
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 49

Bella smiles at Angela who was brought by Kyle.

"2 months of Winter and I can finally breathe, the entire country is covered in snow. My fire wood would be useless if not the healing essence. People are complaining about the cold all over." Colin says talking from outside the door.

"I haven't rested this well in years. I feel like I'm dreaming when I wake up. Angela is here to see if she's pregnant. Pregnancy tests say no, but the symptoms are there." Kyle says.

Colin laughs, "That was the experience we had with Mira. Lily wasn't showing at all we decided to keep it between the two of us, until delivery day and we surprised everyone with a baby, she thought maybe it was because all her friends were pregnant so her body felt pregnant. We kept trying but the tests came out negative. It was a shock to all of us."

Kyle opens the door and Bella says she can feel a baby, "Can she stay here until she has the baby. It's mine."

Colin nods, "Honoured you trust us with that precious Cargo. We'll have her hangout with the teens, we have two newborns. She'll benefit from the experience."

"Abandoned babies?" Kyle asks giving him the heartbroken look.

Colin sighs, "Worse. Abandoned siblings. Wish I understand he's feeding us intel about the enemy via Avalon's eagle. He doesn't even need to send mail or anything like that. They'll be back in spring. During the heavy rainfall season they'll infiltrate camps asking for refuge. We'll warn people ASAP. They are preparing a fleet, they didn't get word back from their Red Liars, so they are preparing a bigger and more violent approach."

Kyle sighs, "She'll still be with child at that time. There's no place Safer than Murasaki right now."

Colin laughs completely aware of the kids new territory as well, "I want that to be true more than anything. We'll send word so these people are dealt with. Everyone has a camp now. No one is outside a camp. If anyone comes knocking at your door don't let them in."

Kyle nods, "I'll broadcast a similar message to the people. Hearing it more than once helps the word spread faster."

"Good. Bella can you take her to the kids hotel. I am going to rest. No more orders have been coming in. I sent Brandon and Kevin to talk to my wife so she writes the warning on paper. You spread the rumor. I'll have the information to validate your claims."

Kyle nods and kisses Angela goodbye.

Bella asks for a portal to the hotel, "We don't have news of any babies yet in our camp. Have any announcements come up at your camp?"

"Not announcements, but the, I think I'm pregnant line. No one tells me I just hear about it from Kyle. How's Julia?"

"Kevin keeps her under lock and key. I haven't seen her since the blizzard got stronger." Bella responds opening an empty room and setting Angela up. She calls Luna's phone and she comes running.

"Yes." She says wide awake.

"Angela will be staying here with us. She's pregnant. I need you to give her your most potent products. Have her help with Rue and Char." Bella says.

Luna smiles, "Come join us. We're having a girls night tonight." She takes Angela's hand and runs to the girls bathroom.

Everyone smiles when Luna is back early.

"Angela?" Rin gives her a hug.

"Hurry up, everyone strip naked and we enjoy the steam session." Sarah says starting the steam session.

The girls sit together naked and Angela falls asleep in her seat. She wakes up and the other girls are waking up as well.

"That was so good, my skin feels nice. My lungs feel amazing. Sarah your new steam is potent. What did you use?" Luna asks.

"Winter fruit with healing essence on a log of healing fire wood. Accidentally dropped it on the wood and the steam was a lot. We should do this daily, but I want to ask Chronos to leave us in the time vault because I want to use the golden fruit from now on." Sarah says picking up the fire wood. The fruit has completely evaporated.

Luna smiles telling everyone it would be healthy for Angela since she's pregnant and it was recommended she get the potent stuff.

"If we're going to fall asleep do we have to sleep on chairs? We're all sleeping who's catching who in their sleep?" Mira says.

"Alright we'll bring a dirty towel so we don't make too much laundry." Sarah says taking her log to her room.

Luna takes Angela to her room and Toya is sleeping while Lycan is watching the baby.

