
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 48

After eating Sarah and Charlie go to the park so Charlie's sister can play with the other kids and her baby brother gets some air.

"Are you and Rex together?" Charlie asks.

"No. We're just friends. Why?" Sarah asks.

"You sleep in the same room." Charlie says.

"That's because he sleeps in the time vault so we are rarely sleeping on the same bed. Would you like something to drink? I asked Colin for access into the shop and added a coffee maker. We can have hot chocolate with the kids after." Sarah says.

Charlie nods sitting down on the bench.

"What's your mom like Charlie?" Sarah asks.

Charlie chuckles, "I tell you my life you tell me what you think. So my mom and I always lived together in Camp Lana, I was born there and that camp was seriously terrible. My mom was one of the women who went looking for food, only the people without powers would go, when I was 10 they sent me out I think it was an attempt to get me lost or something I could tell I wasn't wanted there at an early age. I met Larva and I told him I was sent to look for food. He gave me a mask to wear and told me to always come to him when I need food, he was only a teen at that time. I spent about a month with him but he suddenly sent me away with food. I went back to the camp and never told them where I went since no one asked, everyone but my mom was curious, she asked strange questions like what did I do for so much food, who did I get it from? I said I did nothing for it.

"She volunteered me to go out again and there were Infected out side. I was sent without any protection so when I arrived at Larva's place I had to stay there another month until I got better. This time we stayed just the two of us in the house and waited until the Infected were gone. It took about 2 months, he was teaching me to read and to write to pass the time. I went back with a lot of food again. Everyone dismissed my efforts right after, no thank you and I ate last for being powerless. I was so upset I ran away. No one came looking for me. I waited outside for someone to come get me but no one did until Lana saw me with Larva and begged me on her hands and knees to come back. I waited to go back with something but Larva didn't give me anything.

"I went back home and my mom was upset I came back with nothing. She volunteered to go out, I think she met someone because she went out every day and came back with food for just me and her. One day she took me to the man she was going to see and we looked a lot alike. He was my real dad. My mom left me with him and I took him to Larva. We stayed together and my mom never came back for me, until Lana again begged me to come back. My dad said no, because he's not allowed inside so I stayed with the two men and they taught me how to take care of myself. My mom started sneaking out to hook up with my dad until my sister happened. Plenty of women leave the camp to hook up with guys, Lana doesn't care, she just doesn't want men in her place.

"My mom was super negligent that from a young age she made me take care of my baby sister. At 11 years old Larva and I had to parent a baby. It was fun and a disaster at the same time, but after 2 years together he did it again. Sent me to Lana's camp and so many women took care of my sister. They couldn't have children of their own so they took care of her. Like me it was fun until the age of 10. I'm 20 now so I have to go out for food and I would have to go with her. I always went to Larva and after 10 years raising Charlene I hadn't seen him in a while, at Camp Lana women are trained in the feminine Wiles to attract and seduce any man. We were to do anything necessary for food on the table, I only understand that what did I do for food question after I learned that.

"We wore corsets day in and out. Wore make up and learned how to walk like a lady sit like a lady, and oh, the best part, how to please a man to put food on the table." She says sarcastically.

Sarah takes her hand focussing on the kids for a moment and yelling at them for playing rough, "What happened after?"

"I stayed with Larva for a week and he fed us but wasn't willing to give us food. I knew as my punishment they would send Charlene out on her own, so I did what I was taught to do, pay for my food with my body. The first time I went home and cried myself to sleep, second time I just sucked it up, third time Larva gave me nothing. I stayed with him for almost a year until I fell in love with him and Charlene stayed with us, but that's when my mom dumped a baby on me immediately after birth. The curse not allowed at the Lana Camp. I had women willing to give me anything for the baby. Larva said no. We'd been raising Charlene as a baby Charbel didn't seem difficult.

