
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 55

"She vomited a snake? Was it alive?" Sharon asks petrified with a book in hand.

"No, I kicked it into the river and it turned to dust. I think that's why she's been acting so crazy." Chronos says.

Everyone looks at Luna.

Luna shakes her head, "No way in hell is she getting a pass. She may have been acting crazy but the fact still remains she acted out her true feelings. I won't give her a pass this time."

Toya looks at Luna shaking his head, "That's not fair, she will return to her old self again. We can't just write her off."

Luna stubbornly shakes her head.

Chronos looks at his shoes, "You're both right, Mira wasn't being puppeteered. It was her true feelings on display. Everyone has a right to stand where they want, Toya you weren't on the receiving end of her crazy behaviour so I think you're not being fair to those of us who were. Luna should be allowed to forgive Mira at her own pace. This discussion ends here, you can go in and see her."


Mira closes her eyes enjoying a week of being coddled and showered with attention.

She finally goes back to her room and Lupin is smiling on her bed.

"How was your week? Did you enjoy yourself?" Lupin asks smirking.

Mira looks at him sceptically.

Lupin pins her against the wall, "Stick with me I'll give you everything you want. No matter what." He lets go walking to her bed sitting down comfortably.

Mira's eyes widen, "You did that on purpose?" She stands in front of him pissed off.

Lupin listens to Mira vent while he unbuttons her shirt, "Did you really think I would hurt you?" He interrupts.

"Yes, you have no reason to care about me. To be my friend or anything at all to me. You ..."

Lupin interrupts with a kiss, "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I know you know why we're here, if I wanted you dead or to hurt you I would have by now. You don't like Luna and I'm going to help you with that."

Mira turns around and there's no snake on her back.

Lupin chuckles, "Here, this is a Stark protection necklace. It has the river water inside it. No one will ever do a curse on you again."

Mira takes it smiling.

Scorpio stands behind her helping her wear the necklace.

Mira recognises the black stone immediately.

"That was my guardian Scorpio. He'll protect you from now on." Lupin says picking her up and tucking her in, "I told you to sleep with your shirt off your room gets too hot and your burn up. Stop that healing fire wood thing, it's too much for you."

Mira nods falling asleep.

While she sleeps Lupin smiles at Scorpio with ordinary fire wood and a winter fruit.

"This is a better alternative. Use this from now on." Scorpio says.

Lupin nods tossing the fruit into the weak fire.

Chronos appears in the room and Aries stands protectively in front of him.

"Drop the theatrics Aries, it's not a good look on you." Scorpio says covering Mira in leaves while she sleeps.

"What is that?" Chronos asks worried when he sees black smoke coming from Mira's body.

"A curse, this one is the one you're all born with as long as the Infected exist. I went to Clover to study their curses and how to break them. I will never fail to protect anyone under my hand again." Scorpio says.

Aries looks at him, "That's why you left? I thought you abandoned us."

Scorpio turns around, "You should have thought better of me." He changes the leaves.

Chronos calls Toya to help, "Her brother is coming to help. If you don't mind showing him how? We have a baby that could benefit from this."

Scorpio nods.

Toya arrives and helps Scorpio with treating Mira until the necklace on her neck starts to glow.

"Good, she's no longer under any curses." Scorpio says.

Chronos nods deciding to leave. He calls all the girls for a Spa day treatment.

"I don't think I trust him." Aries says.

Aslan laughs, "That is a Stark curse breaking Ritual, not a Clover secret. We used it on newborns for years, the tradition died out with time because the people didn't believe in curses. It is safe." He shows everyone how it's done.

Luna hugs Illumi's leg she's sad.

"We didn't believe him when he warned us. He took all his people to the sky castle a week before the attack. He probably hates us." Illumi says.

Luna rubs her leg, "He's family, he'll come around. You should apologize though. You really should."

Illumi bows, "Yes Alpha."

Alpha clears his throat dramatically, "I'm the only Alpha around here." He says happy.

Everyone laughs.

The girls enjoy the leaves but nothing happens. No smoke no nothing.

Dodge sighs, "The steam session did that black mist from your body thing. We got sick after that, Mira didn't?" She asks confused.

Diane shakes her head, "No, all of you did except for her. It has to do with her mother going to look for supplies while pregnant. She didn't know she was. It affected Mira greatly, but after this Mira will be alright, she will come to her senses and she'll feel and act better. You should all thank Scorpio. He loves to be pampered." She says with a deviant plan in mind.

Everyone looks at Sarah.

"You may have just saved almost everyone who knows about this. Thank you." Lycan says politely.

Alpha bows, "You have my gratitude for saving him from my ignorance. We should learn from Scorpio what he knows, but only amongst ourselves so the humans are not tempted with witchcraft."