"Sleep well?" Lycan asks.

Luna nods, "She's here to get treated for a safe delivery. This Angela from Camp New Moon."

Lycan nods his head, "A pleasure to meet you. I have to go to bed. I hate the cold." He passes the baby on to Angela.

Luna sits with Angela happy to get help with the baby. Morning arrives and Luna eats her meal letting Angela figure out how to enjoy feeding the baby.

Charbel is next in line to get fed.

Luna suggested they just let her figure it out.

Angela feeds the kids at the same time feeding each one from their bowl one after the other.

She gets help with burping them and changing them.

They let her watch them.

She sings to them until they go to sleep and Mira jumps up and asks Chronos for a time vault in the bathroom.

"For what?" Chronos asks not in the mood.

"A healing steam session for mom. knocks you right out. She needs it."

"Why aren't we invited?" Lycan asks.

"We have to be completely naked. You guys can do it in your own shower. Rex can show you how. You can see it in the way he's glistening he sleeps in it." Mira says.

Everyone looks at him with suspicious looks.

"I was the lab rat. I like how I sleep in the time vault but wake up in the morning like normal. It's potent enough to knock Leo out. He likes it before bed. I definitely don't recommend doing it twice a day. Someone must watch the baby, we can do it at Lycans house." Rex says.

The guys agree to that.

Chronos walks to the ladies bathroom and Diane is in a towel. He covers his eyes looking away, "Sorry my lady."

Diane laughs, "Ooh, I'm so excited. I never got invited to the sauna. This should be fun."

Chronos just nods not wanting to rub her the wrong way, she's sweet but a psycho.

The girls enter in towels only laying their old camping bags on the floor. Chronos locks them in the time vault and joins the baby sitting crew.

The girls all sit down and the steam from the golden fruit knocks them out so fast.

Diane yawns repeatedly before finally falling asleep. Libra is already out like a light.


The boys sit in Luna's room watching the babies.

Sharon is already reading a book.

Lycan yawning none stop.

"You haven't been sleeping lately. You're less cranky these last days. Alpha's training that bad?" Sharon asks yawning too.

"I could ask you the same thing." Lycan responds.

"We should invite them to the post workout steam session. Clearly we need it." Chronos says.

Everyone looks at Rex who looks like he doesn't go training with Leo at all.

"What's it like?" Toya asks.

"Knocks you out so fast you better be sleeping when it's on or you'll hit your head hard. Wake up feeling like I can take on the world, training is so fun. You wake up with a mean hard on though." Rex says.

"Worse than the gummies?" Sharon asks.

"A thousand times worse." Rex says.

Sharon shakes his head, "Oh no."

"Forget it." Chronos says.

"We're having a joint training boys." Helia announces.

"Hey, you can't just decide that for everyone." Alpha says.

Ariel gulps, "On second thought. I'll take that power nap now. The girls will never know the baby's took a healing power nap."

"Is he that bad?" Jet wonders seeing Sharon read a book yawning.

"He's awful. No one can ever keep up with him. You need all your strength." Alpha says.

Rex sighs, "I don't think it's wise to do this twice a day."

"You can relax, if you cannot handle the healing it will come to me. I can handle it." Leo says.

Chronos locks everyone in the time vault. They strip into their underwear and sleep on their sponges. Helia lights the fire gently and violent steam instantly fills the room.

The boys instantly fall asleep. Leo too.


On the girls side Angela wakes up feeling nauseous.

She throws up in the toilet no longer feeling the pains in her abdomen. She sits down after drinking the healing water Luna brought in case anything goes wrong.

She falls asleep again.

Charlie wakes up feeling intense abdominal pain. She bites her lip almost reduced to tears from the pain. She falls asleep again after noticing Angela woke up and drank some water. She does the same and falls asleep.

The water is amplified by the steam and circulates blood with healing essence all over her body. Her ovaries drastically expand and no longer look like raisins.


