
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 4

Everyone wakes up to the sound of banging against the bunker door.

The elderly have been coughing up black mucus.

Luna is working with Bella to make them feel better.

Jet gives Luna an air purifier, "Use your healing on this, they've been around since before these were invented, maybe that black stuff is all the toxins they breathed in, they might throw up in one go, don't you think?"

Luna nods and follows Jet's instruction.

The mist that's supposed to be white is blue. The uncontrollable urge to sleep again fills the room and everyone tries to fight it but one-by-one they sleep.

Colin is the first to wake up again, and throws up the same black Mucus the elderly were coughing up.

He takes a deep breath feeling better than he has in years.

The drowsy feeling returns and he falls asleep not resisting the healing anymore.


Colin wakes up to the elderly throwing up too.

Lily and Brandon are not here, as well as Jake and Jet.

"Where did the others go?" Colin asks his son Toya.

"Took the new healing air purifiers to the new home. They should be back by now, they've been gone 3 hours, are you alright?" Toya responds and asks his father the question surprised he's not throwing up like everyone else.

Colin smiles, "I'm tougher than that son. Let's hope they come rescue us, that gunk smells awful."

Toya laughs, "You can say that again, but mom has a whole purify the mall plan. I used Luna's wish power earlier, those toilet pallets that keep infected animals out of the drain, remember those?" He asks his father smiling.

Colin nods, "How could I forget, we moved here because rodents wouldn't be a problem, we ran out of them 3 years ago." He frowns tired of missing the old house they had, it was perfect.

Toya smiles, "I wished for that big 32 package. It's small for a mall but still impressive. Luna wished for two. I can't wait to move to a mall. It's always been mom's dream to move there "

Colin smiles, "Lily has been looking forward to this for years now. I wonder what she saw there."

"Probably a permanent home "