Helia nods, "True. You children pamper the man." He says.

"We should throw a party in the dining hall while Split cleans their houses and adds drain acid. I don't like how they don't clean up after themselves." Aira says shaking his head.

Split nods, "Yeah. I don't mind at all. Luna be fast and just wish for everything. We'll tell everyone it's for Scorpio. He'll be happy about it." He says smiling.

"We'll send clones as well Split. We can start at the farm while the others decorate the venue." Rex says.

Jet and Jake open portals so everyone can get started on decorations.

"There are multiple rows of benches, everyone pick a row and decorate it how you'd like with a gift for Scorpio." Sarah says already excited about the gift.

She asks Luna for wrapping paper.

Rin runs to her room with Jake and there's a perfume that her guardian likes and showed her how to make it, "This is Golden fruit perfume. In a few weeks the jelly will dissolve and become perfume. I think he'll like it better when he receives it as jelly."

Jake helps wrap her gift, "I was learning how to make jewellery. I have tons of things for him to choose from."

They smile happy their guardians taught them useful skills.


Aries pulls Scorpio into the dining hall, "Come on, it doesn't matter if they see us today. You'll love the surprise we made for you."

Diane nods shoving him along, "Come on now. We mustn't keep everyone waiting."


Everyone is surprised by the big sign with Scorpio's name on it.

The door opens and a giant female pulling a stubborn male inside shocks everyone.

"Surprise!" The kids say as loud as they can.

Scorpio looks and it's a party for him.

The guardians present gifts one by one using the word WE

Luna leans on Sarah, "Did they make us do all the work so they can apologize to him?"

"They suck at apologies huh." Aira says.

"I think it's a lesson learned. This was a smooth operation. Just look at all this." Sarah says loving her gift.

"An ointment for my skin. Smells nice, Thank you Sarah." Scorpio says.

Luna smiles, "This is from me, this is from Illumi, Numa, and Diane." She has the four gifts presented.

Diane gave him a crate full of her scales.

Scorpio growls, "Okay fine, you got me. Apology accepted." He admits defeat.

Numa gave him Golden fruit with healing essence.

Illumi gave him Fox forest Fruit. It's a red Cherry like fruit.

Scorpio asks Luna to bake a cake.

Sarah screams, "A giant cake?" She asks excited. It has always been her dream to bake a gigantic cake.

"Yes." Scorpio responds.

Toya smiles, "We should ask the cake expert." He says talking about Mira.

"Aira, Sarah and Dodge are the experts." Luna says.

Toya growls, "Mira too. I'm sure she would enjoy it."

"Of course. Everyone will help make the giant cake." Luna stubbornly tells everyone to eat their food after a meal they are going to make the most gigantic cake in history.

Scorpio's jaw drops, "Talia's records of the Scorpion family. Thank you." He reads through the page and he's confused when his family guarded the Wish lineage up until the end, "I didn't know about this, is this why you were all mad at me when I chose Rainy hill?"

"Yes!!!" The giants yell at the same time.

Scorpio apologizes.

Luna confused just smiles it off. Numa hijacked her gift so she had to choose the next best thing.

She sits down eating her meal excited when it's time to make the cake.

Dodge divides everyone into groups and they start baking with the excited Diane donating her grand mother's mixing bowls.

They are so large everyone has to bake outside in the blizzard but Helia keeps Everyone warm with his body heat.


Lupin opens the door for Mira and pecks her cheek joining his team.

Dodge put Mira on Fox fruit cream. Half of the fruit will be cream.

Luna wishes for a bowl full of the fruit and smiles, "You guys can have a snack." She says to the guardians watching the little people bake.

"Thank you." Scorpio enjoys the fruit.

June apologises for being late and works with Tempest and Helia who melt the heavy snow for June to pour it in the water.

Mira makes a frozen treat out of the fox fruit, "Do think this would be nice on the sides?" She asks Rin.

Rin nods, "Keep doing that. We'll handle the cream."

Mira notices Rin walking away upset, "Rin, hey, why are you upset?"

"You're supposed to be helping make the cream. Instead you just decide to make icicles. Do what you want, no one actually expects you to help out with anything useful." Rin helps Aira using his wind to whisk the batter.

"I need another explosion!" Aira says creating a wind wall so the batter doesn't jump out of the bowl.

Rin detonates the explosive coat under the massive bowl and the batter mixes faster.

Luna uses her energy blast to mash the fruits together to make jelly out of it.

Lupin stares surprised Luna has such a strong offensive ability.

"Luna, you are too stiff, do what Aira does and creat a wall on the top of the bowl and than use unlimited fire power not having to worry about spills." Illumi says.

Luna nods giving it a try.

"More power behind that shield Luna don't be afraid. Think of it as the one time you can fully let loose." Ariel helps.