The babies sleeping in the steam wake up. Rue's eyes change colour and she looks around her vision no longer blurry. She raises her feet and wiggles in her crib.

Helia wakes up and watches the two babies smiling. He holds Numa closer covering him in his tail.

Numa curls up into a ball.

Runa looks at the dragon and smiles.

Helia breathes on the sleeping babies and Runa goes back to sleep, but Charbel wakes up smiling.

Charbel sees the lion watching him sleep.

Aslan yawns shaking his head to resist the sleep.

Charbel laughs and slowly falls asleep.

Aslan falls asleep too.

Helia laughs at Aslan who invited himself. He lays down cuddling his baby boy


Colin portals to the hotel with Medallion and the others. He was with them to hear about the sky castles

"Where is everyone?" Colin asks.

"Time vault. I can smell it." Medallion says walking to his room.

"Alright. Tell them Bella wants to see Angela today."

"Of course."


The girls wake up and Angela and Charlie are still sleeping.

Luna grabs a bottle of water to drink.

The others do the same.

Diane swallows a whole bottle.

They all slowly fall asleep again.

The guys wake up first and take a bath before coming back and changing the babies.

"Ewe, Rue had the runs. I think she's better now though." Sharon says changing her. He decides a bath for her would be better. After he changes her she poops again. He gives her another bath and changes her.

Split copies Sharon and opts to bath Charbel instead.

They get started on cooking lunch.

Medallion enters and tells everyone Bella wants to see Angela.

Chronos stands up walking to the bathroom to tell them but they are still sleeping. He goes back to the kitchen, sits down, and reads a book, "Girl's are still sleeping. Found bottles of healing water on the floor. They woke up and fell asleep again." He says.

"I always drink a bottle first because I'll wake up to go pee and than fall asleep again. If you wake up it means something was wrong. I don't wake up until morning any more." Rex says.

Lycan who just finished a bottle sits on a chair and falls asleep again.

Sharon trying to get out of cooking drinks a whole bottle on purpose.

Chronos who caught Sharon's vibe does the same.

Everyone else misses the vibe and makes fun of the sleeping guys while they are cooking.

Split finally catches on when he's asked to chop the onions. He falls asleep on the floor.

Toya rolls his eyes cooking by himself while everyone else watches the babies.


The girls wake up at 8PM and eat something before taking Angela to Bella.

Bella checks on the baby and she smiles the uterus is no longer showing signs of a miscarriage, "Whatever you did I need it."

Sarah shares the secret and they go to the hotel reading in the living room in silence.

The boys return from training so exhausted they are grateful for the steam session now.

"I'm glad I was well rested before that."

"I'm throwing the fruit in the fire place from now on." Sharon says falling to his knees.

"Why are you boys tired? Were you training in the snow again?" Colin asks done restocking the hotel groceries.

The boys nod their heads.


Colin leaves and Lily offers him a bath. They bath together and she offers her husband healing water before she drinks some, while his back is turned Lily adds the fruit to the fireplace.

They fall asleep on the bed with the healing essence saturating the room.

The other women did the same thing after Bella told them Sarah's secret.

Julia sleeping next to her husband has black mist coming out of her body.

They sleep a solid 48 hours and wake up confused about the time.

"That's why they do it in the time vault." Colin says.

"Saved Kyle from getting bad news. The baby was not going to make it. I'm happy about it." Bella says.

Julia takes a deep breath, "I feel better than I have in years, tell them to call me from now on." She says.

Lily goes to the hotel and asks the girls to bring them to their next session.

"After breakfast. Bring something comfortable to sleep on." Mira says.

Lily tells the other women and after breakfast they join the girls.

Colin asks Chronos to come get them for the boys session.

During the day Colin works freely feeling like he's a spring chicken. He hasn't felt this good in days, he holds his stomach feeling it growl, he has been constipated for days now. A good dump would be highly appreciated.