giving Luna the shirt.

"Oohhh, this is really cool." Luna wears it over her turle neck crop top and it looks really good. She laughs at Rex wearing it too, "Queen of the jungle!"

Sarah looks at Luna angry.

Luna looks at her, "You don't like it? Okay I'll take that, make one of me. Front and back she'll wear that one." She says taking the shirt.

A giant Sharon yawns and he rubs his eyes freaking out he's outside.

Rex runs to his side instantly, "What's going on?"