"My mom never came to see us. Charbel was my father's son too. He took care of us. I had to keep my relationship with Larva secret so I accepted the house he had prepared for us. He didn't stop my dad from coming to visit, but he also had a camp of his own, Larva refused when we wanted to join my father's camp so I listened to him. I spent days begging my mom to come home to see the kids, she only came when she was hungry. We found out that Charlene had an ability, memory projection and she had accurate memories of when she was still a baby and Larva and I were the one's taking care of her. She called him her real dad.

Larva absolutely wanted nothing to bad to happen her, he was a d still is over protective, no one was allowed anywhere near us, we were under his protection. I was confused when he brought us to Murasaki, but he's allowed to come visit and sometimes he takes the kids to spend time with him. Soon after my mom found out we were here she asked to meet up and than took Charbel, she didn't even know his name because Larva named him, she gave him away the very day she gave birth to him.

"She kept calling him That Baby and Mine. She took them saying they would be back in the evening as usual but she never called. I ran to Colin worried about the kids and they were rescued instantly and I promised never to let my mother near them again. Larva spent the week here so upset. His sister played him too sending women there to seduce him, he was so angry he almost destroyed the Lana Camp. He told me he brought us here because if we were at the old camp we would have went back to live with Lana, It's no place to raise his children. So we're here. Lana left not so long ago he's saying we can come back, I'm not sure I want to leave. I feel so torn apart, the kids are safer here." Charlie says.

Sarah smiles, "Stay, in a few days You'll be able to be together. Travel to meet each other in peace. Don't tell anyone, but almost everyone has moved out of Stark, that's where the others went, to set up the new wall. Literally nobody else, but us, Royal, Moon, Black and Larva will be left here. Look, they are helping the last group move." She shows her the phone.

Charlie smiles, "No Infected, no enemies, sounds great to me." She says laughing. She notices Cinna, "What's the relationship between you and Cinna?" She asks.

"Just friends, why?"

"Because he's coming here and from your story he's really into you." Charlie says.

Split arrives with baby Rue, "Can you watch her and the Comms room for me, I'm needed to move faster. Infected are coming this way, and fast. Including the foreigners."

Sarah nods understanding what's at risk, "Hurry." She says and calls Charlene so they can watch the Comms room. She dismisses Cinna with a curt greeting and they quick walk with the strollers while Charlene runs behind them.

Brandon looks at the back up Split went to get, "Good, he called you. Welcome Charlie. You two keep an eye out and focus." He says picking up Charlene and asking if she wants to go see her dad today.


Leaflet sees the Infected coming headed by the red liars in black.

She builds a wall so the Infected go around it. They aren't intelligent enough to climb it yet. Leaflet hides deep underground.

Diane smiles, "Leaflet bought us time with a long wall, it's not too long, to make them think it's been there all along, at the current speed they are coming at. She bought us 10 minutes."

Rex and Toya make clones to move everyone faster.

"At this rate we'll make it, June, we need you on standby, where are you?" Sharon asks.

June is underground gathering the army, "This could take a while, consider me back up. Hold the line."

Sharon, Rin, Jet, Jake, Terra, Rex and Toya clones stand ready in front of the national river.

Split has to be careful yet fast, but these people have too many supplies.

The Infected after the predicted time come out and Sharon turns into a giant kicking them back.

Diane and Helia attack by breathing fire at them. Ariel and Leo stand behind the river.

Rin attacks haphazardly since she's the only long ranged fighter. Jet and Jake throw walls at the infected. The Toya and Rex clones attack with everything they have. Lycan is pissed off being held back to join the fight when June arrives.

Terra is attacking with a laser gun.

The foreigners controlling the infected are surprised by where all the fire is coming from. They hurry and retreat seeing the fire come their way.

June arrives with Aquarius who transforms into a mermaid. She takes a deep breath and everyone takes cover next to Lycan. She exhales a mighty flood so powerful all the Infected turn to dust.

The foreigners run in different ways but the water moves like it's alive chasing them.