Luna nods and does as told

She generates a powerful energy blast that instantly smudges the fruit but it's a golden colour now.

Scorpio looks into the bowl and dips to taste it. He hums, "This is really good. It's a desert all by itself."

Luna tired collapses from annoyance. The giants are eating the special jelly she's making.

Toya catches her, "If you show me how. I'll sub in."

Luna nods.

"She definitely will not be able to do that again."

Rex and Toya take instructions from Illumi helping them make the jelly.

They make two large bowls and stagger.

"Woah." Rex says being caught by Alpha.

They start making the cake and once they are done with the batters.

Diane bakes everything with her hot breath. She decorates the cake and once it's done presents it to Scorpio.

Everyone looks surprised when more giant creatures arrive to taste the cake.

Diane gives everyone slices and they eat the cake enjoying it.

Luna smiles, "I'll write this recipe down. You guys wanna try a smaller cake tomorrow?"

Aira nods eating his slice, but there's still plenty.

Aslan cleans his plate, "Two more slices please."

Tempest slices a big chunk for himself and a family of eagles come and eat the cake.

Numa eats out of his dad's plate while Helia watches. Once he's full he eats the cake and 10 times more slices.

June makes the juice that Aquarius wrote for him after asking the foxes for the Granger melon.

Luna helps him make it, doing one more energy blast. Aira blends everything together and there's a tiny tap at the bottom and massive one at the top.

Humans use the small one.

Luna drinks the juice and it's really good.

Toya feeds Rue a bottle of some of the juice.

Luna rights down the recipes.

June gives Aquarius her book back.


Mira laughs sitting between Lupin and Chronos.

Lycan growls looking at Mira, he can smell the scent of both males all over her.

"What? Sense something wrong?" Chronos asks.

"Very." Lycan responds going to Jet and Jake. There's still some cake left he wants to send some to Misty and his guards.

Sharon volunteers to come along.

Lycan laughs at the Smitten Sharon, "Of course."

From Lycanthrope they travel to Leviathan and give everyone some cake.


"What is this golden jam? Taste nothing like golden fruit."

"This juice is something I have never tasted before."

"Thank you, this is really delicious."


The guys go back and Aquarius is attempting a juice heist making the water breathers carry buckets of juice home.

"Seriously fish tail? You couldn't just let this one go?" Aries says.

Aquarius ignores her happy to have some tasty juice at home.

Scorpio's party is over and everyone returns to find their rooms clean.


Luna is in the kitchen baking the cake again, but smaller.

Scorpio stands next to Luna human size, "More flower by half a cup." He says.

Luna looks at him and her jaw drops, "What? How are you so tiny? Wow." She touches his face and laughs, "You guys amaze me every single day. Just when I think I've seen it all."

She adds flour and mixes the batter.

"Who is this cake for?" Scorpio asks.

"Split, he was working while the rest of us were partying. I know he's exhausted. He works hard everyday. I don't want him to think we don't appreciate him." Luna says looking at Scorpio angry the batter is hard.

"Use your power Luna. Did you think it was as easy as Aira made it look?" Scorpio teases, "Give me your hand, there's a technique I want you to learn." He shows her how to give her healing power form, "Now whisk it with wind. This is an Aira teaching."

Luna smiles when mixing the dough is easier. She gives him a hug, "Thank you. You made it look so easy."

"It is." Scorpio says.

Luna bakes the cake and puts it together decorating it.

Toya walks in wondering why she's taking so long.

"See, I told you he's coming." Scorpio says.

Toya carries the cake to the farm where the tired Split is getting a foot massage, "Sorry your reward took so long. This is from Luna."

Scorpio gives him a gift, "This is from me."

"Scorpio? Dude, woah." Avalon says looking at him.

Scorpio smiles, "Thank you for the party." He says.

Toya kicks him standing between him and Luna, "You're welcome, now stand there, nowhere near her."

Scorpio winces.

Ava laughs at him, "Your human form is really weak."

Scorpio nods, "You can say that again."

Luna gives Split a massage while he enjoys his cake. She gives him some melon juice too.

"Does this have healing in it? My body stopped being sore." Split says.

"A little bit. It was accidental." Luna says.

Avalon opens Splits gift and it's a necklace, "This is in the book I read, power stone. So cool dude. It will double your power and tax you less."

Split sits up wearing the necklace. He feels power being poured into it. His Gemini symbol appears on the necklace and his ring disappears.

Scorpio smiles, "Your guardian is finally awake." He says.

Split smiles, "Cool. I am so tired." He closes his eyes dosing off.

Toya pecks Luna's cheek, "I should get going too. Keep the door closed. Colds getting worse."

Scorpio looks outside, "It will reach it's peak before the cold starts going down." He leaves as well.

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