Vanessa the blonde who can see people's powers by just looking at them and track their abilities is confused when she can't sense what's chasing her but can see it. She stops and turns around trusting her ability more than anything. She's swallowed by the water and drowns to death. When a person dies their body evaporates. Her friend sees what's happening and is distracted by Vanessa's death and is caught by a water wave.

The leader with a strong build attacks with a strong fire attack. Aquarius grabs him from behind and he evaporates the water. She smirks and let's him go only for a spear from one of the red liars to kill him.

The man with a spear is drowned to death as well leaving a young female screaming for her life.

"I surrender! Please! Stop!" The girl screams.

Aquarius takes her prisoner and everyone is confused when it's Samantha.

"You know this thing?" Lycan asks looking to kill something.

"She was at our camp and was kicked out. We need her alive. Charlene will take care of the rest." Dodge says.

"Or you could handle it." She gets a back of the head slap from her guardian Unity, she's a human shaped being, "Why do you not have the mind of confidence in yourself that your friends have in you." Unity adds angry.

"It slipped my mind I have powers." Dodge says rubbing the back of her head. She uses her threads to make her tell the plans of the red liars. They have others coming.


Split flops on the ground finally done.

Terra takes a deep breath shaking from terror.

Luna activates the new shield and comes back down.

"You are crazy powerful." Sharon says intrigued by Aquarius.

Libra, but everyone calls her Unity scoffs jealous no one is complementing her, "It's just a fish tail." She says upset.

Aquarius smiles and swims away.

June sighs, "Remind me to send her in alone next time. We have a bigger castle to build, I'm confident this is the last one. It gets to cover the entire Leviathan territory." He tells the Water Breather army.

The army looks at him like he's a ghost.

"All that for us?"

"Of course. I saw an old design by Talia. Her castle is perfect and equal among you." June says.

"Aquarius has always wanted to see that castle with her own two eyes, we can make it happen."

June sends them off and sighs in relief when they leave happy, "I'm glad they're not mad for preparing for nothing."

Lycan storms off angry he didn't get to fight, he gets the bright idea to attack the wall until he wears himself out.


June installs the last shield covering the largest castle thus far. Sharon gave Aquarius a ring and it turned to a crown.

Aquarius stares at the castle and is reduced to tears, "Why did I fail to protect her. She should see this. She should have built this. I wanted nothing else for her."

June looks down, "I'm so sorry. She was really amazing to you all."

Aquarius gives him a hug back to her old lady looking self again, "You have no idea how big this is. Look at the homes we now have. This is more than we could ever asked for. Thank you Alpha June." She bows to him.

"What?! She never bowed to Talia and she called her the greatest Alpha in history, what is he?"

"An Alpha that we must never fail. Aquarius will never lose another rare gem on our watch." Dura says.

June feels the birth mark on his thigh burn before he feels an immense amount of power, for every Water Breather there is, equals a plus one on his power level. The more of them the more powerful he becomes.


Luna feels strength filling her body. She can't shake it off.

"Time to go." Toya holds her from behind in the time vault.

"Toya left?! That jerk!" Mira says angry.

Toya kisses Luna's neck, "Come on. I have some thing for you." He takes Luna to his place and there's a romantic picnic set up, "We're in the time vault, so we can take our time without having to worry about Runa."

Luna smiles enjoying the romantic getaway and a well needed over 8 hours sleep. They go back home and it's only 8PM.

"Thanks you guys. Had to let her sleep in the time vault. A well deserved power nap. She never takes time to take care of herself." Toya says.

Charlie smiles pushing the suspicious thoughts out of her mind, "Those guys are real gentlemen. I've never met guys like them before." She says pissed off she always suspects everyone of being in relationship, "Guys don't need to be in love with you to take care of you. I've never heard of that, or seen it before until today."

"Larva wasn't in love with you when he helped you, You never saw it right in front of you." Sarah says.